[asterisk-ss7] chan_ss7 0.8.4 issues

Anton anton.vazir at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 03:03:03 MST 2006


There is a strange lines in chan_ss7 Makefile

        install -m 755 -d $(INSTALLPATH)
        install -m 644 chan_ss7.so $(INSTALLPATH)
        cd $(INSTALL_PREFIX) && rm -f $(COMPONENT) && ln -s $(COMPONENT)-$(VERSION) $(COMPONENT)
        cd $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/asterisk/usr/lib/asterisk/modules && ln -sf ../../../../../$(COMPONENT)/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/* .

The last line is wrong and make install results an error since there is no such directories like /asterisk.
secondly it does not install a chan_ss7.so file into /usr/lib/asterisk/modules for me - I've just copied it manually. 

Also can anyone explain for me why "install:" made in such way in 0.8.4 since we just need to copy chan_ss7.so into modules dir and nothing more?
so the line like was in 0.8.3 works perfect 

        install -m 644 chan_ss7.so $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/


PS: I'm installing that on Debian stable.

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