[Asterisk-Users] ADSI and SoftKeys

Armand A. Verstappen armand at nl.envida.net
Wed Jul 30 08:07:50 MST 2003

On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 16:40, John Congdon wrote:
> Has anyone solved the problem on the ADSI phones
> that when you hit one of the soft keys, the Number Pad
> stops working?

No, I haven't. Just confirming that I have the same problem here, using
the VoiceMail2 app. Do you experience this outside VoiceMail2 as well? 


Envida                     http://www.envida.net/
Armand A. Verstappen       Graadt van Roggenweg 328
armand at nl.envida.net       3531 AH Utrecht
tel: +31 (0)30 298 2255    Postbus 19127
fax: +31 (0)30 298 2111    3501 DC Utrecht
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