[asterisk-ss7] SS7 End to End Network Connectivity...

Gopalakrishnan A.N saigop at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 09:10:09 CDT 2011

Hi users,

I want to know about end to end connectivity of SS7 network from the switch
side to customer premises equipment. For example in PRI in the exchange side
we have ASMI RAD modem and in customer premises we have one ASMI RAD modem.
In the same way I would like to know what kind of equipment we have in
customer premises and the line connectivity to asterisk server E1 card.

Can some one direct me on this. I tried googling, but I got like the
complete protocol stack or the SS7 layer architecture, not getting the
connectivity in customer premises side.

Thanks in advance.

Thank you  with regards,
Gopalakrishnan A.N.
VoIP call - sip:saigop at gtalk2voip.com
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