[Asterisk-Users] change voicemail.conf, how to make it work

Michael Graff Michael_Graff at isc.org
Wed Apr 30 22:26:32 MST 2003

Juha Heinanen <jh at lohi.eng.song.fi> writes:

> yes, i know and i have been writing code for another open source project
> ser, which does support sql and radius for configuration.  after that
> experience, it was sort of a disappointment to realize that asterisk is
> based on flat files.  unfortunately there are limits on how much time
> one person can put on open source projects and at the same time have a
> job to do.

Worse yet, voicemail.conf is rewritten by the voicemail application
when someone changes their password.

The first change I'd want to make is making the password in the conf
file be the initial password, and if it's changed it stores the change
in the user's voicemail directory.


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