rbrindley: branch 2.0 r4417 - /branches/2.0/config/js/jquery.delegate-1.1.js

SVN commits to the Asterisk-GUI project asterisk-gui-commits at lists.digium.com
Tue Jan 13 12:07:03 CST 2009

Author: rbrindley
Date: Tue Jan 13 12:07:03 2009
New Revision: 4417

URL: http://svn.digium.com/svn-view/asterisk-gui?view=rev&rev=4417
added jquery.delegate plugin


Added: branches/2.0/config/js/jquery.delegate-1.1.js
URL: http://svn.digium.com/svn-view/asterisk-gui/branches/2.0/config/js/jquery.delegate-1.1.js?view=auto&rev=4417
--- branches/2.0/config/js/jquery.delegate-1.1.js (added)
+++ branches/2.0/config/js/jquery.delegate-1.1.js Tue Jan 13 12:07:03 2009
@@ -1,0 +1,155 @@
+/*! Copyright (c) 2008, Three Dub Media (http://threedubmedia.com)  */
+;(function($){ // secure $ jQuery alias
+// jquery.delgate.js - rev 5
+// Liscensed under the MIT License 
+// http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+// Created: 2008-08-14 | Updated: 2008-10-28
+// extend jquery prototype, twice
+$.fn.delegate = function( types, selector, handler, data ){
+	return this.each(function(){	
+		$.event.delegate.add( this, types, selector, handler, data );
+		});
+	}; 
+$.fn.undelegate = function( types, selector, handler ){
+	return this.each(function(){
+		$.event.delegate.remove( this, types, selector, handler ); 
+		});
+	};
+// extend the jquery.event object
+$.event.delegate = {
+	add: function( elem, types, selector, handler, data ){
+		// first four arguments are required
+		if ( arguments.length < 4 ) return;
+		// handle single/multiple comma-seperated selectors...
+		var selectors = split( selector, comma ),  
+		// reference or create an event delegation repository 
+		repos = $.data( elem, 'delegates' ) || $.data( elem, 'delegates', {} );
+		// handle single/multiple space seperated event types...
+		$.each( split( types, space ), function( i, type ){
+			// reference or create event.type delegate cache
+			var cache = repos[ type ] || ( repos[ type ] = [] );
+			// bind the master delegate handler for this event.type
+			if ( !cache.length ) $.event.add( elem, type, $.event.delegate.handle, repos );
+			// store the handler with each selector
+			$.each( selectors, function( i, selector ){
+				// no empty strings
+				if ( !selector.length ) return;
+				// add the delegate selector and handler (and data) into the cache (push)
+				cache[ cache.length ] = { 
+					selector: selector, 
+					handler: handler, 
+					data: data 
+					};
+				});
+			});
+		},
+	remove: function( elem, types, selector, handler ){
+		// handle single/multiple comma-seperated selectors...
+		var selectors = split( selector, comma ),
+		// reference event delegation repository 
+		repos = $.data( elem, 'delegates' ) || {};
+		// remove ALL types and selectors
+		if ( elem && !types ){
+			// iterate all delegate types stored on this element
+			$.each( repos, function( type ){
+				// unbind the master delegate handler for each type 					
+				$.event.remove( elem, type, $.event.delegate.handle );
+				});
+			// clean-up stored data on this element
+			$.removeData( elem, 'delegates' );
+			// stop
+			return;
+			}
+		// handle single/multiple space seperated event types...
+		$.each( split( types, space ), function( i, type ){	
+			// are there any selectors to check?
+			if ( selector && selector.length ){
+				// iterate all the stored selectors and handlers...
+				repos[ type ] = $.grep( repos[ type ] || [], function( stored, keep ){
+					// check against each passed selector
+					if ( stored ) $.each( selectors, function( x, selector ){
+						// match selector, and handler if provided
+						if ( stored.selector === selector && 
+							( !handler || stored.handler === handler ) )
+							// break and set flag to remove data
+							return ( keep = false );
+						});	
+					// remove or keep stored data
+					return ( keep !== false );
+					});
+				// if cache is NOT empty, stop
+				if ( repos[ type ].length ) return; 
+				}
+			// unbind the master delegate handler for this event.type 
+			$.event.remove( elem, type, $.event.delegate.handle );
+			// clean-out cached data for this event.type
+			delete repos[ type ]; 	
+			});
+		},
+	handle: function( event ){
+		// store the master delegate element
+		event.delegateParent = this;
+		// give delegate method for cancelling
+		event.stopDelegation = function(){ canceled = true; };
+		// local element, local variables
+		var target = event.target, args = arguments, ret, canceled,
+		// get delegates for this element and event.type
+		cache = ( event.data || {} )[ event.type ] || [];
+		// iterate stored delegate selectors		
+		if ( cache.length ) do $.each( cache, function( i, stored ){
+			// match the target element to the delegate selector
+			if ( stored && $( target ).matches( stored.selector ) ) {
+				// pass along the data
+				event.data = stored.data;
+				// call the stored handler function
+				ret = stored.handler.apply( target, args );
+				// break $.each if "return false" or "stopDelegation"
+				if ( ret===false || canceled===true ) return false;
+				}
+			});
+		// walk up the parent tree to the delegate source/parent
+		while ( ret !== false && canceled !== true && target != this && ( target = target.parentNode ) )
+		// pass along the latest handler return value
+		return ret;
+		}
+	};
+// like "is" method... but handles descendant selector
+$.fn.matches = function( expr ) {
+	// reject bad arguments immediately
+	if ( typeof expr != "string" ) return false;
+	// local refs
+	var $this = this, tokens;
+	// loop through selector query in family pieces...
+	while ( expr.length && $this.length && ( tokens = pattern.exec( expr ) ) ) {
+		// filter collection for the terminal child(3) selector
+		$this = $this.setArray( $.filter( tokens[3], $this ).r );
+		// traverse "up" as needed using the descendant(2) and ancestor(1)
+		if ( tokens[2] ) $this = $this[ lookup[ tokens[2] ] ]( tokens[1] );
+		// remove descendant(2) and child(3) section of the query
+		expr = expr.replace( tokens[0].substr( tokens[1] ? tokens[1].length : 0 ), "" );
+		}
+	// query remains and no regexp match == bad selector
+	if ( !empty.test( expr ) && !tokens ) $this = [];
+	// if any elements matched, return true
+	return !!( $this.length > 0 );
+	};
+// "is" regular expression matches from the end of the selector
+var pattern = (/(?:([^>+~\s]+)\s*([>+~\s])\s*)?([^>+~\s]+)\s*$/),
+// white-space regexp and comma-sep regexp for splitting strings
+space = (/\s+/), comma = (/\s*,\s*/), empty = (/^\s*$/),
+// "is" lookup pairs the descender with the correct method to ascend...
+lookup = { ' ':'parents', '>':'parent', '+':'prev', '~':'prevAll' };
+// split and trim space seperated event types or comma-seperated selectors
+function split( str, regexp ){ return $.trim( str ).split( regexp ); }; 

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