rbrindley: branch 2.0 r4891 - /branches/2.0/config/date.html

SVN commits to the Asterisk-GUI project asterisk-gui-commits at lists.digium.com
Mon Jun 22 16:34:00 CDT 2009

Author: rbrindley
Date: Mon Jun 22 16:33:57 2009
New Revision: 4891

URL: http://svn.asterisk.org/svn-view/asterisk-gui?view=rev&rev=4891

- Added the following to the Date & Time page
	- <html>, <head>, <title>, and "Content-Type" <meta>
- moved js to the bottom


Modified: branches/2.0/config/date.html
URL: http://svn.asterisk.org/svn-view/asterisk-gui/branches/2.0/config/date.html?view=diff&rev=4891&r1=4890&r2=4891
--- branches/2.0/config/date.html (original)
+++ branches/2.0/config/date.html Mon Jun 22 16:33:57 2009
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C/DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
  * Asterisk-GUI	- an Asterisk configuration interface
@@ -19,154 +20,158 @@
-<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
-<script src="js/astman.js"></script>
-<script src="js/jquery.tooltip.js"></script>
-<script src="js/jquery.date_input.js"></script>
-<link href="stylesheets/schwing.css" media="all" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" />
-<style type="text/css">
+	<title>Update Date & Time</title>
+	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" />
+	<link href="stylesheets/schwing.css" media="all" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" />
+	<style type="text/css"></style>
+	<div class="iframeTitleBar"> Update Date & Time <span style="cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;" onclick="window.location.reload();" >&nbsp;<img src="images/refresh.png" title=" Refresh " border=0 >&nbsp;</span> </div>
-function localajaxinit(){
-	top.document.title = 'Set Date & Time' ;
-	parent.ASTGUI.dialog.waitWhile('Loading...');
-	$("#date_day").date_input();
+	<div class='lite_Heading'> Update Date & Time </div>
-	(function(){
-		var x;
-		var hod = _$('hod');
-		var minute = _$('minute');
-		for(var i=1; i < 13; i++){
-			x = i.addZero();
-			ASTGUI.selectbox.append(hod, x , x);
-		}
-		for(var i=0; i < 60; i++){
-			x = i.addZero();
-			ASTGUI.selectbox.append(minute, x , x);
-		}
-		hod.selectedIndex = -1;
-		minute.selectedIndex = -1;
-	})();
+	<table width=700 border=0 align=left>
+	<tr>	<td align=right><B>NTP server :</B></td>
+		<td>
+			<span id='NTPSERVER'></span>
+			&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href='#' class='splbutton' title='Edit NTP server' onclick="parent.miscFunctions.click_panel('networking.html');"><B>Edit</B></A>
+		</td>
+	</tr>
-	(function(){
-		var c = context2json({ filename:'networking.conf' , context : 'general' , usf:1 });
-		_$('NTPSERVER').innerHTML = (c && c['NTP_ADDRESS']) || '&nbsp;&nbsp;--';
-	})();
+	<tr>	<td height=15></td><td></td></tr>
-	ASTGUI.systemCmdWithOutput( "date ", function(output){
-		_$('current_date').innerHTML = '&nbsp;&nbsp;' + output.bold_X('UTC') ;
-		_$('current_date_local').innerHTML = '&nbsp;&nbsp;' + ASTGUI.toLocalTime(output);
-		parent.ASTGUI.dialog.hide();
-	});
+	<tr>	<td valign=top align=right><B>Current System Date :</B></td>
+		<td id='current_date'></td>
+	</tr>
+	<tr class='lite'>
+		<td valign=top align=right><B>Current System Date in Local Time :</B></td>
+		<td id='current_date_local'></td>
+	</tr>
+	<tr>	<td height=15></td><td></td></tr>
+	<tr>	<td valign=top align=right>
+			<B>Set New Date & Time :</B><BR>
+			<span class='lite'>Enter Date & Time in your Local time&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
+		</td>
+		<td>	<TABLE cellpadding=6 cellspacing=1 border=0>
+			<TR>	<TD width=70 align=right>Date </TD>
+				<TD><input size=10 id="date_day"></TD>
+			</TR>
+			<TR>	<TD width=70 align=right>Time</TD>
+				<TD>	<!-- Time -->
+					<select id="hod"></select>:
+					<select id="minute"></select>&nbsp;
