[asterisk-scf-dev] CR-ASTSCF-70: Party identification classes and interface.

Crucible - All Open Reviews crucible at code.asterisk.org
Wed Mar 30 14:29:30 CDT 2011

Joshua Colp![AUTH][1], Kevin P. Fleming, Mark Michelson, Brent Eagles, Ken

This design is sorta based off of Asterisk, specifically the content within
the classes. Where it differs is that ISDN specific aspects have been put into
subclasses so components implementing party identification stuff can choose to
use that directly, subclass it, or even use the really basic classes.

What I'd like feedback on is the contents of the classes (whether stuff is
missing) and the interface itself. It's pretty simple and I **think** should
cover all the bases.

What is not in this review is all of the places that will naturally use this
stuff, that comes later.

**Under Review**

   [1]: https://code.asterisk.org/code/static/lho8pq/images/icn_author.gif

URL: https://code.asterisk.org/code/cru/CR-ASTSCF-70

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