[asterisk-ss7] Asterisk SS7 Linkset Configurations

Attila Domjan adomjan at tvnet.hu
Tue Sep 15 03:08:45 CDT 2009

try move the sigchan line after the networkindicator line.

On Tue, 2009-09-15 at 13:28 +0530, Rajesh Mahajan wrote:
> Dear All
> We are using following Software/Hardware.
> 1.asterisk-
> 2.dahdi-linux-
> 3.dahdi-tools-2.2.0
> 4.libss7-1.0.2
> 5.wanpipe-3.5.6
> Hardware:
> Sangoma Technologies Corp. A104u Quad T1/E1 AFT
> Configurations:
> /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
> [channels]
> ;switchtype=euroisdn
> usecallerid=yes
> callwaiting=yes
> usecallingpres=yes
> callwaitingcallerid=yes
> threewaycalling=yes
> transfer=yes
> canpark=yes
> cancallforward=yes
> callreturn=yes
> echocancel=yes
> echocancelwhenbridged=yes
> group=1
> callgroup=1
> pickupgroup=1
> signalling = ss7
> ss7type = itu
> ss7_called_nai=dynamic
> ss7_calling_nai=dynamic
> networkindicator=international
> ; port 1
> linkset = 1
> group = 1
> signalling=ss7
> ss7type = itu
> context = default
> pointcode = 8002
> adjpointcode = 9146
> defaultdpc = 9146
> networkindicator = international
> cicbeginswith = 1
> channel => 1-15
> cicbeginswith = 17
> channel => 17-31
> sigchan = 16
> ;
> /etc/dahdi/system.conf
> loadzone=us
> defaultzone=us
> #Sangoma A104 port 1 [slot:1 bus:12 span:1] <wanpipe1>
> span=1,0,0,ccs,hdb3
> bchan=1-15,17-31
> #echocanceller=mg2,1-15,17-31
> #hardhdlc=16
> dchan=16
> On Asterisk it is showing ss7 stack is up :(
> 1. asterisk -rx "ss7 show linkset 1"
> No SS7 running on linkset 1
> 2.asterisk -rx  "dahdi show channels"
>    Chan Extension  Context         Language   MOH Interpret
> Blocked    State
>  pseudo            default                    default
>        In Service
> Pls suggest what's wrong in the configurations
> While it is coming up by
> ./ss7linktest 16 itu 8002 9146
> Starting link 1
> Link state change: IDLE -> NOTALIGNED
> Len = 4 [ ff ff 01 00 ]
> FSN: 127 FIB 1
> BSN: 127 BIB 1
> >[0] LSSU SIO
> Len = 4 [ ff ff 01 00 ]
> FSN: 127 FIB 1
> BSN: 127 BIB 1
> <[0] LSSU SIO
> Link state change: NOTALIGNED -> ALIGNED
> Len = 4 [ ff ff 01 02 ]
> FSN: 127 FIB 1
> BSN: 127 BIB 1
> >[0] LSSU SIE
> Len = 4 [ ff ff 01 02 ]
> FSN: 127 FIB 1
> BSN: 127 BIB 1
> <[0] LSSU SIE
> Link state change: ALIGNED -> PROVING
> T4 expired!
> Link state change: PROVING -> ALIGNEDREADY
> Len = 3 [ ff ff 00 ]
> FSN: 127 FIB 1
> BSN: 127 BIB 1
> >[0] FISU
> Len = 3 [ ff ff 00 ]
> FSN: 127 FIB 1
> BSN: 127 BIB 1
> <[0] FISU
> Link state change: ALIGNEDREADY -> INSERVICE
> [0] MTP2 link up
> Len = 9 [ ff 80 06 80 ba a3 d0 07 17 ]
> FSN: 0 FIB 1
> BSN: 127 BIB 1
> >[0] MSU
> [ ff 80 06 ]
>         Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: NET_MNG (0)
>         [ 80 ]
>         OPC 8002 DPC 9146 SLS 0
>         [ ba a3 d0 07 ]
>         H0: 7 H1: 1
>         Message type: TRA
>         [ 17 ]
> Len = 20 [ ff 81 11 81 ba a3 d0 07 11 a0 32 35 36 34 32 38 36 32 38 38 ]
> FSN: 1 FIB 1
> BSN: 127 BIB 1
> >[0] MSU
> [ ff 81 11 ]
>         Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: STD_TEST (1)
>         [ 81 ]
>         OPC 8002 DPC 9146 SLS 0
>         [ ba a3 d0 07 ]
>         H0: 1 H1: 1
>         [ 11 ]
> Len = 14 [ ff 80 0b 81 42 9f ee 08 11 40 01 02 03 04 ]
> FSN: 0 FIB 1
> BSN: 127 BIB 1
> <[0] MSU
> [ ff 80 0b ]
>         Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: STD_TEST (1)
>         [ 81 ]
>         OPC 9146 DPC 8002 SLS 0
>         [ 42 9f ee 08 ]
>         H0: 1 H1: 1
>         [ 11 ]
> Len = 14 [ 80 82 0b 81 ba a3 d0 07 21 40 01 02 03 04 ]
> FSN: 2 FIB 1
> BSN: 0 BIB 1
> >[0] MSU
> [ 80 82 0b ]
>         Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: STD_TEST (1)
>         [ 81 ]
>         OPC 8002 DPC 9146 SLS 0
>         [ ba a3 d0 07 ]
>         H0: 1 H1: 2
>         [ 21 ]
> [0] --- SS7 Up ---
> Len = 14 [ 80 83 0b 85 ba a3 d0 07 01 00 17 01 01 17 ]
> FSN: 3 FIB 1
> BSN: 0 BIB 1
> >[0] MSU
> [ 80 83 0b ]
>         Network Indicator: 2 Priority: 0 User Part: ISUP (5)
>         [ 85 ]
>         OPC 8002 DPC 9146 SLS 0
>         [ ba a3 d0 07 ]
>                 CIC: 1
>                 [ 01 00 ]
>                 Message Type: GRS
>                 [ 17 ]
>                 --VARIABLE LENGTH PARMS[1]--
>                 Range and status:
>                         Range: 23
>                         [ 01 17 ]
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