[asterisk-r2] Problemas de instalación de Asterisk 1.8 con Astribank de Xorcom

Gustavo Cremella gcremella at gmail.com
Thu Sep 12 12:30:05 CDT 2013


Por lo que leí del estándar venezolano de R2, los bits af y bf en estado
libre serían 10, seize=00 y seize_ack=11, por lo que en el
/etc/dahdi/system.conf quizá debas probar de ponerlos en 1001 y no en 1101.
Pero eso es dependiente de la implementación del operador de telefonía. No
olvides hacer el reinicio de los módulos de dahdi.


Gustavo Cremella

2013/9/12 Beatriz Belmar <beab2001 at hotmail.com>

> Buenos días, ****
> Estoy tratando de configurar el Astribank – Multi PRI modelo XR0111 de
> Xorcom sin éxito. ****
> Las librerías que estoy utilizando con sus respectivas versiones son las
> siguientes:****
> -          Asterisk  / certified-asterisk-1.8.15****
> -          Dahdi / 2.7****
> -          Iksemel / 1.4****
> -          Libical / 0.44****
> -          Libpri / 1.4.14****
> -          Openr2 / 1.3.3****
> -          CentOS  / 6.4
> -          Kernel /  2.6.32-358.14.1.el6.x86_64
> Cuando ejecuto el comando dahdi_tool puedo observar que si se está
> efectuando la llamada pero no se concreta (0001 – 1101). La llamada llega a
> la operadora telefónica pero me indican que los dígitos no están llegando,
> solo pueden ver la ocupación del canal.
> La configuración que tengo en los archivos es la siguiente:
> -          */etc/dahdi/system.conf:*
> ** **
> # Span 1: XBUS-00/XPD-00 "Xorcom XPD [usb:X1047071].1: E1" (MASTER) HDB3/
> ClockSource****
> span=1,1,0,cas,hdb3
> cas=1-15:1101
> cas=17-31:1101
> bchan=16
> ** **
> -          */etc/dahdi/xpp.conf*
> ** **
> # /etc/dahdi/xpp.conf****
> #****
> # This file is used to configure the operation****
> # of init_card_* initialization scripts.****
> #****
> # pri_protocol: is an XPP PRI device E1 (default) or T1?****
> #pri_protocol   E1****
> #****
> # Alternatively you can set this on a port by port basis if you have a
> strange****
> # setup where some of the ports are E1 and some are T1. These specific****
> # settings will override the default set above.****
> #pri_protocol/XBUS-00/XPD-00    E1
> #pri_protocol/connector:usb-0000:00:1d.7-2/XPD-00       E1
> #pri_protocol/label:usb:X1047072/XPD-00 E1
> ** **
> # International settings for the XPP FXO module. This is similar to the***
> *
> # 'opermode' kernel module of wctdm and wctdm24xxp . The default value****
> # is 'FCC' (US settings).****
> #****
> # The valid settings can be shown by running the init_card_2_30 script with
> ****
> # the '-L' option. For example:****
> # /usr/share/dahdi/init_card_2_30 -L****
> #****
> #opermode       VE****
> # Set this to enable debug mode for the scripts:****
> #debug          1****
> #****
> # Skip the long calibration of the FXS modules. This saves time, but****
> # makes the units consume much more power and hence highly unreocmmended**
> **
> # and unsupported.
> #fxs_skip_calib 1
> ** **
> -          */etc/dahdi/modules*
> ** **
> # Xorcom Astribank Devices
> xpp_usb
> ** **
> -          */etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf*
> ** **
> [channels]
> ** **
> #include dahdi-channels.conf
> ** **
> -          */etc/asterisk/ dahdi-channels.conf*
> signalling=mfcr2****
> mfcr2_variant=ve****
> mfcr2_get_ani_first=no****
> mfcr2_max_ani=10****
> mfcr2_max_dnis=4****
> mfcr2_category=national_subscriber****
> mfcr2_mfback_timeout=-1****
> mfcr2_metering_pulse_timeout=-1 ****
> mfcr2_logdir=log****
> mfcr2_logging=all ****
> context=from-pstn****
> group=1****
> restrictcid=yes****
> hidecallerid=yes****
> channel => 1-15****
> channel => 17-31****
> -          */etc/asterisk/extension.conf*
> [movistar]
> ** **
> exten => _XXXXXXX.,1,Dial(DAHDI/g1/${EXTEN})
> same => n,Hangup
> El debug de R2 al realizar la llamada me devuelve lo siguiente:
> [09:37:15:157] [Thread: 140261339698944] [Chan 1] - Call started at Thu
> Sep 12 09:37:15 2013 on chan 1 [openr2 version 1.3.3, revision (release)]*
> ***
> [09:37:15:157] [Thread: 140261339698944] [Chan 1] - Outgoing call
> proceeding: ANI=(restricted), DNIS=9077333, Category=National Subscriber**
> **
> [09:37:15:157] [Thread: 140261339698944] [Chan 1] - CAS Tx >> [SEIZE] 0x00
> ****
> [09:37:15:157] [Thread: 140261339698944] [Chan 1] - CAS Raw Tx >> 0x01****
> [09:37:15:157] [Thread: 140261339698944] [Chan 1] - scheduled timer id 2
> (r2_seize)****
> [09:37:15:187] [Thread: 140261339698944] [Chan 1] - Bits changed from 0x08
> to 0x0C****
> [09:37:15:188] [Thread: 140261339698944] [Chan 1] - CAS Rx << [SEIZE ACK]
> 0x0C****
> [09:37:15:188] [Thread: 140261339698944] [Chan 1] - Attempting to cancel
> timer timer 2****
> [09:37:15:188] [Thread: 140261339698944] [Chan 1] - timer id 2 found,
> cancelling it now****
> [09:37:15:188] [Thread: 140261339698944] [Chan 1] - MFC/R2 call
> acknowledge!****
> [09:37:15:188] [Thread: 140261339698944] [Chan 1] - Sending DNIS digit 9**
> **
> [09:37:15:188] [Thread: 140261339698944] [Chan 1] - MF Tx >> 9 [ON]****
> [09:37:32:880] [Thread: 140261339698944] [Chan 1] - Attempting to cancel
> timer timer 0****
> [09:37:32:880] [Thread: 140261339698944] [Chan 1] - Cannot cancel timer 0*
> ***
> [09:37:32:880] [Thread: 140261339698944] [Chan 1] - CAS Tx >> [CLEAR
> FORWARD] 0x08****
> [09:37:32:880] [Thread: 140261339698944] [Chan 1] - CAS Raw Tx >> 0x09****
> [09:37:32:911] [Thread: 140262761285376] [Chan 1] - Bits changed from 0x0C
> to 0x08****
> [09:37:32:911] [Thread: 140262761285376] [Chan 1] - CAS Rx << [IDLE] 0x08*
> ***
> [09:37:32:911] [Thread: 140262761285376] [Chan 1] - Call ended****
> [09:37:32:911] [Thread: 140262761285376] [Chan 1] - Attempting to cancel
> timer timer 0****
> [09:37:32:911] [Thread: 140262761285376] [Chan 1] - Cannot cancel timer 0*
> ***
> Quisiera su ayuda  a saber que otra configuración me hace falta para que
> el Astribank funcione de manera correcta.
> Esta misma configuración la aplique en un Asterisk con las mismas
> características pero con una tarjeta de E1 marca Digium y funciono
> correctamente.
> Muchas gracias.
> Saludos,
> Beatriz Belmar
> bbelmar at wtfe.com
> --
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