[Asterisk-Users] X100p always busy - update

Sean Garland sean at siskiyoutech.com
Tue Dec 30 13:59:47 MST 2003

Well, after bummin around thinking I had bad fxo cards, I finally
discovered that I was loosing two phones in my home when I had the cards
plugged in...  Turns out the jack I had plugged into, was wired for two
phones (line 1, green/red and line 2, yel/blk) and I also was using a 4
wire phone cord for the connection.  It turns out that the x100p cards
are wired in such a way internally that if you are running a 4 wire
phone cord to them, that you might short out between the two lines at
the jack (which worked separately with phones and computers) and get
funky results..... 

Moral of the story is to always use two wire phone cords with the x100p
fxo cards.  Problem solved, and I was able to continue my


Sean Garland
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