[asterisk-speech-rec] LumenVox 8.5 Now Available

Stephen Keller StephenKeller at LumenVox.com
Tue Jul 8 14:05:28 CDT 2008

> Does 8.5 have feature/capabilities changes or is it strictly
> a packaging change?

There are some other changes as well; the major one is the ability to uninstall licenses and move them to another machine. Complete instructions are at: http://www.lumenvox.com/help/speechEngine/administration/licensing/uninstalling-license.htm

There aren't any core functionality changes or major enhancements to recognition quality (those are coming soon, though, with a major rewrite of our core recognizer in the works). This release was mainly to address the big questions we get regarding installation and licensing.

If you have everything installed and running happily, you may want to wait for 9.0 later this year to upgrade as it will contain significant recognition changes.


Stephen Keller
Project Manager
P: 1-877-977-0707 - just say, "Support"
P: +1-858-707-7700
F: +1-858-707-7072
support at LumenVox.com

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