[asterisk-gui] Active Development?

Noah Miller noahisaacmiller at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 09:14:37 CST 2010

>> The Asterisk-GUI is currently
>> unmaintained.
> Too bad.
> i like ast-gui!!...

I think the biggest issue is that Asterisk-GUI really only had one
function for Digium - to give a GUI to the Asterisk Appliance.  Since
that appliance was "technically-challenged" (the one I maintain still
spontaneously reboots once every two weeks) and a commercial failure,
there is no longer any commercial reason for Digium to maintain

I'd love to be able to take over the project and fix all the remaining
bugs, but unless somebody can pay me to do that, I'd never be able to
commit to it.  It sure would be nice to get rid of that iframe!

- Noah

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