[asterisk-ss7] Clustering in chan_ss7 turned on by default

Kai Militzer km at westend.com
Mon Apr 10 06:55:27 MST 2006

Hello everyone,

after a long time searching why my asterisk listens on port 4321 I found 
  the culprit: chan_ss7.

After looking at the code it turned out that chan_ss7 listens on port 
4321 for clustering. That is not bad as it is, but if you don't use 
clustering it is not needed. In fact every port opened which is not 
needed is a security risc. Therefore I patched chan_ss7 to use a new 
config option in the host section.

So now clustering is only started if in host

cluster => yes

is set. In any other cases it is not started until you do so manually in 
the CLI. In the patch there are some other things changed, don't get 
confused by this.


Kai Militzer                 WESTEND GmbH  |  Internet-Business-Provider
Technik                      CISCO Systems Partner - Authorized Reseller
                              Lütticher Straße 10      Tel 0241/701333-14
km at westend.com               D-52064 Aachen              Fax 0241/911879

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