[Asterisk-Users] Re: Headless Linux system for Asterisk

Cees de Groot cg at tric.nl
Fri Dec 19 01:27:46 MST 2003

Dan <asterisk-users at lists.digium.com> said:
>Why to pay for a graphic card from the new generation if you don't need
Or you buy a decent A brand pizzabox, which has everything on-board. We
use IBM xSeries, which has everything you want built-in and comes with
management hardware so I can take over the console remotely with a
telnet session (including the whole boot sequence, power on/off,

Personally, I like to have a graphics card in my headless servers,
sometimes the easiest way to work with a box is to plug in a console and
monitor. In the datacenter, the xSeries 1U boxes are all looped together
with special cables and share a single KVM port (really nice); at home,
my headless servers are all connected to a cheapo Belkin KVM switch,
works great and saves a lot of hassle with disconnected keyboards,
serial console fiddling, etcetera.

Cees de Groot               http://www.tric.nl     <cg at tric.nl>
tric, the new way           helpdesk/ticketing software, VoIP/CTI, 
                            web applications, custom development

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