[asterisk-r2] Disconected Calls

Ricardo Martins ricardo.martins.br at gmail.com
Thu Sep 16 14:59:33 CDT 2010

I'm having a tricky problem here in my company, several times a day
connections are being disconnected all at once. The logs show:
Ler foneticamente

[Sep 16 16:47:50] ERROR[18826] chan_dahdi.c: Chan 5 - Protocol error. Reason
= Invalid CAS, R2 State = Clear Back Transmitted, MF state = MF Engine Off,
MF Group = Backward Group B, CAS = 0x04
DNIS = 2000, ANI = 3137492749, MF = 0x20
[Sep 16 16:47:50] ERROR[18826] chan_dahdi.c: MFC/R2 protocol error on chan
5: Invalid CAS
[Sep 16 16:47:50] ERROR[18826] chan_dahdi.c: Chan 10 - Protocol error.
Reason = Invalid CAS, R2 State = Clear Back Transmitted, MF state = MF
Engine Off, MF Group = Backward Group B, CAS = 0x04
DNIS = 2049, ANI = 4830631000, MF = 0x20
[Sep 16 16:47:50] ERROR[18826] chan_dahdi.c: MFC/R2 protocol error on chan
10: Invalid CAS

Please Help!
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