hello, all of users:<br>my system is FC7 and dual core CPUs. I have FC7 and install libss7, but i got the errors at first stage. i follow <strong>the info from CESNET:</strong><br>http://www.cesnet.cz/doc/techzpravy/2006/asterisk-ss7/,<br>1) install libss7 and libpri<br>2) install zaptel<br>3) install asterisk.<br>unfortunately, at first stage, the errors came out:<br>gcc -g -o ss7linktest ss7linktest.c libss7.a -lpthread<br>ss7linktest.c:13:27: error:zaptel/zaptel.h:no file<br>anyone has an idea for this? please give me a hint!<br>thanks!<br>zhu<br><br><br><p> 
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