[asterisk-ss7] libss7 cluster

Marcelo Pacheco marcelo at m2j.com.br
Sat Jun 29 14:56:23 CDT 2013

My basic STP solution allows for sharing signalling links across
multiple asterisks, but for now each needs its own OPC.
My largest need so far is 4 E1 for the same interconnect, and I can run
8E1 on a single box, so I'm for from actually needing to do it.
This solution respects the minimum GPL standards (customers get the
source), but I don't publish the source publicly.


Marcelo Pacheco
M2J Comunicações e Informática
Fixo: (27)2222-8118 / (27)2233-2296
Vivo: (27)9964-5440
Claro: (27)9312-5319
MSN: marcelo at macp.eti.br
E-mail: marcelo at m2j.com.br

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