pari: branch 2.0 r4232 - /branches/2.0/config/gtalk.html
SVN commits to the Asterisk-GUI project
asterisk-gui-commits at
Wed Nov 26 17:28:34 CST 2008
Author: pari
Date: Wed Nov 26 17:28:34 2008
New Revision: 4232
Google Talk/Jabber intergration
Added: branches/2.0/config/gtalk.html
--- branches/2.0/config/gtalk.html (added)
+++ branches/2.0/config/gtalk.html Wed Nov 26 17:28:34 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,339 @@
+ * Asterisk-GUI - an Asterisk configuration interface
+ *
+ * Google Talk/Jabber Configuration
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, Digium, Inc.
+ *
+ * Pari Nannapaneni <pari at>
+ *
+ * See for more information about
+ * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact
+ * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
+ * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC
+ * channels for your use.
+ *
+ * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
+ * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
+ * at the top of the source tree.
+ *
+<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
+<script src="js/astman.js"></script>
+<script src="js/jquery.tooltip.js"></script>
+<link href="stylesheets/schwing.css" media="all" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" />
+<style type="text/css">
+ #table_BuddiesList {
+ border: 1px solid #666666;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ margin-bottom:10px;
+ width: 96%;
+ text-align: center;
+ padding : 1px;
+ }
+ #table_BuddiesList tr.heading { background: #FFFFFF; }
+ #table_BuddiesList tr.frow { background: #6b79a5; color: #CED7EF; }
+ #table_BuddiesList tr.frow td{ font-weight:bold; }
+ #table_BuddiesList tr td{ padding : 3px; }
+ #table_BuddiesList tr.even { background: #DFDFDF; }
+ #table_BuddiesList tr.odd{ background: #FFFFFF; }
+ #table_BuddiesList tr.even:hover, #table_BuddiesList tr.odd:hover {
+ background: #a8b6e5;
+ cursor: default;
+ }
+ #table_AccountsList {
+ border: 1px solid #666666;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ margin-bottom:10px;
+ text-align: center;
+ padding : 1px;
+ }
+ #table_AccountsList tr.heading { background: #6b79a5;}
+ #table_AccountsList tr td { padding : 3px; }
+ #table_AccountsList tr.even { background: #DFDFDF; }
+ #table_AccountsList tr.odd { background: #FFFFFF; }
+ #table_AccountsList tr.even:hover, #table_AccountsList tr.odd:hover {
+ background: #a8b6e5;
+ cursor: default;
+ }
+ listBuddies : function(){ // MANAGE_BUDDIES.listBuddies
+ var addCell = ASTGUI.domActions.tr_addCell; // temporarily store the function
+ var TBL = _$('table_BuddiesList');
+ ASTGUI.domActions.clear_table(TBL);
+ var newRow = TBL.insertRow(-1);
+ newRow.className = 'heading' ;
+ addCell( newRow , { html: "<span class='lite_Heading'>Peers</span>",align:'center', colspan:4 });
+ var newRow = TBL.insertRow(-1);
+ newRow.className = 'frow' ;
+ addCell( newRow , { html: 'UserName' });
+ addCell( newRow , { html: 'Context' });
+ addCell( newRow , { html: ' Connection ' });
+ addCell( newRow , { html: '',width:'175px' });
+ for( buddy in GTALK_CNF ){
+ if( !GTALK_CNF.hasOwnProperty(buddy) || buddy == 'general' ) continue;
+ var newRow = TBL.insertRow(-1);
+ newRow.className = ((TBL.rows.length)%2==1)?'odd':'even';
+ addCell( newRow , { html:GTALK_CNF[buddy].username });
+ addCell( newRow , { html:GTALK_CNF[buddy].context });
+ addCell( newRow , { html:GTALK_CNF[buddy].connection });
+ var tmp = "<span class='guiButton' onclick=\"MANAGE_BUDDIES.edit_buddy_form('" + buddy +"')\">Edit</span> "
+ + "<span class='guiButtonDelete' onclick=\"MANAGE_BUDDIES.deleteBuddy('" + buddy +"')\">Delete</span>" ;
+ addCell( newRow , { html: tmp });
+ }
+ },
+ deleteBuddy : function(a){ // MANAGE_BUDDIES.deleteBuddy();
+ if(!confirm("Delete peer '"+ a + "' ?")) { return true; }
+ var u = new listOfSynActions('gtalk.conf') ;
+ u.new_action('delcat', a, '', '');
+ u.callActions();
+ { msg:"'deleted peer " + a , showfor: 3, color:'red', bgcolor:'#FFFFFF' } );
+ window.location.reload();
+ },
+ addBuddy: function(){ // MANAGE_BUDDIES.addBuddy();
+ if ( EDIT_BUDDY ){
+ var u = new listOfSynActions('gtalk.conf') ;
+ u.new_action('delcat', EDIT_BUDDY , '', '');
+ u.callActions();
+ }
+ var v = new listOfActions('gtalk.conf');
