[asterisk-r2] Invalid Multi Frequency Tone

Vinícius Fontes vinicius at canall.com.br
Mon Mar 8 09:32:39 CST 2010

Hello list.

Having some issues with OpenR2 on a customer. I get a lot of messages like that on CLI:

[Mar  8 12:22:18] ERROR[2351]: chan_dahdi.c:1606 dahdi_r2_write_log: Chan 2 - Protocol error. Reason = Invalid Multi Frequency Tone, R2 State = Seize ACK Received, MF state = DNIS Digit Transmitted, MF Group = Forward Group I, CAS = 0x0C

Here's my chan_dahdi.conf: http://pastebin.com/G8tHJgLk and here's a call log: http://pastebin.com/8feGRWms. The number I tried to dial was 21047051.


Vinícius Fontes
Gerente de Segurança da Informação
Canall Tecnologia em Comunicações
Passo Fundo - RS - Brasil
+55 54 2104-7000

Information Security Manager
Canall Tecnologia em Comunicações
Passo Fundo - RS - Brazil
+55 54 2104-7000

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