pari: branch 2.0 r3878 - /branches/2.0/config/js/astman.js
SVN commits to the Asterisk-GUI project
asterisk-gui-commits at
Wed Sep 24 18:19:35 CDT 2008
Author: pari
Date: Wed Sep 24 18:19:34 2008
New Revision: 3878
Commenting out some functions that are no longer used in the gui.
Modified: branches/2.0/config/js/astman.js
--- branches/2.0/config/js/astman.js (original)
+++ branches/2.0/config/js/astman.js Wed Sep 24 18:19:34 2008
@@ -466,15 +466,13 @@
case 'B': // Busy
return "<img src='images/status_red.png' border=0>";
break ;
- case 'U': // UnAvailable
- return "<img src='images/status_gray.png' border=0>";
- break ;
case 'R': // Ringing
return "<img src='images/status_orange.png' border=0>";
break ;
case 'H': // Hold
return "<img src='images/status_yellow.png' border=0>";
break ;
+ case 'U': // UnAvailable
default :
return "<img src='images/status_gray.png' border=0>";
break ;
@@ -1074,42 +1072,39 @@
- generateGraph : function( DATA ){ // generates bar graph into table DATA.TBL for array DATA.VALS
- // ASTGUI.generateGraph( {TBL: 'DIV_Graph', VALS: gr_vals, HEIGHT: 150, WIDTH: 9 });
- // WIDTH is width of each cell
- var TBL = DATA.TBL;
- var VALS = DATA.VALS ;
- var HEIGHT = Number(DATA.HEIGHT) || 100 ;
- var WIDTH = DATA.WIDTH || 5 ;
- var table_ofHeight = function(h, color){
- h = Math.floor((HEIGHT * Number(h))/100) ;
- var uh = HEIGHT - h ;
- if(!color){ color = '#a8b6e5';}
- return "<TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR><TD bgcolor='#FFFFFF' height=" + uh + " width=" + WIDTH + "></TD></TR>"
- + "<TR><TD bgcolor='"+ color +"' height=" + h + " width=" + WIDTH + "></TD></TR></TABLE>" ;
- };
- if ( typeof TBL == 'string'){ TBL = _$(TBL); }
- ASTGUI.domActions.clear_table(TBL);
- var newRow = TBL.insertRow(-1);
- VALS.each( function( this_val ){
- var newcell = newRow.insertCell( newRow.cells.length );
- newcell.align = 'center' ;
- newcell.valign = 'bottom' ;
- newcell.width = WIDTH + 'px' ;
- newcell.height = HEIGHT ;
- var clr = ((newRow.cells.length)%2==1) ? '#a8b6e5' : '#dce5f6' ;
- newcell.innerHTML = table_ofHeight( this_val , clr );
- });
- },
+// generateGraph : function( DATA ){ // generates bar graph into table DATA.TBL for array DATA.VALS
+// // ASTGUI.generateGraph( {TBL: 'DIV_Graph', VALS: gr_vals, HEIGHT: 150, WIDTH: 9 });
+// // WIDTH is width of each cell
+// var TBL = DATA.TBL;
+// var VALS = DATA.VALS ;
+// var HEIGHT = Number(DATA.HEIGHT) || 100 ;
+// var WIDTH = DATA.WIDTH || 5 ;
+// var table_ofHeight = function(h, color){
+// h = Math.floor((HEIGHT * Number(h))/100) ;
+// var uh = HEIGHT - h ;
+// if(!color){ color = '#a8b6e5';}
