[asterisk-gui] Re: pari: branch aadk r513 - in /branches/aadk: ./ config/

Brandon Kruse bkruse at digium.com
Wed Mar 28 13:15:18 MST 2007


Everyone knows you can run everything from lighthttpd also.

Good luck fitting a whole nothing web server onto a small
embedded platform. Not to mention porting it for that matter.

If your running a solo, high flow REAL computer, not a small
platform embedded envirnment, i agree with you.

Asterisk has a webserver, its not ment to scale/compete like/with apache
whatsoever. That is not what is was made for.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tzafrir Cohen" <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>
To: asterisk-gui at lists.digium.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 3:06:28 PM (GMT-0600) America/Chicago
Subject: Re: [asterisk-gui] Re: pari: branch aadk r513 - in /branches/aadk: ./ config/

On Thu, Mar 29, 2007 at 12:13:36AM +0700, Dome Charoenyost wrote:
> root is ok because it's embeded.

No. Root is not OK. Why should Asterisk be serving static files anyway?
It does a bad job at this. You don't even have decent access and error

So the next set would be to set 'enablestatic=no' 

Let's use the bad-old apache to handle everything. Apache has a
well-known mod_proxy. It has su_exec, it has directory listing (when you
enable it) and decent logging facilities. So we'll let it server static 
content and proxy the manager content.

boomtime, a.k.a. tzafrir_laptop's laptop. Debian Etch with some 
experimental asterisk packages (1.4.2, and asterisk-gui).

1. apt-get install lighttpd

2. configure the manager access properly:

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; /etc/asterisk/manager.conf:
enabled = yes
webenabled = yes
port = 5038
;bindaddr =

secret = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
; Authorization for various classes
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; /etc/asterisk/http.conf:

; Are those necessary?

3. Restart asterisk Check

Sanity check: 

and you should get:

  Response: Error
  Message: Authentication failed

This means that the manager is listening on port 8088 .

On to configure apache.

In Debian the data dir is /usr/share/asterisk, and is separate from the
varlibdir . The datadir contains files that should be read-only. If
you're into building a small system, keeping this separation may be a
good idea, as it allows you to keep the bulk of the Asterisk files on a
read-only media or at least know that it should not be changed.

The static-http files sit under /usr/share/asterisk/static-http .

4. Install apache:
# Install the package:
apt-get install apache2
# enable some module (debian-specific script)
a2enmod  proxy_http rewrite
/etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload

Check that apache2 is installed:


should redirect you to:


which says just:

  It works!

5. Now let's redirect /asterisk/manager* from port 8088

###################### /etc/apache2/conf.d/asterisk
###################### (take 1)
ProxyPass        /asterisk/rawman http://localhost:8088/asterisk/rawman 
ProxyPassReverse /asterisk/rawman http://localhost:8088/asterisk/rawman

<LocationMatch /asterisk/rawman*>
  Allow from all

Now let's try again to "login" to the manager. This time, through apache:


6. Let's add in the static files:

###################### /etc/apache2/conf.d/asterisk
###################### (full version)
ProxyPass        /asterisk/rawman http://localhost:8088/asterisk/rawman 
ProxyPassReverse /asterisk/rawman http://localhost:8088/asterisk/rawman

<LocationMatch /asterisk/rawman*>
  Allow from all

Alias /asterisk/static /usr/share/asterisk/static-http 
<Directory /usr/share/asterisk/static-http> 
  Options indexes 

               Tzafrir Cohen       
icq#16849755                    jabber:tzafrir at jabber.org
+972-50-7952406           mailto:tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com       
http://www.xorcom.com  iax:guest at local.xorcom.com/tzafrir
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