[asterisk-r2] chan_dahdi.so

Pablo Bernasconi bernasconi.pablo at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 13:42:40 CDT 2009


I have a new inconvenient, if someone can help me, great!

I ´ve installed Libpri 1.4.10, Dahdi linux 2.2.0 (as said in the openR2
pdf), Dahdi tools 2.2.0 (as said in the openR2 pdf), OpenR2 1.1.0 (as said
in the openR2 pdf), Asterisk patched with
openr2-asterisk- (as said in the openR2 pdf, with autoconf 2.60
and no errors) and Asterisk addons
I had no errors while installing.


*[root at isb247 asterisk-]# ldd channels/chan_dahdi.so | grep openr2
ldd: channels/chan_dahdi.so: No existe el fichero o el directorio*

[root at isb247 asterisk-]# ldd channels/chan_dahdi.
chan_dahdi.c   chan_dahdi.eo  chan_dahdi.o

chan_dahdi.so doesn´t exist, I have watched in other computer with Asterisk in production with chan unicall and working fine, and it doesnt
exist either. I have searched in the mailing list, and something similar
happened some time ago
http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-r2/2009-March/000542.html, I try,
but the make menuselect options of dahdi where all selected, and the make
menuselect / channels options where all selected too.

[root at isb247 asterisk-]# ls /usr/lib/libopenr2.
libopenr2.a         libopenr2.la        libopenr2.so
libopenr2.so.1      libopenr2.so.1.0.1

[root at isb247 asterisk-]# service dahdi start
Loading DAHDI hardware modules:
  wct4xxp:                                                 [  OK  ]
  wcte12xp:                                                [  OK  ]
  wct1xxp:                                                 [  OK  ]
  wcte11xp:                                                [  OK  ]
  wctdm24xxp:                                              [  OK  ]
  wcfxo:                                                   [  OK  ]
  wctdm:                                                   [  OK  ]
  wcb4xxp:                                                 [  OK  ]
  wctc4xxp:                                                [  OK  ]
  xpp_usb:                                                 [  OK  ]

Running dahdi_cfg:                                         [  OK  ]

isb247*CLI> dahdi show version
DAHDI Version: 2.2.0 Echo Canceller: MG2

isb247*CLI> mfcr2 show version
OpenR2 version: 1.1.0, revision: exportado

In the asterisk cli I have the command mfcr2, but chan_dahdi.so doesn ´t
even exist.
Do I have correctly installed LibOpenR2??? I suppose not, but what did I
make wrong?

Thank you very much!!
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