pari: branch 2.0 r3826 - /branches/2.0/config/js/pbx.js
SVN commits to the Asterisk-GUI project
asterisk-gui-commits at
Tue Sep 16 17:28:00 CDT 2008
Author: pari
Date: Tue Sep 16 17:27:59 2008
New Revision: 3826
Rewrote readcfg.checkEssentials() such that
- any contexts/variabled needed for the gui can now be defined in the check_For_Contexts object
- the checkEssentials function will make sure that all the contexts/variables in this object are present in extensions.conf
This will also get rid of the so many reloads on the first login,
as all the contexts/variables are now checked & updated in a single loop.
Modified: branches/2.0/config/js/pbx.js
--- branches/2.0/config/js/pbx.js (original)
+++ branches/2.0/config/js/pbx.js Tue Sep 16 17:27:59 2008
@@ -27,231 +27,119 @@
// each function would read a config file and updates the sessionData.pbxinfo
checkEssentials: function(){ //readcfg.checkEssentials();
// check whether the config files are in proper format and have every thing needed for the gui to function properly
- var ecnf = config2json({ filename:'extensions.conf', usf:1 });
- if( !ecnf.hasOwnProperty('general') || !ecnf.hasOwnProperty('globals') ){
- var u = new listOfSynActions('extensions.conf');
- if( !ecnf['globals'] ){
- u.new_action('newcat', 'globals', '', '');
- u.new_action('append', 'globals', 'FEATURES', '');
- u.new_action('append', 'globals', 'DIALOPTIONS', '');
- u.new_action('append', 'globals', 'RINGTIME', '20');
- ecnf.globals = {} ;
- }
- if( !ecnf['general'] ){
- u.new_action('newcat', 'general', '', '');
- u.new_action('append', 'general', 'static', 'yes');
- u.new_action('append', 'general', 'writeprotect', 'no');
- u.new_action('append', 'general', 'clearglobalvars', 'yes');
- }
+ var check_For_Contexts = {
+ general : { static : 'yes', writeprotect : 'no', clearglobalvars : 'yes' },
+ globals : { FEATURES : '' , DIALOPTIONS : '' , RINGTIME: '20' },
+ default : {},
+ 'macro-stdexten' : [
+ 'exten=s,1,Set(__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=${FEATURES})',
+ 'exten=s,2,GotoIf($[${FOLLOWME_${ARG1}} = 1]?5:3)',
+ 'exten=s,3,Dial(${ARG2},${RINGTIME},${DIALOPTIONS})',
+ 'exten=s,4,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)',
+ 'exten=s,5,Macro(stdexten-followme,${ARG1},${ARG2})',
+ 'exten=s-NOANSWER,1,Voicemail(${ARG1},u)',
+ 'exten=s-NOANSWER,2,Goto(default,s,1)',
+ 'exten=s-BUSY,1,Voicemail(${ARG1},b)',
+ 'exten=s-BUSY,2,Goto(default,s,1)',
+ 'exten=_s-.,1,Goto(s-NOANSWER,1)',
+ 'exten=a,1,VoicemailMain(${ARG1})'
+ ],
+ 'macro-stdexten-followme' : [
+ 'exten=s,1,Dial(${ARG2},${RINGTIME},${DIALOPTIONS})',
+ 'exten=s,2,Followme(${ARG1},a)',
+ 'exten=s,3,Voicemail(${ARG1},u)',
+ 'exten=s-NOANSWER,1,Voicemail(${ARG1},u)',
+ 'exten=s-BUSY,1,Voicemail(${ARG1},b)',
+ 'exten=s-BUSY,2,Goto(default,s,1)',
+ 'exten=_s-.,1,Goto(s-NOANSWER,1)',
+ 'exten=a,1,VoicemailMain(${ARG1})'
+ ]
+ };
+ check_For_Contexts[ASTGUI.contexts.CONFERENCES] = {} ;
+ check_For_Contexts[ASTGUI.contexts.RingGroupExtensions] = {} ;
+ check_For_Contexts[ASTGUI.contexts.QUEUES] = {} ;
+ check_For_Contexts[ASTGUI.contexts.VoiceMenuExtensions] = {} ;
+ check_For_Contexts[ASTGUI.contexts.VoiceMailGroups] = {} ;
