[asterisk-gui] HTTP Redirect Option

Russell Bryant russell at digium.com
Sat Dec 23 00:06:56 MST 2006

Hey everyone,

I'm really excited about this gui project, and I've been trying to help a little bit in the ways that I can.  One thing that I came across when playing with it is that I got tired of typing out this long URL to get to the gui:


So, I added a new option to http.conf in Asterisk to allow you to redirect one path to another.  For example, in my http.conf, I have:

; Syntax is redirect=<from here>=<to there>

Now, I can just go to http://localhost:8088 and I am brought directly to the gui main page.  The HTTP server just sends a "302 Moved Temporarily" message to accomplish this.

I haven't actually posted this code anywhere yet, but I wanted to go ahead and ask about it on this list to see what others thought about it.  Do you think this is a good idea?  Do you foresee any problems with this approach?


Russell Bryant
Software Engineer
Digium, Inc.

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