[asterisk-r2] Fwd: Delay - Outgoing calls

Moises Silva moises.silva at gmail.com
Fri May 27 11:16:24 CDT 2016

On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 1:39 PM, Aleks Honma <aleks.honma at gmail.com> wrote:

> Moises you probably already know that, but man you rock!
> Timer is gone and I get connected 3s earlier, so from 8s in my test we
> have gone done to 5s.

Good :)

> Now the issue seems that it is taking way too much time between sending
> out digits for ANI and DNIS. On my test above I was dialing just 5 digits
> (10315) that that is why it was taking 8s. For regular phone number where I
> dial 021ZZ XXXX-XXXX it takes about 15 seconds or more.
> Is there any option to tweak this ?

It may be a similar issue. Can I see the Asterisk debug log for this? or
the openr2 protocol trace?
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