[asterisk-scf-commits] asterisk-scf/integration/statereplicator.git branch "master" created.

Commits to the Asterisk SCF project code repositories asterisk-scf-commits at lists.digium.com
Tue Sep 21 19:41:40 CDT 2010

branch "master" has been created
        at  747d9ed0aa4f01ed06ee4b2d17d8a1311ac25cf9 (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 747d9ed0aa4f01ed06ee4b2d17d8a1311ac25cf9
Author: Ken Hunt <ken.hunt at digium.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 21 19:39:00 2010 -0500

    Initial implementation of StateReplicator template class and tests.

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69bf862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Asterisk Scalable Communications Framework
+# Copyright (C) 2010 -- Digium, Inc.
+# All rights reserved.
+# State Replicator build system
+if(NOT integrated_build STREQUAL "true")
+   # Minimum we require is 2.6
+   cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
+   # Include common Hydra build infrastructure. Make sure your submodules are pulled. 
+   include(cmake/AsteriskSCF.cmake)
+   # This project is C++ based and requires a minimum of 3.4 of Ice. 
+   hydra_project(SipChannelService 3.4 CXX)
+   # Pull in the slice definitions
+   #add_subdirectory(slice)
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..670ed86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Define the SIP Channel Service component
+hydra_component_init(StateReplicator CXX)
+hydra_component_add_file(StateReplicator StateReplicator.h)
+hydra_component_add_file(StateReplicator StateReplicator.cpp)
+hydra_component_install(StateReplicator RUNTIME lib "State Replicator" StateReplicator)
diff --git a/src/StateReplicator.cpp b/src/StateReplicator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc7f541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/StateReplicator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * Asterisk Scalable Communications Framework
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 -- Digium, Inc.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <IceUtil/UUID.h>
+#include "StateReplicator.h"
+namespace AsteriskSCF
+namespace StateReplication
+ /*
+ * This .cpp is a temporary solution to get a CMakeProject that consists only of header files. 
+ */
diff --git a/src/StateReplicator.h b/src/StateReplicator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0a2464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/StateReplicator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ * Asterisk Scalable Communications Framework
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 -- Digium, Inc.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <Ice/Ice.h>
+namespace AsteriskSCF
+namespace StateReplication
+ * Templatization of a state replicator.  
+ * NOTE: 
+ *  - The state item type is assumed to have a public field named "key" which is of type "k". 
+ *  - The listeners should be notified on a worker thread. 
+ */
+template<typename R, typename S, typename s, typename K, typename k, typename L>  
+class StateReplicator : public R
+// Types: R - Replicator, S - State Item Seq, s - state item, K - Key sequence, k - Key element type, L - Listener
+   /**
+    * Functor for forwarding setState() notices.
+    */
+   template<typename T, typename U> class SetStateNotice
+   {
+      // Types: T - Listener type, U - State Item seq.
+   public:
+      SetStateNotice(const U& stateSeq) : mStateSeq(stateSeq) {}
+      ~SetStateNotice() {}
+      void operator() (T x) {x->setStateNotice(mStateSeq);}
+      U mStateSeq;
+   };
+   /**
+    * Functor for forwarding removeState() notices.
+    */
+   template<typename T, typename V> class RemoveStateNotice
+   {
+      // Types: T - Listener type, V - Key Item seq.
+   public:
+      RemoveStateNotice(const V& keys) : mKeys(keys) {}
+      ~RemoveStateNotice() {}
+      void operator() (T x) {x->removeStateNotice(mKeys);}
+      V mKeys;
+   };
+   /** 
+    * Functor to use as find_if predicate. 