+// return "<TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR><TD bgcolor='#FFFFFF' height=" + uh + " width=" + WIDTH + "></TD></TR>"
+// + "<TR><TD bgcolor='"+ color +"' height=" + h + " width=" + WIDTH + "></TD></TR></TABLE>" ;
+// };
+// if ( typeof TBL == 'string'){ TBL = _$(TBL); }
+// ASTGUI.domActions.clear_table(TBL);
+// var newRow = TBL.insertRow(-1);
+// VALS.each( function( this_val ){
+// var newcell = newRow.insertCell( newRow.cells.length );
+// newcell.align = 'center' ;
+// newcell.valign = 'bottom' ;
+// newcell.width = WIDTH + 'px' ;
+// newcell.height = HEIGHT ;
+// var clr = ((newRow.cells.length)%2==1) ? '#a8b6e5' : '#dce5f6' ;
+// newcell.innerHTML = table_ofHeight( this_val , clr );
+// });
+// },
getFieldValue : function(el){ // ASTGUI.getFieldValue(el)
if ( typeof el == 'string'){ el = _$(el) ; }
- case 'text':
- return el.value.trim();
- break ;
case 'checkbox':
return (el.checked) ? 'yes':'no' ;
@@ -1119,13 +1114,12 @@
case 'select-one':
return el.value ; //.trim()
+ case 'text':
case 'textarea':
+ case 'password':
+ default:
return el.value.trim() ;
- break;
- case 'password':
- return el.value.trim() ;
- break;
- default:
return '';
@@ -1861,22 +1855,22 @@
- profiling : {
- start: function(){
- if(!top.sessionData.DEBUG_MODE ){ return true; }
- var now = new Date();
- top.sessionData.DEBUG_PROFILER_BEGIN = now.getTime() ;
- },
- snapShot: function(a){
- if(!top.sessionData.DEBUG_MODE ){ return true; }
- if ( !a || (typeof a != 'string') ){ a = ''; }
- var now = new Date();
- var diff = now.getTime() - top.sessionData.DEBUG_PROFILER_BEGIN ;
- ASTGUI.debugLog( '<B> Profiler Time : '+ diff +' ms</B> ' + a , '#990033');
- top.sessionData.DEBUG_PROFILER_BEGIN = now.getTime() ;
- }
- },
+// profiling : {
+// start: function(){
+// if(!top.sessionData.DEBUG_MODE ){ return true; }
+// var now = new Date();
+// top.sessionData.DEBUG_PROFILER_BEGIN = now.getTime() ;
+// },
+// snapShot: function(a){
+// if(!top.sessionData.DEBUG_MODE ){ return true; }
+// if ( !a || (typeof a != 'string') ){ a = ''; }
+// var now = new Date();
+// var diff = now.getTime() - top.sessionData.DEBUG_PROFILER_BEGIN ;
+// ASTGUI.debugLog( '<B> Profiler Time : '+ diff +' ms</B> ' + a , '#990033');
+// top.sessionData.DEBUG_PROFILER_BEGIN = now.getTime() ;
+// }
+// },
resetTheseFields : function( flds ){ // ASTGUI.resetTheseFields(arr) , flds = [ el1, el2 , el_3 ] ; - sets each element to blank value
if(!ASTGUI.isArray(flds)){ return; }
@@ -2072,126 +2066,126 @@
}, // { selectbox }
- selectRange_populate : function(g , els){
- /* TODO
- The 'selectRange_populate function' is right now a bit heavy, ugly and relies extensively on closures.