+ check_For_Contexts[ASTGUI.contexts.Directory] = {} ;
+ check_For_Contexts[ASTGUI.contexts.guitools] = [
+ 'exten=executecommand,1,System(${command})',
+ 'exten=executecommand,n,Hangup()',
+ 'exten=record_vmenu,1,Answer',
+ 'exten=record_vmenu,n,Playback(vm-intro)',
+ 'exten=record_vmenu,n,Record(${var1})',
+ 'exten=record_vmenu,n,Playback(vm-saved)',
+ 'exten=record_vmenu,n,Playback(vm-goodbye)',
+ 'exten=record_vmenu,n,Hangup',
+ 'exten=play_file,1,Answer',
+ 'exten=play_file,n,Playback(${var1})',
+ 'exten=play_file,n,Hangup'
+ ];
+ check_For_Contexts[ 'macro-' + ASTGUI.contexts.dialtrunks ] = [
+ // "; Macro by = Brandon Kruse <bkruse at> & Matthew O'Gorman mogorman at",
+ 'exten=s,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=${IF($[${LEN(${CID_${CALLERID(num)}})} > 2]?${CID_${CALLERID(num)}}:)})',
+ 'exten=s,n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})} > 6]?1-dial,1)',
+ 'exten=s,n,Set(CALLERID(all)=${IF($[${LEN(${CID_${ARG3}})} > 6]?${CID_${ARG3}}:${GLOBAL_OUTBOUNDCID})})',
+ 'exten=s,n,Goto(1-dial,1)',
+ 'exten=1-dial,1,Dial(${ARG1})',
+ 'exten=1-dial,n,Gotoif(${LEN(${ARG2})} > 0 ?1-${DIALSTATUS},1:1-out,1)',
+ 'exten=1-CHANUNAVAIL,1,Dial(${ARG2})',
+ 'exten=1-CHANUNAVAIL,n,Hangup()',
+ 'exten=1-CONGESTION,1,Dial(${ARG2})',
+ 'exten=1-CONGESTION,n,Hangup()',
+ 'exten=1-out,1,Hangup()'
+ ];
+ ASTGUI.dialog.waitWhile('Verifying Dialplan Contexts needed for GUI');
+ var EXN_CNF = config2json({ filename:'extensions.conf', usf:0 });
+ var UPDATES = new listOfActions('extensions.conf');
+ for( var contextName in check_For_Contexts ){
+ if( !check_For_Contexts.hasOwnProperty(contextName) ){ continue; }
+ //contextName
+ if( !EXN_CNF.hasOwnProperty(contextName) ){
+ UPDATES.new_action( 'newcat', contextName , '', '' );
+ EXN_CNF[contextName] = [];
+ }
+ if( ASTGUI.isArray( check_For_Contexts[contextName] )){ // compare whether the context matches the exact context
+ if( check_For_Contexts[contextName].join('::') != EXN_CNF[contextName].join('::') ){
+ UPDATES.new_action( 'delcat', contextName , '', '');
+ UPDATES.new_action( 'newcat', contextName , '', '');
+ var tmp_context_array = ASTGUI.cloneObject(check_For_Contexts[contextName]);
+ while( tmp_context_array.length ){
+ UPDATES.new_action( 'append', contextName , tmp_context_array[0].beforeChar('=') , tmp_context_array[0].afterChar('=') );
+ tmp_context_array.splice(0,1);
+ }
+ }
+ }else{ // see if the context has all the properties
+ var tmp_context_obj = check_For_Contexts[contextName];
+ for( var this_prop in tmp_context_obj ){
+ if( !tmp_context_obj.hasOwnProperty(this_prop) ){ continue; }
+ var tmp_string_index = EXN_CNF[contextName].indexOfLike(this_prop) ;
+ if( tmp_string_index != -1 ){
+ // if( EXN_CNF[contextName][tmp_string_index] == this_prop + '=' + tmp_context_obj[this_prop] ){ // do nothing
+ continue;
+ // }
+ // UPDATES.new_action( 'delete', contextName , this_prop, '' ,tmp_context_obj[this_prop] );
+ }
+ UPDATES.new_action( 'append', contextName , this_prop, tmp_context_obj[this_prop] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( UPDATES.current_batch == 1 && UPDATES.current_batch_actionnumber == 0 ){ // no updates to extensions.conf
+ }else{