+    */
+   template<typename T> class IdentifyListener
+   {
+   public: 
+      IdentifyListener(const T& listener) : mListener(listener) {}
+      ~IdentifyListener() {}
+      bool operator() (T x) {return (x->ice_getIdentity() == mListener->ice_getIdentity());}
+      T mListener;
+   };
+   StateReplicator() {};
+   virtual ~StateReplicator() {};
+   void addListener(const L& listener, const Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current())
+   {
+      mListeners.push_back(listener);
+   }
+   void removeListener(const L& listener, const Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current())
+   {
+      std::vector<L>::iterator it = std::find_if(mListeners.begin(), mListeners.end(), IdentifyListener<L>(listener));
+      if (it != mListeners.end())
+      {
+         mListeners.erase(it);
+      }
+   }
+   void clearListeners()
+   {
+      mListeners.clear();
+   }
+   void clearState()
+   {
+      K allIds;
+      for(std::map<k, s>::const_iterator it = mStateItemMap.begin(); it != mStateItemMap.end(); ++it)
+      {
+         allIds.push_back(it->first);
+      }
+      for_each(mListeners.begin(), mListeners.end(), RemoveStateNotice<L,K>(allIds));
+      mStateItemMap.clear();
+   }
+   void setState(const S& items, const Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current())
+   {
+      for (S::const_iterator iter = items.begin();
+            iter != items.end(); ++iter)
+      {
+         std::map<k, s>::iterator mapItem = mStateItemMap.find((*iter)->key);
+         if (mapItem != mStateItemMap.end())
+         {
+            (*mapItem).second = (*iter);
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            mStateItemMap[(*iter)->key] = (*iter);
+         }
+      }
+      for_each( mListeners.begin(), mListeners.end(), SetStateNotice<L,S>(items) );
+   }
+   void removeState(const K& ids, const Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current())
+   {
+      for (K::const_iterator iter = ids.begin(); iter != ids.end(); ++iter)
+      {
+         mStateItemMap.erase(*iter);
+      }
+      for_each(mListeners.begin(), mListeners.end(), RemoveStateNotice<L,K>(ids));
+   }
+   S getState(const K& itemKeys, const Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current())
+   { 
+      S results;
+      for(K::const_iterator it = itemKeys.begin(); it != itemKeys.end(); ++it)
+      {
+         results.push_back(mStateItemMap[(*it)]);
+      }
+      return results;
+   }
+   S getAllState(const Ice::Current& = ::Ice::Current())
+   {
+      S results;
+      for(std::map<k, s>::const_iterator it = mStateItemMap.begin(); it != mStateItemMap.end(); ++it)
+      {
+         results.push_back(it->second);
+      }
+      return results;
+   }
+   int getListenerCount()
+   {
+      return mListeners.size();
+   }
+   std::vector<L> mListeners;
+   std::map<k, s > mStateItemMap;
diff --git a/test/CMakeLists.txt b/test/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c7b3bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Create State Replicator Test project.
+hydra_component_init(StateReplicatorTest CXX)
+hydra_component_add_slice(StateReplicatorTest StateReplicatorTestIf)
+hydra_component_add_file(StateReplicatorTest TestStateReplicator.cpp)
+hydra_component_add_file(StateReplicatorTest SharedTestData.h)
+hydra_component_add_file(StateReplicatorTest MockStateReplicatorListener.h)
+hydra_component_add_boost_libraries(StateReplicatorTest unit_test_framework)
+hydra_component_install(StateReplicatorTest RUNTIME bin "StateReplicatorTest Component Test Driver." Test)
diff --git a/test/MockStateReplicatorListener.h b/test/MockStateReplicatorListener.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abaaeb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/MockStateReplicatorListener.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * Asterisk Scalable Communications Framework
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 -- Digium, Inc.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <Ice/Ice.h>
+#include "StateReplicatorTestIf.h"
+namespace AsteriskSCF
+namespace StateReplicatorTest
+class MockStateReplicatorListenerImpl : public AsteriskSCF::StateReplicatorTest::V1::TestStateReplicatorListener
+   MockStateReplicatorListenerImpl() : mRemoveStateCalled(false), mSetStateCalled(true)
+   {
+   }
+    void removeStateNotice(const ::Ice::StringSeq& itemKeys, const ::Ice::Current& )
+    {
+       mItemKeys = itemKeys;
+       mRemoveStateCalled = true;
+    }