- this function should in future be replaced with a prototype based object
- */
- if(typeof g == 'string'){ g = _$(g); }
- g.startRange = '';
- g.stopRange = '';
- var range_documentCatch = function(){
- try{
- var children = g.childNodes;
- for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
- var tmp = children[i] ;
- tmp , 'mousemove' , update_range ) ;
- };
- }catch(err){
- }finally{
- document , 'mouseup' , range_documentCatch ) ;
- }
- };
- var range_start = function(event){
- g.startRange = g.stopRange = this.innerHTML;
- //console.log( 'Range is : ' + g.startRange + ' to ' + g.stopRange );
- if($.browser.msie){
- event.returnValue = false;
- } else{
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- var children = g.childNodes ;
- for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
- var tmp = children[i] ;
- tmp , 'mousemove' , update_range ) ;
- //$(tmp).css({backgroundColor : '#FFFFFF' });
- tmp.className = 'selectRange_notselected';
- };
- document , 'mouseup' , range_documentCatch ) ;
- //$(this).css({backgroundColor :'#EFEFEF' });
- $(this).addClass('selectRange_selected');
- };
- var update_range = function(event){
- if($.browser.msie){
- event.returnValue = false;
- } else{
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- try{
- g.stopRange = this.innerHTML;
- }catch(err){
- var p = ;
- g.stopRange = p.innerHTML;
- }
- //console.log( 'Range is : ' + g.startRange + ' to ' + g.stopRange );
- var x = els.indexOf(g.startRange) ;
- var y = els.indexOf(g.stopRange) ;
- var start_index = Math.min(x,y);
- var stop_index = Math.max(x,y);
- var children = g.childNodes;
- for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
- var tmp = children[i] ;
- var tmp_html = tmp.innerHTML;
- var tmp_index = els.indexOf(tmp_html) ;
- tmp.className = ( tmp_index <= stop_index && tmp_index >= start_index ) ? 'selectRange_selected' : 'selectRange_notselected' ;
- //$(tmp).css({backgroundColor : ( tmp_index <= stop_index && tmp_index >= start_index ) ? '#EFEFEF' : '#FFFFFF' });
- };
- };
- var range_stop = function(){
- //console.log( 'Range is : ' + g.startRange + ' to ' + g.stopRange );
- var x = els.indexOf(g.startRange) ;
- var y = els.indexOf(g.stopRange) ;
- var start_index = Math.min(x,y);
- var stop_index = Math.max(x,y);
- g.startRange = els[start_index];
- g.stopRange = els[stop_index];
- var children = g.childNodes;
- for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
- var tmp = children[i] ;
- var tmp_html = tmp.innerHTML;
- var tmp_index = els.indexOf(tmp_html) ;
- tmp , 'mousemove' , update_range ) ;
- //$(tmp).css({backgroundColor : ( tmp_index <= stop_index && tmp_index >= start_index ) ? '#EFEFEF' : '#FFFFFF' });
- tmp.className = ( tmp_index <= stop_index && tmp_index >= start_index ) ? 'selectRange_selected' : 'selectRange_notselected' ;
- };
- document , 'mouseup' , range_documentCatch ) ;
- };
- els.each(function(elm){
- var tmp = document.createElement('SPAN');
- tmp.innerHTML = elm ;
- tmp.className = 'selectRange_notselected';
- $(tmp).mousedown( range_start );
- $(tmp).mouseup( range_stop );
- g.appendChild( tmp );
- });
- $(g).css({cursor:'pointer'});
- g.reset_range = function(){
- g.startRange = g.stopRange = '';
- var children = g.childNodes;
- for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) { children[i].className = 'selectRange_notselected' ; }
- };
- g.set_range = function(a,b){
- var x = els.indexOf(a) ;
- var y = els.indexOf(b) ;
- g.startRange = Math.min(x,y) ;
- g.stopRange = Math.max(x,y);
- var children = g.childNodes;
- for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) {
- var tmp = children[i] ;
- var tmp_html = tmp.innerHTML;
- var tmp_index = els.indexOf(tmp_html) ;
- children[i].className = ( tmp_index <= g.stopRange && tmp_index >= g.startRange ) ? 'selectRange_selected' : 'selectRange_notselected' ;
- }
- };
- }, // End of selectRange_populate
+// selectRange_populate : function(g , els){
+// /* TODO
+// The 'selectRange_populate function' is right now a bit heavy, ugly and relies extensively on closures.
