Hi,<br><br><br>This below config is from "libss7" but I need some tips on "chan_ss7" like this config.<br><br>------------------<br>;; SPAN-1<br>sigchan = 1<br>cicbeginswith = 2<br>channel = 2-15<br><br>
cicbeginswith = 16<br>channel = 17-31<br><br>;; SPAN-2<br>cicbeginswith = 31<br>channel = 32-46<br><br>cicbeginswith = 46<br>channel = 48-62<br>------------------<br><br>Is it possible to configure using "chan_ss7" with different timeslot to different CIC like <br>
timeslot/channel 17 will be CIC 16 or timeslot/channel 48 will be CIC 46 ?<br><br>Could anyone please give some tips/hints on this scenerio .<br><br><br>Best Regards,<br><br>//Tusar\\<br>