[asterisk-r2] Problema con MFCR2 - Venezuela - CANTV

Luis Humberto Felice luish.felice at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 15:20:15 CST 2011


Tengo algunos problemas tratando de establecer llamadas salientes con MFCR2 en Venezuela con CANTV.

El E1 entrante funciona perfecto, pero el saliente regresa el error: Seize Timeout

Aquí tienen el resultado de r2test:

root at svr-cdd-voip01:/usr/src/openr2-1.3.2/doc# r2test -c /usr/src/openr2-1.3.2/doc/r2test.conf
found category = NATIONAL_SUBSCRIBER
found Log Level = all
found option callfiles=no
found R2 variant = ve
found MAX ANI= 10
found MAX DNIS= 4
found option Get ANI First = no
found option Use DAHDI MF = no
found option MF threshold = 0
found option MF backward timeout = -1
found option meteringpulsetimeout=-1
found option collectcalls=no
found option chargecalls=yes
found option doubleanswer=no
found option immediateaccept=yes
found option skipcategory=no
found option 'audiofile=intro-openr2-es.alaw'
found DNID = 04122890962
found CID = 010
found channel range = 121-121
Spawned 0 listener threads, waiting for them to be ready ...
Spawned 1 calling threads, waiting for all threads ... 
[32:55:883][CAS TRACE] Channel 121 -- CAS Tx >> [IDLE] 0x08
[32:55:883][CAS TRACE] Channel 121 -- CAS Raw Tx >> 0x09
[32:55:883][DEBUG] Channel 121 -- Bits changed from 0x00 to 0x08
[32:55:883][CAS TRACE] Channel 121 -- CAS Rx << [IDLE] 0x08
USER: far end unblocked on chan 121
USER: making call on chan 121. DNID = 04122890962, CID = 010, CPC = National Subscriber
[32:55:883][DEBUG] Channel 121 -- Requested to make call (ANI=010, DNIS=04122890962, category=National Subscriber)
[32:55:883][DEBUG] Channel 121 -- Outgoing call proceeding: ANI=010, DNIS=04122890962, Category=National Subscriber
[32:55:883][CAS TRACE] Channel 121 -- CAS Tx >> [SEIZE] 0x00
[32:55:883][CAS TRACE] Channel 121 -- CAS Raw Tx >> 0x01
[33:03:883][DEBUG] Channel 121 -- calling timer 2 (r2_seize) callback
[33:03:883][WARNING] Channel 121 -- Seize Timeout Expired!
[33:03:883][ERROR] Channel 121 -- Protocol error. Reason = Seize Timeout, R2 State = Seize Transmitted, MF state = MF Engine Off, MF Group = Forward MF init, CAS = 0x08
DNIS = 04122890962, ANI = 010, MF = 0x20
[33:03:883][CAS TRACE] Channel 121 -- CAS Tx >> [IDLE] 0x08
[33:03:883][CAS TRACE] Channel 121 -- CAS Raw Tx >> 0x09
USER: protocol error on chan 121, quitting …

Muchas gracias de antemano.

Luis Felice

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