[Asterisk-Users] new mgcp patch errors

julian green julian.green at jacobsrimell.com
Thu Apr 24 09:28:38 MST 2003

If we are expecting different banners for mgcpversion then I believe 
that it should be parameterised, but how do others determine that is the 
correct value for thier setup?   The only way I found that it was 'MGCP 
1.0 NCS 1.0' was by packet sniffing.

I have re-run the demo test with our mgcp phones here and can reprodce 
the no reset on hangup problem.   (Dialed 1235 for answer phone demo).   
The system is detecting the on-hook message as I get the following debug 
message on the console:

WARNING[7176]: File chan_mgcp.c, Line 1481 (handle_request): Off hook, 
but alreaedy have owner on aaln/2 at toshiba.bs3.jacobsrimell.com

Why does it say 'Off hook' when I hang up?  Shouldn't it be 'On hook'.

I can get packet dumps if required.


Karl Putland wrote:

>On Thu, 2003-04-24 at 04:56, julian green wrote:
>>I also have had some trouble with the mgcp module.  
>>To make it work with the phones we have here I had to tweek a line in 
>>chan_mgcp.c and add the string NCS 1.0 read to the protocol label:
>Is there a graceful way to handle this in a generic manner?
>Should we add a config option 
>mgcpversion = MGCP 1.0 NCS 1.0
>That defaults to "MGCP 1.0"
>>    snprintf(req->header[req->headers], sizeof(req->data) - req->len, 
>>"%s %d %s@%s MGCP 1.0 NCS 1.0\r\n", verb, oseq, p->name, p->parent->name);
>>That got things working, but when I run the voice mail demo, and I hang 
>>up the mgcp connection remains up until a ICMP timeout occurs.   Then 
>>the call resets.
>Do you see chan_mgcp observing "hu"?
>I need a little more information to diagnose the issue.

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