[Asterisk-Users] CDR Output

asterisk at billheckel.com asterisk at billheckel.com
Tue Mar 4 12:27:04 MST 2003

Why would anyone use such a big axe for a small problem, a trigger to do simple math. Bah.

MySql is perfectly suitable for CDR logging on any practical phone system short of telco main office 

Karl Putland wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 11:57, Matthew S. Hill wrote:
>>I am pushing all the cdr info to a MySQL database on a separate machine. 
>>I have noticed that the duration times for all calls are recorded in 
>>seconds, by Asterisk. Is there a way to set the recorded call duration 
>>to a decimal representation of minutes? ie 90 sec = 1.5 min. My 
>>extraction process would be a little simpler if the data dumped into the 
>>database were minutes and not seconds.
> Write a trigger for on insert or a view that converts sec->min.  Oh wait
> your using MySQL.  Use PostgreSQL ;)

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