[asterisk-speech-rec] LumenVox 8.5 Now Available

Stephen Keller StephenKeller at LumenVox.com
Tue Jul 8 13:39:51 CDT 2008

Just a quick note to let everyone know that LumenVox 8.5 is now available. This represents a pretty big change in our installation. Starting with version 8.5, LumenVox installs files into a number of different locations (older versions of the software installed everything into /opt/lumenvox/).

/etc/lumenvox/ contains configuration files and other non-executable files for the Engine. A file called lumenvox_settings.conf in this directory controls where the applications will place logs, look for acoustic models, etc. By default, the /etc/lumenvox/Lang/ directory contains grammars and the acoustic models that determine which languages the Engine will use when performing decodes.

/usr/bin/ contains the actual binary files for the Speech Engine and License Server.

/usr/include/ contains include files needed by the Engine client.

/usr/lib/ contains library files used across the LumenVox applications.

/usr/share/docs/lumenvox/ is the top-level folder for documentation.

/var/logs/lumenvox/ is where the applications place logs by default. The directory is created by the Core package.

/etc/init.d contains the lvsred and lvlicensed scripts that start the SRE Server and License Server daemons at system start-up.

Doing this has eliminated the need to use environment variables, so everyone should have much less trouble using LumenVox and the connector bridge with scripts like safe_asterisk.

We have also changed the package names and split the software into a few more packages, so be sure and read the installation instructions.

Please note that if you install the software, you will need to download the latest connector bridge, which is b22 from your account at http://www.lumenvox.com/customers/

Instructions on installation for Red Hat / Fedora Core with yum are at: http://www.lumenvox.com/help/speechEngineAsterisk/installation/installing-lumenvox-rpm.htm

Debian users can find apt instructions at: http://www.lumenvox.com/help/speechEngineAsterisk/installation/debian-installation.htm

Please let us know of any problems you find.


Stephen Keller
Project Manager
P: 1-877-977-0707 - just say, "Support"
P: +1-858-707-7700
F: +1-858-707-7072
support at LumenVox.com

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