[asterisk-r2] Changing MFC/R2 Variables in chan_dahdi.conf

Chris Twombly ctwombly at gmail.com
Wed Jul 27 17:37:55 CDT 2011

Hello all,

I'm new to libopenr2 and I'm currently having a problem where changes made
to the variable mfcr2_max_dnis inside chan_dahdi.conf are not taking effect.
 The length of the DNIS that I would like Asterisk to receive for an
incoming call from the PSTN is 7 digits.  I specify the value
mfcr2_max_dnis=7 within chan_dahdi.conf and then restart Asterisk, but this
is unsuccessful.  The problem is the default value of 4 is used for
mfcr2_max_dnis so Asterisk stops receiving DNIS once it hits the 4th digit.
 I have been able to get around this by modifying the dialing plan, but I
wanted to know where in code this variable is declared so that I could try
to modify it there?  Anyone else had issues with this?

As a second question, I defined the context within chan_dahdi.conf to
originally be [incoming], but Asterisk kept looking for context [users],
which I did not have defined.  Again, it seems like the context variable was
not taking effect either so I was also able to get around this by making an
extension called [users] within extensions.conf which worked.  I also set
the context variable to users just to be consistent.  Any thoughts on why
this is happening?  Just to make it known, my reset procedure for asterisk
is as follows:

 >core stop gracefully
 #asterisk stop
 asterisk -rTvvvv

I am using Asterisk 1.6.2 with libopenr2 1.3.1 and the current DAHDI drivers
(can't recall the number off the top of my head) with a Digium TE420 4 Span
E1 card.  I appreciate any help and send my thanks in advance!  Below you
will find my basic configurations:

### Span 4: TE4/0/4 "T4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 4"
;;; Span 4: TE4/0/3 "T4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 4"


;call logging parameters


;test incoming r2 (temporary extension here)
exten => _888X,1,NoOp(Call Type : Incoming CAS-MFC/R2 from PSTN)
exten => _888X,n,Dial(SIP/1000)

Chris Twombly
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