[Asterisk-Users] asterisk and modem

Michael Bielicki Michael.Bielicki at Global-Gateway.net
Mon Jul 14 08:04:25 MST 2003

Hi Armand,
second common project ?


On Monday 14 July 2003 15:27, Armand A. Verstappen wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 15:58, Angelo Sampietro wrote:
> > i have to do a demo with asterisk, unfortunately i don't have yet an
> > x100p card, so i need to use a 56k voice modem on my motherboard...
> > could someone tell me how i can configure asterisk to use this modem
> > to call?
> Forget about it. If you'd ever get it to work, you would demo something
> that is below acceptable standards. Rather demo voip-asterisk-voip
> without any PSTN functionality. Or, if you have an ISDN BRI, get an ISDN
> card and use that (chan_modem_i4l or chan_capi) depending on the ISDN
> card. Or, just delay the demo until after the X100P has arrived.
> wkr,

Michael Bielicki
Managing Director
TAAN Consultants Ltd


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