[asterisk-r2] E1 alarming with outgoing calls

Anton Krall antonkrall at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 12:47:14 CDT 2010

A friend has a problem with his new E1, he is asking me to take alook at it
but so far I cannot find where the problem lies... The main issue is that
whenever he tries to do an outgoing call, the E1 will go into red alarm for
a few seconds and then reset itself and everything is fine until the next
outbound call. The call logs show this:

[11:41:58:008] [Thread: 3072461728] [Chan 31] - Call started at Thu Mar 25
11:41:58 2010 on chan 31
[11:41:58:009] [Thread: 3072461728] [Chan 31] - CAS Tx >> [SEIZE] 0x00
[11:41:58:009] [Thread: 3072461728] [Chan 31] - CAS Raw Tx >> 0x01
[11:41:59:649] [Thread: 3072461728] [Chan 31] - Bits changed from 0x08 to
[11:41:59:649] [Thread: 3072461728] [Chan 31] - CAS Rx << [SEIZE ACK] 0x0C
[11:41:59:649] [Thread: 3072461728] [Chan 31] - Attempting to cancel timer
timer 2
[11:41:59:649] [Thread: 3072461728] [Chan 31] - timer id 2 found, cancelling
it now
[11:41:59:649] [Thread: 3072461728] [Chan 31] - Sending DNIS digit 3
[11:41:59:649] [Thread: 3072461728] [Chan 31] - MF Tx >> 3 [ON]
[11:41:59:928] [Thread: 3072461728] [Chan 31] - Attempting to cancel timer
timer 0
[11:41:59:928] [Thread: 3072461728] [Chan 31] - Cannot cancel timer 0
[11:41:59:928] [Thread: 3072461728] [Chan 31] - CAS Tx >> [CLEAR FORWARD]
[11:41:59:928] [Thread: 3072461728] [Chan 31] - CAS Raw Tx >> 0x09
[11:42:06:647] [Thread: 3081186208] [Chan 31] - Alarm Cleared
[11:42:06:663] [Thread: 3081186208] [Chan 31] - Bits changed from 0x0C to
[11:42:06:663] [Thread: 3081186208] [Chan 31] - CAS Rx << [IDLE] 0x08
[11:42:06:663] [Thread: 3081186208] [Chan 31] - Call ended
[11:42:06:663] [Thread: 3081186208] [Chan 31] - Attempting to cancel timer
timer 0
[11:42:06:663] [Thread: 3081186208] [Chan 31] - Cannot cancel timer 0

After sending the first DNIS digit... We send out a clear forwrd ? And then
the alarm goes off.... Ive never seen this happen before... Anybody seen
this on an E1?

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