+					<select id="ampm">
+						<option value="AM">AM</option>
+						<option value="PM">PM</option>
+					</select>
+					<!-- Time -->
+				</TD>
+			</TR>
+			<TR>
+				<TD colspan=2 align=center>
+					<span class='guiButton' onclick='update_systemdate();'>Update</span>
+				</TD>
+			</TR>
+			</TABLE>
+		</td>
+	</tr>
+	</table>
+	<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
+	<script src="js/astman.js"></script>
+	<script src="js/jquery.tooltip.js"></script>
+	<script src="js/jquery.date_input.js"></script>
+	<script>
+	function localajaxinit(){
+		top.document.title = 'Set Date & Time' ;
+		parent.ASTGUI.dialog.waitWhile('Loading...');
+		$("#date_day").date_input();
+		(function(){
+			var x;
+			var hod = _$('hod');
+			var minute = _$('minute');
+			for(var i=1; i < 13; i++){
+				x = i.addZero();
+				ASTGUI.selectbox.append(hod, x , x);
+			}
+			for(var i=0; i < 60; i++){
+				x = i.addZero();
+				ASTGUI.selectbox.append(minute, x , x);
+			}
+			hod.selectedIndex = -1;
+			minute.selectedIndex = -1;
+		})();
+		(function(){
+			var c = context2json({ filename:'networking.conf' , context : 'general' , usf:1 });
+			_$('NTPSERVER').innerHTML = (c && c['NTP_ADDRESS']) || '&nbsp;&nbsp;--';
+		})();
+		ASTGUI.systemCmdWithOutput( "date ", function(output){
+			_$('current_date').innerHTML = '&nbsp;&nbsp;' + output.bold_X('UTC') ;
+			_$('current_date_local').innerHTML = '&nbsp;&nbsp;' + ASTGUI.toLocalTime(output);
+			parent.ASTGUI.dialog.hide();
+		});
+	};
-function update_systemdate(){
-	parent.ASTGUI.dialog.waitWhile('Updating Date & Time ...');
-	try{
-		// convert local time to UTC
-		var lt_minutes = _$('minute').value ; // 0 to 59
-		var date_day = _$("date_day").value ;
-		if( !date_day || (_$('hod').selectedIndex == -1 )  || ( _$('minute').selectedIndex == -1) ){
-			parent.ASTGUI.dialog.hide(); 
-			return;
+	function update_systemdate(){
+		parent.ASTGUI.dialog.waitWhile('Updating Date & Time ...');
+		try{
+			// convert local time to UTC
+			var lt_minutes = _$('minute').value ; // 0 to 59
+			var date_day = _$("date_day").value ;
+			if( !date_day || (_$('hod').selectedIndex == -1 )  || ( _$('minute').selectedIndex == -1) ){
+				parent.ASTGUI.dialog.hide(); 
+				return;
+			}
+			var date_day_split = date_day.split(' ');
+			var lt_month = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"].indexOf(date_day_split[1]); // 0 to 11
+			var lt_dom = date_day_split[0] ; // 1 to 31
+			lt_dom = lt_dom.addZero() ;
+			var lt_year = date_day_split[2] ; // 2007
+			// prepare commands to set the date 
+			if( _$('ampm').value == "AM"  ){
+				var lt_hours = (_$('hod').value == "12" )? "00" : _$('hod').value;
+			}else if( _$('ampm').value == "PM"){
+				var lt_hours = ( _$('hod').value == "12") ? parseInt( _$('hod').value) : parseInt( _$('hod').value) + 12 ;
+			}
+			var lt = new Date();
+			lt.setFullYear ( lt_year, lt_month, lt_dom );
+			lt.setHours ( lt_hours, lt_minutes );
+			var utc_hours = lt.getUTCHours(); // 0 to 23
+			var utc_minutes = lt.getUTCMinutes(); // 0 to 59
+			var utc_month = lt.getUTCMonth(); // 0 to 11
+			var utc_dom = lt.getUTCDate(); // 1 to 31
+			var utc_year = lt.getUTCFullYear() ; // 2007
+			if (utc_month < 10) { utc_month = "0"+ String(utc_month+1); }else{utc_month = String(utc_month+1) ;}
+			if (utc_dom < 10) { utc_dom = "0"+ String(utc_dom) ; }
+			if (utc_hours < 10) { utc_hours = "0"+ String(utc_hours) ; }
+			if (utc_minutes < 10) { utc_minutes = "0"+ String(utc_minutes) ; }
+			var newdate =  utc_month + utc_dom + utc_hours + utc_minutes + utc_year ;
+		}catch(err){
+			parent.ASTGUI.dialog.hide();
+			return false;
+		parent.ASTGUI.systemCmd( "date -s " + newdate , function(){ 
+			parent.ASTGUI.dialog.hide();
+			var after = function(){
