[Asterisk-Users] Motorola to use Linux

Brett Schwarz brett_schwarz at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 17 20:26:20 MST 2003

On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 17:46, jharragi at mw.k12.ny.us wrote:
> Here is something of interest (and a couple of questions for those 
> knowledgeable in cell phones).
> http://news.com.com/2100-1001-984424.html?tag=fd_ots
> Linux to power most Motorola phones - I wonder how long before gnophone 
> will run on these? Do any of you know how much hardware, fcc licencing... 
> is required to serve phones or if a low power cell (low enough where 
> fcc...would not be an issue) could be constructed to serve a workplace or 
> neighborhood.

Motorola is pushing Java heavily on their phones, so gnophone on the
cell phone seems very unlikely. Most likely the foot print would have to
be smaller to begin with.

But, why would you want to do VoIP over a cellular network, when you
already have voice? At least now, voice calls are quite a bit cheaper
than data calls on cell networks. 

"To serve phones" I take to mean to be an RF interface to the phone. You
really don't want to go there, since a base station alone costs alot of
money (then add all of the switching, data, network elements).

What is more promising and more realistic would be to have WiFi
networks, with PDAs using VoIP.

My $0.02,


Brett Schwarz
brett_schwarz AT yahoo.com

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