Hello list,<br><br>I have an issue with chan_ss7. My current configuration only support national calls or local calls; (I can switch changing the parameter noa from linkset). <br>Is there a way to work with both of them?<br>
<br>Here you are my configuration:<br><br><b>[linkset-siuc]</b><br>enabled => yes<br>enable_st => no<br>;use_connect => yes<br><b style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 51);">use_connect => no</b>; When use_connect = yes; There is no ringback in SS7 -> SIP<br>
hunting_policy => even_mru<br>context => ss7<br>language => da<br>t35 => 15000,timeout<br>subservice => auto<br>variant => ITU<br><b><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 51);">noa => 0x1</span></b>; (0x1 => for local calls and 0x2 for national calls)<br>
<br><b>[link-l1]</b><br>linkset => siuc<br>channels => 1-15,17-31<br>schannel => 16<br>firstcic => 1<br>enabled => yes<br>sltm => no<br><br><br><b>[host-mihost]</b><br>enabled => yes<br>opc => 0x391<br>
dpc => siuc:012<br>links => l1:1 ;span 1 of dahdi/system.conf<br>globaltitle => 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 114509090<br>ssn => 7<br><br>Best Regards<br><br clear="all">Raśl<br><br>