[asterisk-r2] mfcr2 doesnt show any channels

Gomespereira gomespereira at startel.pt
Wed Jun 24 11:37:48 CDT 2009

ok, but Im getting this error when I start asterisk:
"asterisk: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/chan_dahdi.so: 
undefined symbol: openr2_context_set_skip_category_request"

I googled and i found this post:
"mfcr2-1.4 just works with release-1 SVN branch, not with openr2
releases, you should use the patches in google code or use the SVN
openr2 branch release-1, check SVN in google code for details."

Where can I find this "openr2release-1 SVN branch" ?

Joao Pereira

Moises Silva escreveu:
>     ;if I uncoment this line asterisk doesnt start
>     ;channel => 1-15,17-31
> And if you comment that line Asterisk does not know which channels to 
> use and you don't see any channels when executing "mfcr2 show channels", 
> what do you think we should do?
> -- 
> Moises Silva
> Software Developer
> Sangoma Technologies Inc. | 50 McIntosh Drive, Suite 120, Markham ON L3R 
> 9T3 Canada
> t. 1 905 474 1990 x 128 | e. moy at sangoma.com <mailto:moy at sangoma.com>

StarTel - A Rede Livre
Joao Gomes Pereira
+351 304500650
sip: gomespereira at startel.pt

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