+    void setStateNotice(const ::AsteriskSCF::StateReplicatorTest::V1::TestStateItemSeq& items, const ::Ice::Current& )
+    {
+       mStateItems = items;
+       mSetStateCalled = true;
+    }
+     void reset()
+    {
+       mRemoveStateCalled = false;
+       mSetStateCalled = false;
+       mStateItems.clear();
+       mItemKeys.clear();
+    }
+   bool mRemoveStateCalled;
+   bool mSetStateCalled;
+   AsteriskSCF::StateReplicatorTest::V1::TestStateItemSeq mStateItems;
+   Ice::StringSeq mItemKeys;
+typedef ::IceInternal::ProxyHandle<MockStateReplicatorListenerImpl> MockStateReplicatorListenerImplPrx;
+typedef ::IceInternal::Handle<MockStateReplicatorListenerImpl> MockStateReplicatorListenerImplPtr;
+} // StateReplicatorTest
+} // AsteriskSCF
diff --git a/test/SharedTestData.h b/test/SharedTestData.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c7bf48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/SharedTestData.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * Asterisk Scalable Communications Framework
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 -- Digium, Inc.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <Ice/Ice.h>
+#include "StateReplicatorTestIf.h"
+#include "MockStateReplicatorListener.h"
+namespace AsteriskSCF
+namespace StateReplicatorTest
+ typedef AsteriskSCF::StateReplication::StateReplicator<AsteriskSCF::StateReplicatorTest::V1::TestStateReplicator, AsteriskSCF::StateReplicatorTest::V1::TestStateItemSeq, AsteriskSCF::StateReplicatorTest::V1::TestStateItemPtr, Ice::StringSeq, std::string, AsteriskSCF::StateReplicatorTest::V1::TestStateReplicatorListenerPrx> TestReplicatorImpl;
+ typedef IceUtil::Handle<TestReplicatorImpl> TestReplicatorImplPtr;
+ * Pseudo singleton for sharing data among test artifacts.
+ */
+class SharedTestData
+   static SharedTestData instance; 
+	// Communicator for outgoing stuff. 
+	Ice::CommunicatorPtr communicator_out;
+	// Communicator for incoming stuff. This is where we add the test servants.
+	Ice::CommunicatorPtr communicator_in;
+	Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter_in;
+	Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adapter_out;
+   TestReplicatorImplPtr mTestReplicatorImplPtr;
+   AsteriskSCF::StateReplicatorTest::V1::TestStateReplicatorPrx mTestStateReplicatorPrx;
+   MockStateReplicatorListenerImplPtr mMockStateListener1Ptr;
+   MockStateReplicatorListenerImplPtr mMockStateListener2Ptr;
+   AsteriskSCF::StateReplicatorTest::V1::TestStateReplicatorListenerPrx mTestStateListener1Prx;
+   AsteriskSCF::StateReplicatorTest::V1::TestStateReplicatorListenerPrx mTestStateListener2Prx;
+}; // StateReplicatorTest
+}; // AsteriskSCF
diff --git a/test/TestStateReplicator.cpp b/test/TestStateReplicator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4afdce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/TestStateReplicator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+ * Asterisk Scalable Communications Framework
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 -- Digium, Inc.
+ *
+ * All rights reserved.
+ */
+#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE StateReplicatorComponentTestSuite
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/debug.hpp>
+#include <Ice/Ice.h>
+#include "StateReplicatorTestIf.h"
+#include "StateReplicator.h"
+#include "SharedTestData.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace AsteriskSCF::StateReplicatorTest::V1;
+using namespace AsteriskSCF::StateReplicatorTest;
+using namespace AsteriskSCF::StateReplication;
+ * Instantiate our shared data.
+ */
+SharedTestData SharedTestData::instance;
+/* Cache the command line arguments so that Ice can be initialized within the global fixture. */
+struct ArgCacheType
+	int argc;
+	char **argv;
+static ArgCacheType mCachedArgs;
+ * A global fixture for Ice initialization.
+ * Provides setup/teardown for the entire set of tests.
+ */
+struct GlobalIceFixture
+	GlobalIceFixture()
+   {
+      BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Setting up State Replicator test fixture");
+      ::boost::debug::detect_memory_leaks(false);
+      ::boost::unit_test::unit_test_log.set_stream( std::cout );
+      int status = 0;
+      try
+      {
+         Ice::PropertiesPtr props = Ice::createProperties(mCachedArgs.argc, mCachedArgs.argv);
+         Ice::InitializationData initData;
+         initData.properties = props;
+         // NOTE: See the typedef at top of ShareTestData.h to see how the StateReplicator template is invoked. 