+ ASTGUI.dialog.waitWhile('Updating Extensions.conf ');
sessionData.continueParsing = false ;
- ASTGUI.dialog.waitWhile("Adding 'general' context to extensions.conf");
- u.callActions();
- if( parent.sessionData.DEBUG_MODE ){
- alert('updated general context in extensions.conf' + '\n' + 'Click OK to reload');
- }
- window.location.reload();
+ UPDATES.callActions( function(){ window.location.reload(); } );
- if( !ecnf['globals'].hasOwnProperty('FEATURES') ){
- var u = new listOfSynActions('extensions.conf');
- u.new_action('append', 'globals', 'FEATURES', '');
- u.callActions();
- window.location.reload();
- return;
- }
- if( !ecnf['globals'].hasOwnProperty('DIALOPTIONS') ){
- var u = new listOfSynActions('extensions.conf');
- u.new_action('append', 'globals', 'DIALOPTIONS', '');
- u.callActions();
- window.location.reload();
- return;
- }
- if( !ecnf['globals'].hasOwnProperty('RINGTIME') ){
- var u = new listOfSynActions('extensions.conf');
- u.new_action('append', 'globals', 'RINGTIME', '20');
- u.callActions();
- window.location.reload();
- return;
- }
- if( ecnf.hasOwnProperty('general') && ecnf.general.getProperty('clearglobalvars') != 'yes' ){
- var u = new listOfSynActions('extensions.conf');
- u.new_action('update', 'general', 'clearglobalvars', 'yes');
- u.callActions();
- sessionData.continueParsing = false ;
- if( parent.sessionData.DEBUG_MODE ){
- alert('updated clearglobalvars in extensions.conf' + '\n' + 'Click OK to reload');
- }
- window.location.reload();
- return;
- }
- if( !ecnf[ASTGUI.contexts.CONFERENCES] || !ecnf[ASTGUI.contexts.RingGroupExtensions] || !ecnf[ASTGUI.contexts.QUEUES] || !ecnf['default'] || !ecnf[ASTGUI.contexts.VoiceMenuExtensions] || !ecnf[ASTGUI.contexts.VoiceMailGroups] || !ecnf[ASTGUI.contexts.Directory] ){
- var u = new listOfSynActions('extensions.conf');
- if( !ecnf['default'] ){
- u.new_action('newcat', 'default', '', '') ;
- }
- if( !ecnf[ASTGUI.contexts.CONFERENCES] ){
- u.new_action('newcat', ASTGUI.contexts.CONFERENCES, '', '');
- };
- if( !ecnf[ASTGUI.contexts.RingGroupExtensions] ){
- u.new_action('newcat', ASTGUI.contexts.RingGroupExtensions, '', '');
- }
- if( !ecnf[ASTGUI.contexts.QUEUES] ){
- u.new_action('newcat', ASTGUI.contexts.QUEUES, '', '');
- }
- if( !ecnf[ASTGUI.contexts.VoiceMenuExtensions] ){
- u.new_action('newcat', ASTGUI.contexts.VoiceMenuExtensions, '', '');
- }
- if( !ecnf[ASTGUI.contexts.VoiceMailGroups] ){
- u.new_action('newcat', ASTGUI.contexts.VoiceMailGroups, '', '');
- }
- if( !ecnf[ASTGUI.contexts.Directory] ){
- u.new_action('newcat', ASTGUI.contexts.Directory, '', '');
- }
- sessionData.continueParsing = false ;
- ASTGUI.dialog.waitWhile(" Adding required contexts to extensions.conf ");
- u.callActions();
- if( parent.sessionData.DEBUG_MODE ){
- alert('updated default categories in extensions.conf' + '\n' + 'Click OK to reload');
- }
- window.location.reload();
- return;
- }
- if( !ecnf[ASTGUI.contexts.guitools] ){ // if No guitools context
- sessionData.continueParsing = false;
- (function(){
- ASTGUI.dialog.waitWhile('Adding GUI-Tools context to extensions.conf');
- var after = function(){
- var rld = function(){
- var t = ASTGUI.cliCommand('dialplan reload') ;
