[asterisk-ss7] Asterisk not passing the hangup

Dovid B ast-ss7 at dovid.net
Wed Sep 1 05:40:59 CDT 2010


Call Scenario SIP -> Asterisk/SS7 -> PSTN.

When I make a call if the called party hangs up some times Asterisk passed it along. Other times Asterisk does not pass it and here is the output below. It seems that the issue is with the last 5 lines.



    -- Executing [00972546749800 at from-omega-switch:1] Set("SIP/omega-switch-00000a7f", "CALLERPRES()=allowed") in new stack
    -- Executing [00972546749800 at from-omega-switch:2] Progress("SIP/omega-switch-00000a7f", "") in new stack
    -- Executing [00972546749800 at from-omega-switch:3] GotoIf("SIP/omega-switch-00000a7f", "0?5:8") in new stack
    -- Goto (from-omega-switch,00972546749800,8)
    -- Executing [00972546749800 at from-omega-switch:8] Set("SIP/omega-switch-00000a7f", "CALLERID(num)=00099999913") in new stack
    -- Executing [00972546749800 at from-omega-switch:9] Goto("SIP/omega-switch-00000a7f", "00972546749800,20") in new stack
    -- Goto (from-omega-switch,00972546749800,20)
    -- Executing [00972546749800 at from-omega-switch:20] Dial("SIP/omega-switch-00000a7f", "DAHDI/g1/00972546749800") in new stack
    -- Called g1/00972546749800
[1] Len = 40 [ 86 b9 25 85 ba e4 91 31 03 00 01 00 60 01 0a 00 02 0c 0a 83 10 00 79 52 64 47 89 00 0f 0a 08 83 13 00 90 99 99 19 03 00 ]
[1] FSN: 57 FIB 1
[1] BSN: 6 BIB 1
[1] >[0] MSU
[1] [ 86 b9 25 ]
[1]     Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP (5)
[1]     [ 85 ]
[1]     OPC 1607 DPC 9402 SLS 3
[1]     [ ba e4 91 31 ]
[1]             CIC: 3
[1]             [ 03 00 ]
[1]             Message Type: IAM
[1]             [ 01 ]
[1]             --FIXED LENGTH PARMS[4]--
[1]             Nature of Connection Indicator:
[1]                     Satellites in connection: 0
[1]                     Continuity Check: Check not required (0)
[1]                     Outgoing half echo control device: not included (0)
[1]                     [ 00 ]
[1]             Forward Call Indicators:
[1]                     Nat/Intl Call Ind: call to be treated as a national call (0)
[1]                     End to End Method Ind: no end-to-end method(s) available (0)
[1]                     Interworking Ind: no interworking encountered (0)
[1]                     End to End Info Ind: no end-to-end information available (0)
[1]                     ISDN User Part Ind: ISDN user part used all the way (1)
[1]                     ISDN User Part Pref Ind: ISDN user part not preferred all the way (1)
[1]                     ISDN Access Ind: originating access ISDN (1)
[1]                     SCCP Method Ind: no indication (0)
[1]                     [ 60 01 ]
[1]             Calling Party's Category:
[1]                     Category: Ordinary calling subscriber (10)
[1]                     [ 0a ]
[1]             Transmission Medium Requirements:
[1]                     Speech (0)
[1]                     [ 00 ]
[1]             --VARIABLE LENGTH PARMS[1]--
[1]             Called Party Number:
[1]                     Nature of address: 3
[1]                     NI: 0
[1]                     Numbering plan: 1
[1]                     Address signals: 00972546749800#
[1]                     [ 0a 83 10 00 79 52 64 47 89 00 0f ]
[1]             --OPTIONAL PARMS--
[1]             Calling Party Number:
[1]                     Nature of address: 3
[1]                     NI: 0
[1]                     Numbering plan: 1
[1]                     Presentation: 0
[1]                     Screening: 3
[1]                     Address signals: 00099999913
[1]                     [ 0a 08 83 13 00 90 99 99 19 03 ]
[1] Len = 14 [ b9 87 0b 85 47 86 2e 39 03 00 06 16 00 00 ]
[1] FSN: 7 FIB 1
[1] BSN: 57 BIB 1
[1] <[0] MSU
[1] [ b9 87 0b ]
[1]     Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP (5)
[1]     [ 85 ]
[1]     OPC 9402 DPC 1607 SLS 3
[1]     [ 47 86 2e 39 ]
[1]             CIC: 3
[1]             [ 03 00 ]
[1]             Message Type: ACM
[1]             [ 06 ]
[1]             --FIXED LENGTH PARMS[1]--
[1]             Backward Call Indicator:
[1]                     Charge indicator: 2
[1]                     Called party's status indicator: 1
[1]                     Called party's category indicator: 1
[1]                     End to End method indicator: 0
[1]                     Interworking indicator: 0
[1]                     End to End information indicator: 0
[1]                     ISDN user part indicator: 0
[1]                     Holding indicator: 0
[1]                     ISDN access indicator: 0
[1]                     Echo control device indicator: 0
[1]                     SCCP method indicator: 0
[1]                     [ 16 00 ]
    -- DAHDI/3-1 is proceeding passing it to SIP/omega-switch-00000a7f
    -- DAHDI/3-1 is ringing
[1] Len = 12 [ b9 88 09 85 47 86 2e 39 03 00 09 00 ]
[1] FSN: 8 FIB 1
[1] BSN: 57 BIB 1
[1] <[0] MSU
[1] [ b9 88 09 ]
[1]     Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP (5)
[1]     [ 85 ]
[1]     OPC 9402 DPC 1607 SLS 3
[1]     [ 47 86 2e 39 ]
[1]             CIC: 3
[1]             [ 03 00 ]
[1]             Message Type: ANM
[1]             [ 09 ]
    -- DAHDI/3-1 answered SIP/omega-switch-00000a7f
[1] Len = 12 [ b9 89 09 85 47 86 2e 39 03 00 0d 01 ]
[1] FSN: 9 FIB 1
[1] BSN: 57 BIB 1
[1] <[0] MSU
[1] [ b9 89 09 ]
[1]     Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP (5)
[1]     [ 85 ]
[1]     OPC 9402 DPC 1607 SLS 3
[1]     [ 47 86 2e 39 ]
[1]             CIC: 3
[1]             [ 03 00 ]
[1]             Message Type: SUS
[1]             [ 0d ]
[1]             --FIXED LENGTH PARMS[1]--
[1]             Suspend/Resume Indicators:
[1]                     Network initiated (1)[1]                        [ 01 ]
[1]             --OPTIONAL PARMS--
[1]             Unknown Parameter (0x6d):
[1]                     [ f7 fc fc fc fc fc fc db bb 9f ]
[1] Unhandled optional parameter 0x6d 'Unknown'
[1] [[1] 0xf7 [1] 0xfc [1] 0xfc [1] 0xfc [1] 0xfc [1] 0xfc [1] 0xfc [1] 0xdb [1] 0xbb [1] 0x9f [1] ]
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