<div dir="ltr">So I have a Grammar file where I am trying to combine letters and numbers so that people can speak a model number of a MAC address of a network device into the phone.<br><br>Problem is 8 and A are commonly being mixed up, even with the speech tuner it doesnt seem to be too accurate, is there any way in the grammar file to further enhance a Letters recognition?<br>
<br>Here is a small example, btw for example you will see below I added "Ay" not sure if that even valid, but with or without I am getting the same accuracy issues.<br><br>$Digit = (ONE:"1" |<br>
TWO:"2" |<br> THREE:"3" |<br> FOUR:"4" |<br> FIVE:"5" |<br> SIX:"6" |<br> SEVEN:"7" |<br>
EIGHT:"8" |<br> NINE:"9" |<br> (ZERO | O):"0" );<br><br>$A = (A|Ay):"A";<br>$B = (B|bee):"B";<br>$C = (C|see):"C";<br>$D = (D|dee):"D";<br>
<br>$Y = (Yankee $GARBAGE| <br>Young|Why):"Y";<br><br>$Digits = {$=''} (($Digit|$A|$B|$C|$D|$Y){$+=$$})<1->;<br><br>Any help would be great<br><br>Fyi, I am working with Lumenvox Speech Engine<br></div>