[asterisk-gui] Problems with the default install

Luar Roji cyberplant-asterisk at roji.net
Tue Sep 11 23:48:43 CDT 2007

Brandon Kruse wrote:
> the fd == -1 in astman_append is a problem, please report this to bugs.digium.com and I will comment on it.
> As far as the Saving and Parsing, it IS saving, its fine.
> What happends is, the GUI saves the config file, and then reloads it into the page
> It IS saving

First, thanks for your answer!

Second, I asked that cause I checked the asterisk sources and in the
line 1476 of main/config.c I see:
                if (!option_debug)
                        ast_verb(2, "Saved\n");

But I never got this "Saved" message!

BTW, I make changes in the GUI and I don't see them active.. this is why
I thought my changes weren't saved.

A specifical test-case was the checkbox for alphanumerical peer id's. I
check it, I press save and it says "changes saved", but when I go again
to the same config menu it's unchecked, and if I try to create a peer
with characters it tells me that I can't.

Other one, I add a new service provider and when I go again to the list
it says "A Service Provider is not defined".

It must be something I did wrong, but I can't realize what.. I'm using
svn asterisk and asterisk-gui, and using the sample configs provided
with them.

The server is a debian, and I'm viewing the GUI with Opera and FireFox.

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