+         // Set up incoming adapter. This is where we'll publish our proxies.
+         SharedTestData::instance.communicator_in = Ice::initialize(initData);
+	      SharedTestData::instance.adapter_in = SharedTestData::instance.communicator_in->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("TestReplicatorAdapterIn", "default -p 10070");
+         string replicatorId("TestReplicator");
+         SharedTestData::instance.mTestReplicatorImplPtr = new TestReplicatorImpl();
+         SharedTestData::instance.adapter_in->add(SharedTestData::instance.mTestReplicatorImplPtr, SharedTestData::instance.communicator_in->stringToIdentity(replicatorId));
+         string listenerId1("Listener1");
+         SharedTestData::instance.mMockStateListener1Ptr = new MockStateReplicatorListenerImpl();
+         SharedTestData::instance.adapter_in->add(SharedTestData::instance.mMockStateListener1Ptr, SharedTestData::instance.communicator_in->stringToIdentity(listenerId1));
+         string listenerId2("Listener2");
+         SharedTestData::instance.mMockStateListener2Ptr = new MockStateReplicatorListenerImpl();
+         SharedTestData::instance.adapter_in->add(SharedTestData::instance.mMockStateListener2Ptr, SharedTestData::instance.communicator_in->stringToIdentity(listenerId2));
+         SharedTestData::instance.adapter_in->activate();
+         // Now that the adapter has been activated, get a local proxy to the replicator. 
+         Ice::ObjectPrx replicatorObjectPrx = SharedTestData::instance.adapter_in->createDirectProxy(SharedTestData::instance.communicator_in->stringToIdentity(replicatorId));
+         SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateReplicatorPrx = TestStateReplicatorPrx::checkedCast(replicatorObjectPrx);
+         Ice::ObjectPrx listener1ObjectPrx = SharedTestData::instance.adapter_in->createDirectProxy(SharedTestData::instance.communicator_in->stringToIdentity(listenerId1));
+         SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateListener1Prx = TestStateReplicatorListenerPrx::checkedCast(listener1ObjectPrx);
+         Ice::ObjectPrx listener2ObjectPrx = SharedTestData::instance.adapter_in->createDirectProxy(SharedTestData::instance.communicator_in->stringToIdentity(listenerId2));
+         SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateListener2Prx = TestStateReplicatorListenerPrx::checkedCast(listener2ObjectPrx);
+      }
+      catch (const Ice::Exception& ex)
+      {
+	      cerr << ex << endl;
+	      status = 1;
+      }
+      catch (const char* msg)
+      {
+	      cerr << msg << endl;
+	      status = 1;
+      }
+   } // end Fixture() constructor
+	~GlobalIceFixture()
+   {
+		BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Tearing down service discovery test fixture");
+		if (SharedTestData::instance.communicator_in) 
+      {
+			SharedTestData::instance.communicator_in->shutdown();
+			SharedTestData::instance.communicator_in = 0;
+		}
+		if (SharedTestData::instance.communicator_out) 
+      {
+			SharedTestData::instance.communicator_out->shutdown();
+			SharedTestData::instance.communicator_out = 0;
+		}
+		}
+    int mGlob;
+ * Implement our own main to intercept the command line args.
+ * (A default main() is provided if we hadn't set BOOST_TEST_NO_MAIN at the top of file.)
+ * NOTE: Pass in --log_level=message to see the debug print statements.
+ */
+int BOOST_TEST_CALL_DECL main( int argc, char* argv[] )
+	mCachedArgs.argc = argc;
+	mCachedArgs.argv = argv;
+	return ::boost::unit_test::unit_test_main( &init_unit_test, argc, argv );
+struct PerTestFixture
+   PerTestFixture() 
+   {
+	   try
+      {
+         SharedTestData::instance.mMockStateListener1Ptr->reset();
+         SharedTestData::instance.mMockStateListener2Ptr->reset();
+         SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateReplicatorPrx->addListener(SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateListener1Prx);
+         SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateReplicatorPrx->addListener(SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateListener2Prx);
+         mTestValues.clear();
+         TestStateItemFooPtr item1 = new TestStateItemFoo();
+         item1->key = "FooBabar";
+         item1->mFooCount = 12;
+         item1->mFooString = "Baileys";
+         mTestValues.push_back(item1);
+         TestStateItemBarPtr item2 = new TestStateItemBar();
+         item2->key = "BarMouse";
+         item2->mBarString = "Ringling";
+         mTestValues.push_back(item2);
+         TestStateItemFooPtr item3 = new TestStateItemFoo();
+         item3->key = "FooDumbo";
+         item3->mFooCount = 7;
+         item3->mFooString = "Barnum";
+         mTestValues.push_back(item3);
+      }
+      catch (...)
