[Asterisk-i18n] Fwd: revision of 'say' Re: [asterisk-dev] bugs a plenty - discuss....

Olle E Johansson oej at edvina.net
Fri Mar 10 12:55:59 MST 2006

This was recently sent to the asterisk-dev mailing list, but really  
everyone interested in internationalization of Asterisk.


Vidarebefordrat brev:

> Från: Luigi Rizzo <rizzo at icir.org>
> Datum: fredag 10 mar 2006 19.30.33 GMT+01:00
> Till: asterisk-dev at lists.digium.com
> Ämne: revision of 'say' Re: [asterisk-dev] bugs a plenty - discuss....
> Svara till: Asterisk Developers Mailing List <asterisk- 
> dev at lists.digium.com>
> posting here but maybe should go to -users as well because
> people might help from there as well.
> this is a call to all non-english speakers to
> help designing the config files for the text-based
> "say" implementation.
> What we basically need is a set of rules that map
> numbers, dates and times in the individual components.
> These rules are written in a way that is similar to
> dialplan entries - each rule will have on the left
> side a pattern to match some numbers/dates/times, and
> on the right side a sequence of components that should be
> spelled out.
> As an example, i am attaching a simple configuration for
> english and italian numbers, and enumerations.
> If you have a look at the comments, perhaps you can
> come out with a description for your language,
> and point out exceptions that you don't know how
> to represent with this scheme (so we need to find
> a solution or enrich the scheme to support your
> requirement).
> Keep in mind that in the end, in asterisk pronouncing
> a number or a date or a time means mapping it into
> a sequence of files that must be played out and contain
> the components of the number.
> Your feedback required. If someone feels like posting
> this to -user, please do so.
> Feedback to me or to the list, as you like
> And if you want to try the code that implements this
> stuff, it is in my branch team/rizzo/base, with the
> configuration file in configs/say.conf.sample
> (to be copied into say.conf), and the actions can
> be triggered by dialplan lines of the kind
> 	exten => _X.,1,PlayBack(${EXTEN}|say)	; for numbers
> 	exten => _X.,1,PlayBack(date|say)	; for dates
> remember, you have to fill say.conf with your patterns.
> 	cheers
> 	luigi
> ----------------------------------------------------
> The configuration for each language is in a section
> named with the language in the file say.conf.
> Take the case for english numbers, we have the following:
> - the section name is
> 	[en]
>   (for italian it would have been [it] )
> - leading zeros are not significant, so we skip them and
>   pronounce the remaining part. The corresponding rule is
>         _0. => say:${SAY:1}
>   where the left matches a 0 digit followed by 1 or more components,
>   and the right side is just a recursive invocation of 'say' with an
>   argument which is the string (in a variable named SAY)minus the
>   first character (ordinary asterisk variable syntax)
> - single-digit numbers are prononced as they are, so the rule is
>         _X => digits/${SAY}
>   where the pattern on the left matches any single digit (including 0)
>   and the right side is a filename
> - two-digit numbers between 10 and 19 are pronounced as a single  
> word, so
>         _1X => digits/${SAY}
>   same as above, the left pattern matches those numbers, the right  
> hand
>   side maps to a filename
> - also multiples of 10 are a single word, so we have a similar rule
>         _[2-9]0 =>  digits/${SAY}
> - other two-digit numbers are two words e,g, 83 is 80 followed by 3,
>   and the rule is the following:
>         _[2-9][1-9] =>  digits/${SAY:0:1}0, say:${SAY:1}
>   here as you see the right hand side has two parts, a file name and
>   a recursive invocation. I could have written an equivalent rule
>         _[2-9][1-9] =>  digits/${SAY:0:1}0, digits/${SAY:1:1}
> - three-digit numbers are made of three words, as follows
>         _XXX => say:${SAY:0:1}, digits/hundred, say:${SAY:1}
>   or equivalently
>         _XXX => digits/${SAY:0:1}, digits/hundred, say:${SAY:1}
>   Note that in writing this rule we rely on the fact that asterisk
>   has a 'shortest pattern match' algorithm - ie a number such as
>   053 would also match _0. pattern, which is shorter thus gets  
> selected.
>   If we don't rely on that, we should write the pattern as
>         _0XX => digits/hundred, say:${SAY:1}
>         _[1-9]XX => say:${SAY:0:1}, digits/hundred, say:${SAY:1}
> - and so on for thousands and millions...
>         _XXXX => say:${SAY:0:1}, digits/thousand, say:${SAY:1}
>         _XXXXX => say:${SAY:0:2}, digits/thousand, say:${SAY:2}
>         _XXXXXX => say:${SAY:0:3}, digits/thousand, say:${SAY:3}
>         _XXXXXXX => say:${SAY:0:1}, digits/million, say:${SAY:1}
>         _XXXXXXXX => say:${SAY:0:2}, digits/million, say:${SAY:2}
>         _XXXXXXXXX => say:${SAY:0:3}, digits/million, say:${SAY:3}
>         _XXXXXXXXXX => say:${SAY:0:1}, digits/billion, say:${SAY:1}
>         _XXXXXXXXXXX => say:${SAY:0:2}, digits/billion, say:${SAY:2}
>         _XXXXXXXXXXXX => say:${SAY:0:3}, digits/billion, say:${SAY:3}
> Enumerations are identified by a special prefix string 'enum' but  
> other
> than that the same reasoning applies: we select the pattern on the
> left, and play (directly or recursively) its components, which can
> be plain numbers or enumerations. So the rules start with
>         ; enumeration
>         ; single digit
>         _enum:X => digits/h-${SAY}
>         ; eleventh..nineteenth
>         _enum:1X => digits/h-${SAY}
>         ; twentyeth, thirtyeth...
>         _enum:[2-9]0 => digits/h-${SAY}
>         ; twenty first, twenty second... ninety ninth
>         _enum:[2-9][1-9] => say:${SAY:0:1}0, digits/h-${SAY:1}
>         ; X hundred twenty fifth ...
>         _enum:[1-9]XX => say:${SAY:0:1}, digits/hundred, say:enum:$ 
> {SAY:1}
> For dates and times, we have special prefixes.
> say_date or say_time translates in the pattern 'date' or 'time',
> and its components (day, day of week, minutes...) in the right hand
> side can be identified by %x where x is a character from strftime
> (e.g. %Y means 'the full year number). This parameter then matches
> rules with the prefix _c: (e.g. _Y:. for the year) and at this point
> the variable SAY contains a number which can be used to build a
> file name or pronounce a number. As an example the syntax for date
> in italian order (day, month, year) is
>         ; any date is prononuced as day month year
>         _date => say:%d, say:%m, say:%Y
>         ; any day irrespective of the value is pronounced as a number
>         _d:. => say:${SAY}
>         ; in fact if we are picky, the first of the month is an  
> ordinal
>         ; so the rule should be
>         _d:1 => digits/h-1
>         _d:[2-9] => digits/${SAY}
>         _d:[1-3][0-9] => digits/${SAY:0:1}, digits/${SAY:1:1}
>         ; then the month is just the month's name
>         _m:. => digits/mon-${SAY}
>         ; and the year is just a number
>         _Y:. => say:${SAY}
>         ; whereas in english it would be something like
>         _Y:1[1-9]XX => say:${SAY:0:2}, digits/hundred, say:${SAY:2:2}
>         _Y:20XX => say:2000, say:${SAY:2:2}
> etc.
> Hope you get the idea.
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* Olle E Johansson - oej at edvina.net
* Cell phone +46 70 593 68 51, Office +46 8 96 40 20, Sweden

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