- if( parent.sessionData.DEBUG_MODE ){
- alert('updated guitools in extensions.conf' + '\n' + 'Click OK to reload');
- }
- top.window.location.reload();
- };
- setTimeout( rld , 1000 );
- };
- var x = new listOfActions();
- x.filename('extensions.conf');
- x.new_action('newcat', ASTGUI.contexts.guitools , '', '');
- x.new_action( 'append', ASTGUI.contexts.guitools , 'exten', 'executecommand,1,System(${command})' );
- x.new_action( 'append', ASTGUI.contexts.guitools , 'exten', 'executecommand,n,Hangup()' );
- x.new_action( 'append', ASTGUI.contexts.guitools , 'exten', 'record_vmenu,1,Answer' );
- x.new_action( 'append', ASTGUI.contexts.guitools , 'exten', 'record_vmenu,n,Playback(vm-intro)' );
- x.new_action( 'append', ASTGUI.contexts.guitools , 'exten', 'record_vmenu,n,Record(${var1})' );
- x.new_action( 'append', ASTGUI.contexts.guitools , 'exten', 'record_vmenu,n,Playback(vm-saved)' );
- x.new_action( 'append', ASTGUI.contexts.guitools , 'exten', 'record_vmenu,n,Playback(vm-goodbye)' );
- x.new_action( 'append', ASTGUI.contexts.guitools , 'exten', 'record_vmenu,n,Hangup' );
- x.new_action( 'append', ASTGUI.contexts.guitools , 'exten', 'play_file,1,Answer' );
- x.new_action( 'append', ASTGUI.contexts.guitools , 'exten', 'play_file,n,Playback(${var1})' );
- x.new_action( 'append', ASTGUI.contexts.guitools , 'exten', 'play_file,n,Hangup' );
- x.callActions(after);
- })();
- return;
- }
- if( !ecnf[ 'macro-' + ASTGUI.contexts.dialtrunks] ){ // if No guitools context
- sessionData.continueParsing = false;
- (function(){
- ASTGUI.dialog.waitWhile('Adding Trunkdial-Failover Macro to extensions.conf');
- var after = function(){
- setTimeout( function(){
- var t = ASTGUI.cliCommand('dialplan reload') ;
- if( parent.sessionData.DEBUG_MODE ){
- alert('updated macro-trunkdial in extensions.conf' + '\n' + 'Click OK to reload');
- }
- top.window.location.reload();
- }, 1000);
- }
- var x = new listOfActions();
- x.filename('extensions.conf');
- var cat = 'macro-' + ASTGUI.contexts.dialtrunks;
- x.new_action('newcat', cat , '', '');
- x.new_action( 'append', cat , '; Macro by', " Brandon Kruse <bkruse at> & Matthew O'Gorman mogorman at" );
- x.new_action( 'append', cat , 'exten', 's,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=${IF($[${LEN(${CID_${CALLERID(num)}})} > 2]?${CID_${CALLERID(num)}}:)})');
- x.new_action( 'append', cat , 'exten', 's,n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})} > 6]?1-dial,1)');
- x.new_action( 'append', cat , 'exten', 's,n,Set(CALLERID(all)=${IF($[${LEN(${CID_${ARG3}})} > 6]?${CID_${ARG3}}:${GLOBAL_OUTBOUNDCID})})');
- x.new_action( 'append', cat , 'exten', 's,n,Goto(1-dial,1)');
- x.new_action( 'append', cat , 'exten', '1-dial,1,Dial(${ARG1})');
- x.new_action( 'append', cat , 'exten', '1-dial,n,Gotoif(${LEN(${ARG2})} > 0 ?1-${DIALSTATUS},1:1-out,1)');
- x.new_action( 'append', cat , 'exten', '1-CHANUNAVAIL,1,Dial(${ARG2})');
- x.new_action( 'append', cat , 'exten', '1-CHANUNAVAIL,n,Hangup()');
- x.new_action( 'append', cat , 'exten', '1-CONGESTION,1,Dial(${ARG2})');
- x.new_action( 'append', cat , 'exten', '1-CONGESTION,n,Hangup()');
- x.new_action( 'append', cat , 'exten', '1-out,1,Hangup()');