+      {
+         BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("PerTestFixture failed to initialize.");
+         SharedTestData::instance.mTestReplicatorImplPtr->clearListeners();
+         SharedTestData::instance.mTestReplicatorImplPtr->clearState();
+       }
+   }
+   ~PerTestFixture()
+   {
+	   try
+      {
+         SharedTestData::instance.mTestReplicatorImplPtr->clearListeners();
+         SharedTestData::instance.mTestReplicatorImplPtr->clearState();
+      }
+      catch (...)
+      {
+         BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("PerTestFixture failed in shutdown.");
+      }
+   }
+   TestStateItemSeq mTestValues;
+ * Test adding and removing a listener with the StateReplicator.
+ */
+   bool addListenerSucceeded(true);
+	try
+   {
+      SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateReplicatorPrx->addListener(SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateListener1Prx);
+      SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateReplicatorPrx->addListener(SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateListener2Prx);
+   }
+   catch (...)
+   {
+      addListenerSucceeded = false;
+      BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Exception adding Listeners.");
+   }
+	BOOST_CHECK(addListenerSucceeded);
+   BOOST_CHECK(SharedTestData::instance.mTestReplicatorImplPtr->getListenerCount() == 2);
+   bool removeListenerSucceeded(true);
+	try
+   {
+      SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateReplicatorPrx->removeListener(SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateListener1Prx);
+      SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateReplicatorPrx->removeListener(SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateListener2Prx);
+   }
+   catch (...)
+   {
+      removeListenerSucceeded = false;
+      BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Exception removing Listener.");
+   }
+	BOOST_CHECK(removeListenerSucceeded);
+   BOOST_CHECK(SharedTestData::instance.mTestReplicatorImplPtr->getListenerCount() == 0);
+   BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Completed AddRemoveListeners test.");
+ * Test forwarding the setState operation of the StateReplicator interface to listeners.
+ */
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(PushData, PerTestFixture)
+	try
+   {
+      SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateReplicatorPrx->setState(mTestValues);
+   }
+   catch(const IceUtil::Exception &ie)
+   {
+      bool IceException(false);
+      string msg = "Exception pushing state data.";
+      msg += ie.what();
+      BOOST_CHECK(IceException);
+   }
+   catch (...)
+   {
+      bool unknownException(false);
+      BOOST_CHECK(unknownException);
+   }
+   BOOST_CHECK(SharedTestData::instance.mMockStateListener1Ptr->mStateItems.size() == 3);
+   BOOST_CHECK(SharedTestData::instance.mMockStateListener2Ptr->mStateItems.size() == 3);
+   BOOST_CHECK(SharedTestData::instance.mMockStateListener1Ptr->mStateItems.front()->key == "FooBabar");
+   BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Completed PushData test.");
+ * Test forwarding the removeState message to listeners.
+ */
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(ForwardRemoveState, PerTestFixture)
+   TestStateItemSeq retrievedValues;
+	try
+   {
+      SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateReplicatorPrx->setState(mTestValues);
+      Ice::StringSeq keys;
+      keys.push_back("FooBabar");
+      keys.push_back("FooDumbo");
+      SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateReplicatorPrx->removeState(keys);
+   }
+   catch(const IceUtil::Exception &ie)
+   {
+      bool IceException(false);
+      string msg = "Exception removing state data.";
+      msg += ie.what();
+      BOOST_CHECK(IceException);
+   }
+   catch (...)
