[asterisk-ss7] ansi clarification

Tom Chandler tchandle at eastex.net
Sat Jun 14 16:56:16 CDT 2008

After some testing, I am confused about how libss7 works in
an ANSI A-link setup

(all dummy point codes)


Switch A
pointcode    =     001-001-001
adjpointcode  =    248-001-001        (STP )
adjpointcode  =    248-001-002        (STP )
defaultdpc =    001-001-002

Switch B    
pointcode  =  001-001-002
adjpointcode (not defined)
defaultdpc = 001-001-001

My question is on linkset alignment, should the linkset use the adjpointcode to align
the links.  It appears that it is using the defaultdpc.  (That would be F-Link setup).
My linkset comes up and is aligned, and calls pass, which if a true A-Link setup, should
not happen......

I am confused that my links are aligning, and the 248 point codes do not exist.  If it is
a true A-link then the alignment should be to the adjointcodes ??

What am I missing or what is happening......

Thank You
Tom C.
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