- x.callActions(after);
- })();
- return;
- }
- var stdextn = 'macro-stdexten' ;
- if( !ecnf.hasOwnProperty(stdextn) || ( ecnf.hasOwnProperty(stdextn) && !ecnf[stdextn]['exten'].contains('DYNAMIC_FEATURES') ) ){ // if stdexten does not forward to followme
- sessionData.continueParsing = false;
- (function(){
- ASTGUI.dialog.waitWhile('Updating stdexten Macro in extensions.conf');
- var after = function(){
- setTimeout( function(){
- var t = ASTGUI.cliCommand('dialplan reload') ;
- if( parent.sessionData.DEBUG_MODE ){
- alert('updated macro-stdexten in extensions.conf' + '\n' + 'Click OK to reload');
- }
- top.window.location.reload();
- }, 1000);
- }
- var x = new listOfActions('extensions.conf');
- x.new_action( 'delcat', stdextn , '', '');
- x.new_action( 'newcat', stdextn , '', '');
- x.new_action( 'append', stdextn , 'exten', 's,1,Set(__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=${FEATURES})');
- x.new_action( 'append', stdextn , 'exten', 's,2,GotoIf($[${FOLLOWME_${ARG1}} = 1]?5:3)');
- x.new_action( 'append', stdextn , 'exten', 's,3,Dial(${ARG2},${RINGTIME},${DIALOPTIONS})');
- x.new_action( 'append', stdextn , 'exten', 's,4,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)');
- x.new_action( 'append', stdextn , 'exten', 's,5,Macro(stdexten-followme,${ARG1},${ARG2})');
- x.new_action( 'append', stdextn , 'exten', 's-NOANSWER,1,Voicemail(${ARG1},u)');
- x.new_action( 'append', stdextn , 'exten', 's-NOANSWER,2,Goto(default,s,1)');
- x.new_action( 'append', stdextn , 'exten', 's-BUSY,1,Voicemail(${ARG1},b)');
- x.new_action( 'append', stdextn , 'exten', 's-BUSY,2,Goto(default,s,1)');
- x.new_action( 'append', stdextn , 'exten', '_s-.,1,Goto(s-NOANSWER,1)');
- x.new_action( 'append', stdextn , 'exten', 'a,1,VoicemailMain(${ARG1})');
- x.callActions(after);
- })();
- return;
- }
- var fmcat = 'macro-stdexten-followme' ;
- if( !ecnf.hasOwnProperty(fmcat) ){ // add follow-me macro
- sessionData.continueParsing = false;
- (function(){
- ASTGUI.dialog.waitWhile('Adding FollowMe Macro in extensions.conf');
- var after = function(){
- setTimeout( function(){
- var t = ASTGUI.cliCommand('dialplan reload') ;
- if( parent.sessionData.DEBUG_MODE ){
- alert('Added FollowMe Macro to extensions.conf' + '\n' + 'Click OK to reload');
- }
- top.window.location.reload();
- }, 1000);
- }
- var x = new listOfActions('extensions.conf');
- x.new_action( 'newcat', fmcat , '', '');
- x.new_action( 'append', fmcat , 'exten', 's,1,Dial(${ARG2},${RINGTIME},${DIALOPTIONS})' );
- x.new_action( 'append', fmcat , 'exten', 's,2,Followme(${ARG1},a)' );
- x.new_action( 'append', fmcat , 'exten', 's,3,Voicemail(${ARG1},u)' );
- x.new_action( 'append', fmcat , 'exten', 's-NOANSWER,1,Voicemail(${ARG1},u)' );
- x.new_action( 'append', fmcat , 'exten', 's-BUSY,1,Voicemail(${ARG1},b)' );
- x.new_action( 'append', fmcat , 'exten', 's-BUSY,2,Goto(default,s,1)' );
- x.new_action( 'append', fmcat , 'exten', '_s-.,1,Goto(s-NOANSWER,1)' );
- x.new_action( 'append', fmcat , 'exten', 'a,1,VoicemailMain(${ARG1})' );
- x.callActions(after);
- })();
- return;
- }
var tmp_file = ASTGUI.globals.zaptelIncludeFile;
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