[asterisk-gui] Question about extension names

Luar Roji cyberplant-asterisk at roji.net
Wed Nov 15 22:35:20 MST 2006

Hi! I'm using asterisk for some months and I think it's great!

A couple of days ago I noticed the GUI and decided to give it a
try. Then I realized it needs asterisk 1.4 so I thought I can try it too. 

Well, I downloaded everything and you've done a GREAT job! The new asterisk
GUI is incredible!

BUT... (there's always a but :).. I've a question:

My dialplan is far from being the best.. Thinking about what will be easier
for the users I decided to assign number dialing to direct-to-pstn, so
everybody can dial as there was no PBX and it works fine. (Ex: if you dial
1234 asterisk routes it to an FXO directly to PSTN and dials 1234)

The problem is that how do I give the users access to VoIP "world"?
(including asterisk voicemail, etc)? Well, using a "#" before the number. 

I know that's not recommended BUT it works! :)

For example: I dial ##00 for voicemail.. #3 1234 for dialing 1234 to PSTN 
from another location, etc.

Said all this, the point is.. With the new GUI I can't enter extensions that
has # or *.. I can modify the source for myself, but I want to ask if it was
that way for something in particular..

Luar Roji

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