+				alert("You will be now logged out of the gui.\n Please login again !!");
+				var f = makeSyncRequest({ action :'logoff'});
+				top.window.location.reload();
+			};
+			ASTGUI.feedback( { msg:'updated date & time', showfor:2 });
+			setTimeout( after, 1000 );
+		});
+	}
-		var date_day_split = date_day.split(' ');
-		var lt_month = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"].indexOf(date_day_split[1]); // 0 to 11
-		var lt_dom = date_day_split[0] ; // 1 to 31
-		lt_dom = lt_dom.addZero() ;
-		var lt_year = date_day_split[2] ; // 2007
-		// prepare commands to set the date 
-		if( _$('ampm').value == "AM"  ){
-			var lt_hours = (_$('hod').value == "12" )? "00" : _$('hod').value;
-		}else if( _$('ampm').value == "PM"){
-			var lt_hours = ( _$('hod').value == "12") ? parseInt( _$('hod').value) : parseInt( _$('hod').value) + 12 ;
-		}
-		var lt = new Date();
-		lt.setFullYear ( lt_year, lt_month, lt_dom );
-		lt.setHours ( lt_hours, lt_minutes );
-		var utc_hours = lt.getUTCHours(); // 0 to 23
-		var utc_minutes = lt.getUTCMinutes(); // 0 to 59
-		var utc_month = lt.getUTCMonth(); // 0 to 11
-		var utc_dom = lt.getUTCDate(); // 1 to 31
-		var utc_year = lt.getUTCFullYear() ; // 2007
-		if (utc_month < 10) { utc_month = "0"+ String(utc_month+1); }else{utc_month = String(utc_month+1) ;}
-		if (utc_dom < 10) { utc_dom = "0"+ String(utc_dom) ; }
-		if (utc_hours < 10) { utc_hours = "0"+ String(utc_hours) ; }
-		if (utc_minutes < 10) { utc_minutes = "0"+ String(utc_minutes) ; }
-		var newdate =  utc_month + utc_dom + utc_hours + utc_minutes + utc_year ;
-	}catch(err){
-		parent.ASTGUI.dialog.hide();
-		return false;
-	}
-	parent.ASTGUI.systemCmd( "date -s " + newdate , function(){ 
-		parent.ASTGUI.dialog.hide();
-		var after = function(){
-			alert("You will be now logged out of the gui.\n Please login again !!");
-			var f = makeSyncRequest({ action :'logoff'});
-			top.window.location.reload();
-		};
-		ASTGUI.feedback( { msg:'updated date & time', showfor:2 });
-		setTimeout( after, 1000 );
-	});
-<div class="iframeTitleBar"> Update Date & Time <span style="cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;" onclick="window.location.reload();" >&nbsp;<img src="images/refresh.png" title=" Refresh " border=0 >&nbsp;</span> </div>
-<div class='lite_Heading'> Update Date & Time </div>
-<table width=700 border=0 align=left>
-<tr>	<td align=right><B>NTP server :</B></td>
-	<td>
-		<span id='NTPSERVER'></span>
-		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href='#' class='splbutton' title='Edit NTP server' onclick="parent.miscFunctions.click_panel('networking.html');"><B>Edit</B></A>
-	</td>
-<tr>	<td height=15></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr>	<td valign=top align=right><B>Current System Date :</B></td>
-	<td id='current_date'></td>
-<tr class='lite'>
-	<td valign=top align=right><B>Current System Date in Local Time :</B></td>
-	<td id='current_date_local'></td>
-<tr>	<td height=15></td><td></td></tr>
-<tr>	<td valign=top align=right>
-		<B>Set New Date & Time :</B><BR>
-		<span class='lite'>Enter Date & Time in your Local time&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
-	</td>
-	<td>	<TABLE cellpadding=6 cellspacing=1 border=0>
-		<TR>	<TD width=70 align=right>Date </TD>
-			<TD><input size=10 id="date_day"></TD>
-		</TR>
-		<TR>	<TD width=70 align=right>Time</TD>
-			<TD>	<!-- Time -->
-				<select id="hod"></select>:
-				<select id="minute"></select>&nbsp;
-				<select id="ampm">
-					<option value="AM">AM</option>
-					<option value="PM">PM</option>
-				</select>
-				<!-- Time -->
-			</TD>
-		</TR>
-		<TR>
-			<TD colspan=2 align=center>
-				<span class='guiButton' onclick='update_systemdate();'>Update</span>
-			</TD>
-		</TR>
-		</TABLE>
-	</td>
+	</script>

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