+// this function should in future be replaced with a prototype based object
+// */
+// if(typeof g == 'string'){ g = _$(g); }
+// g.startRange = '';
+// g.stopRange = '';
+// var range_documentCatch = function(){
+// try{
+// var children = g.childNodes;
+// for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+// var tmp = children[i] ;
+// tmp , 'mousemove' , update_range ) ;
+// };
+// }catch(err){
+// }finally{
+// document , 'mouseup' , range_documentCatch ) ;
+// }
+// };
+// var range_start = function(event){
+// g.startRange = g.stopRange = this.innerHTML;
+// //console.log( 'Range is : ' + g.startRange + ' to ' + g.stopRange );
+// if($.browser.msie){
+// event.returnValue = false;
+// } else{
+// event.preventDefault();
+// }
+// var children = g.childNodes ;
+// for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+// var tmp = children[i] ;
+// tmp , 'mousemove' , update_range ) ;
+// //$(tmp).css({backgroundColor : '#FFFFFF' });
+// tmp.className = 'selectRange_notselected';
+// };
+// document , 'mouseup' , range_documentCatch ) ;
+// //$(this).css({backgroundColor :'#EFEFEF' });
+// $(this).addClass('selectRange_selected');
+// };
+// var update_range = function(event){
+// if($.browser.msie){
+// event.returnValue = false;
+// } else{
+// event.preventDefault();
+// }
+// try{
+// g.stopRange = this.innerHTML;
+// }catch(err){
+// var p = ;
+// g.stopRange = p.innerHTML;
+// }
+// //console.log( 'Range is : ' + g.startRange + ' to ' + g.stopRange );
+// var x = els.indexOf(g.startRange) ;
+// var y = els.indexOf(g.stopRange) ;
+// var start_index = Math.min(x,y);
+// var stop_index = Math.max(x,y);
+// var children = g.childNodes;
+// for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+// var tmp = children[i] ;
+// var tmp_html = tmp.innerHTML;
+// var tmp_index = els.indexOf(tmp_html) ;
+// tmp.className = ( tmp_index <= stop_index && tmp_index >= start_index ) ? 'selectRange_selected' : 'selectRange_notselected' ;
+// //$(tmp).css({backgroundColor : ( tmp_index <= stop_index && tmp_index >= start_index ) ? '#EFEFEF' : '#FFFFFF' });
+// };
+// };
+// var range_stop = function(){
+// //console.log( 'Range is : ' + g.startRange + ' to ' + g.stopRange );
+// var x = els.indexOf(g.startRange) ;
+// var y = els.indexOf(g.stopRange) ;
+// var start_index = Math.min(x,y);
+// var stop_index = Math.max(x,y);
+// g.startRange = els[start_index];
+// g.stopRange = els[stop_index];
+// var children = g.childNodes;
+// for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+// var tmp = children[i] ;
+// var tmp_html = tmp.innerHTML;
+// var tmp_index = els.indexOf(tmp_html) ;
+// tmp , 'mousemove' , update_range ) ;
+// //$(tmp).css({backgroundColor : ( tmp_index <= stop_index && tmp_index >= start_index ) ? '#EFEFEF' : '#FFFFFF' });
+// tmp.className = ( tmp_index <= stop_index && tmp_index >= start_index ) ? 'selectRange_selected' : 'selectRange_notselected' ;
+// };
+// document , 'mouseup' , range_documentCatch ) ;
+// };
+// els.each(function(elm){
+// var tmp = document.createElement('SPAN');
+// tmp.innerHTML = elm ;
+// tmp.className = 'selectRange_notselected';
+// $(tmp).mousedown( range_start );
+// $(tmp).mouseup( range_stop );
+// g.appendChild( tmp );
+// });
+// $(g).css({cursor:'pointer'});
+// g.reset_range = function(){
+// g.startRange = g.stopRange = '';
+// var children = g.childNodes;
+// for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) { children[i].className = 'selectRange_notselected' ; }
+// };
+// g.set_range = function(a,b){
+// var x = els.indexOf(a) ;
+// var y = els.indexOf(b) ;
+// g.startRange = Math.min(x,y) ;
+// g.stopRange = Math.max(x,y);
+// var children = g.childNodes;
+// for ( var i = 0; i < children.length; i++ ) {
+// var tmp = children[i] ;
+// var tmp_html = tmp.innerHTML;
+// var tmp_index = els.indexOf(tmp_html) ;
+// children[i].className = ( tmp_index <= g.stopRange && tmp_index >= g.startRange ) ? 'selectRange_selected' : 'selectRange_notselected' ;
+// }
+// };
+// }, // End of selectRange_populate
showbg: function(t){ // show/hide a transparent bg layer - ASTGUI.showbg(true);
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