+   {
+      bool unknownException(false);
+      BOOST_CHECK(unknownException);
+   }
+   BOOST_CHECK(SharedTestData::instance.mMockStateListener1Ptr->mItemKeys.size() == 2);
+   BOOST_CHECK(SharedTestData::instance.mMockStateListener2Ptr->mItemKeys.size() == 2);
+   BOOST_CHECK(SharedTestData::instance.mMockStateListener1Ptr->mItemKeys.front() == "FooBabar");
+   BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Completed RemoveState test.");
+ * Test removing state. Also tests retrieving all the state. 
+ */
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(RemoveState, PerTestFixture)
+   TestStateItemSeq retrievedValues;
+	try
+   {
+      // Set the basic 3 items of state.
+      SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateReplicatorPrx->setState(mTestValues);
+      // Try removing two of them.
+      Ice::StringSeq keys;
+      keys.push_back("FooBabar");
+      keys.push_back("FooDumbo");
+      SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateReplicatorPrx->removeState(keys);
+      retrievedValues = SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateReplicatorPrx->getAllState();
+   }
+   catch(const IceUtil::Exception &ie)
+   {
+      bool IceException(false);
+      string msg = "Exception removing state data.";
+      msg += ie.what();
+      BOOST_CHECK(IceException);
+   }
+   catch (...)
+   {
+      bool unknownException(false);
+      BOOST_CHECK(unknownException);
+   }
+   BOOST_CHECK(retrievedValues.size() == 1);
+   BOOST_CHECK(retrievedValues.size() == 1);
+   BOOST_CHECK(retrievedValues.front()->key == "BarMouse");
+   BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Completed RemoveState test.");
+ * Test getting partial state based on keyed subset.
+ */
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(GetSomeState, PerTestFixture)
+   TestStateItemSeq retrievedValues;
+	try
+   {
+      SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateReplicatorPrx->setState(mTestValues);
+      Ice::StringSeq keys;
+      keys.push_back("FooBabar");
+      keys.push_back("FooDumbo");
+      retrievedValues = SharedTestData::instance.mTestStateReplicatorPrx->getState(keys);
+   }
+   catch(const IceUtil::Exception &ie)
+   {
+      bool IceException(false);
+      string msg = "Exception getting partial state data.";
+      msg += ie.what();
+      BOOST_CHECK(IceException);
+   }
+   catch (...)
+   {
+      bool unknownException(false);
+      BOOST_CHECK(unknownException);
+   }
+   BOOST_CHECK(retrievedValues.size() == 2);
+   BOOST_CHECK(retrievedValues.size() == 2);
+   BOOST_CHECK(retrievedValues.front()->key == "FooBabar");
+   BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Completed GetSomeState test.");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testslice/CMakeLists.txt b/testslice/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec356d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testslice/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Compile State Replicator Test Component's slice
+hydra_compile_slice(StateReplicatorTestIf.ice lib "State Replicator Test Slice Types" Test)
diff --git a/testslice/StateReplicatorTestIf.ice b/testslice/StateReplicatorTestIf.ice
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b2a758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testslice/StateReplicatorTestIf.ice
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <Ice/BuiltinSequences.ice>
+module AsteriskSCF
+module StateReplicatorTest
+module V1
+   class TestStateItem
+   {
+      string key;
+   };
+   sequence<TestStateItem> TestStateItemSeq;
+   interface TestStateReplicatorListener
+   {
+      void removeStateNotice(Ice::StringSeq itemKeys);
+	  void setStateNotice(TestStateItemSeq items);
+   };
+   interface TestStateReplicator
+   {
+      void addListener(TestStateReplicatorListener *listener);
+	  idempotent void removeListener(TestStateReplicatorListener *listener);
+	  void setState (TestStateItemSeq items);
+	  idempotent void removeState(Ice::StringSeq items);
+	  TestStateItemSeq getState(Ice::StringSeq itemKeys);
+	  TestStateItemSeq getAllState();
+   };
+   class TestStateItemFoo extends TestStateItem
+   {
+      string mFooString;
+	  bool mIsFoo;
+	  int mFooCount;
+   };
+   class TestStateItemBar extends TestStateItem
+   {
+      string mBarString;
+   };
+}; //module V1
+}; //module SIP
+}; //module Asterisk SCF



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