+ var tmp_uname = ASTGUI.getFieldValue('edit_buddyName_text');
+ var tmp_connection = ASTGUI.getFieldValue('edit_buddyConnection_select');
+ if( !tmp_uname.contains('@') ){
+ tmp_uname = tmp_uname + '';
+ }
+ var catname = ( EDIT_BUDDY ) ? EDIT_BUDDY : tmp_uname.beforeChar('@');
+ v.new_action('newcat', catname, '', '');
+ v.new_action('append', catname , 'username', tmp_uname );
+ v.new_action('append', catname , 'disallow', 'all');
+ v.new_action('append', catname , 'allow', 'all');
+ v.new_action('append', catname , 'context', 'default');
+ v.new_action('append', catname , 'connection', tmp_connection );
+ v.callActions( function(){
+ { msg:"updated peer" , showfor: 3, color:'red', bgcolor:'#FFFFFF' } );
+ window.location.reload();
+ });
+ },
+ new_buddy_form : function(){ // MANAGE_BUDDIES.new_buddy_form();
+ EDIT_BUDDY = '';
+ ASTGUI.resetTheseFields([ 'edit_buddyName_text', 'edit_buddyConnection_select' ]);
+ $('#buddy_editdiv .dialog_title > span').html('Add Peer');
+ $('#buddy_editdiv').showWithBg();
+ },
+ edit_buddy_form : function(a){ // MANAGE_BUDDIES.edit_buddy_form();
+ if(!a) return;
+ ASTGUI.updateFieldToValue( 'edit_buddyName_text', GTALK_CNF[EDIT_BUDDY].username );
+ ASTGUI.updateFieldToValue( 'edit_buddyConnection_select', GTALK_CNF[EDIT_BUDDY].connection );
+ $('#buddy_editdiv .dialog_title > span').html( 'Edit Peer ' + EDIT_BUDDY);
+ $('#buddy_editdiv').showWithBg();
+ }
+ listAccounts : function(){
+ var addCell = ASTGUI.domActions.tr_addCell; // temporarily store the function
+ var TBL = _$('table_AccountsList');
+ ASTGUI.domActions.clear_table(TBL);
+ var newRow = TBL.insertRow(-1);
+ newRow.className = 'heading' ;
+ addCell( newRow , { html: "<span class='lite_Heading' style='color: #FFFFFF;'>gtalk Accounts</span>",align:'center', colspan:2 });
+ for( account in JABBER_CNF ){
+ if( !JABBER_CNF.hasOwnProperty(account) || account == 'general' ) continue;
+ ASTGUI.selectbox.append('edit_buddyConnection_select', account , account );
+ var newRow = TBL.insertRow(-1);
+ newRow.className = ((TBL.rows.length)%2==0) ? 'odd':'even';
+ addCell( newRow , { html:JABBER_CNF[account].username + " [" + account + "]" } );
+ var tmp = "<span class='guiButton' onclick=\"MANAGE_ACCOUNTS.edit_Account_form('" + account +"')\">Edit</span> "
+ + "<span class='guiButtonDelete' onclick=\"MANAGE_ACCOUNTS.deleteAccount('" + account +"')\">Delete</span>" ;
+ addCell( newRow , { html: tmp, width: '175px'});
+ }
+ },
+ deleteAccount : function(a){ // MANAGE_ACCOUNTS.deleteAccount()
+ if(!confirm("Delete account '"+ a + "' ?")) { return true; }
+ var u = new listOfSynActions('jabber.conf') ;
+ u.new_action('delcat', a, '', '');
+ u.callActions();
+ { msg:"'Deleted jabber account " + a , showfor: 3, color:'red', bgcolor:'#FFFFFF' } );
+ window.location.reload();
+ },
+ saveAccount : function(){ // MANAGE_ACCOUNTS.saveAccount()
+ if ( EDIT_ACCOUNT ){
+ var u = new listOfSynActions('jabber.conf') ;
+ u.new_action('delcat', EDIT_ACCOUNT , '', '');
+ u.callActions();
+ }
+ var v = new listOfActions('jabber.conf');
+ var tmp_uname = ASTGUI.getFieldValue('edit_account_text');
+ if( !tmp_uname.contains('@') ){
+ tmp_uname = tmp_uname + '';
+ }
+ var catname = ( EDIT_ACCOUNT ) ? EDIT_ACCOUNT : tmp_uname.beforeChar('@');
+ v.new_action('newcat', catname, '', '');
+ v.new_action('append', catname , 'type', 'client');
+ v.new_action('append', catname , 'serverhost', '');
+ v.new_action('append', catname , 'username', tmp_uname);
+ v.new_action('append', catname , 'secret', ASTGUI.getFieldValue('edit_account_secret'));
+ v.new_action('append', catname , 'port', '5222');
+ v.new_action('append', catname , 'usetls', 'yes');
+ v.new_action('append', catname , 'usesasl', 'yes');
+ v.new_action('append', catname , 'statusmessage', ASTGUI.getFieldValue('edit_account_status'));
+ v.new_action('append', catname , 'timeout', '100');
+ v.callActions( function(){
+ { msg:"updated account" , showfor: 3, color:'red', bgcolor:'#FFFFFF' } );
+ window.location.reload();
+ });
+ },
+ new_Account_form : function(){ // MANAGE_ACCOUNTS.new_Account_form()
+ ASTGUI.resetTheseFields([ 'edit_account_text', 'edit_account_secret','edit_account_status' ]);
+ $('#account_editdiv .dialog_title > span').html('Add new Account');
+ $('#account_editdiv').showWithBg();
+ },
+ edit_Account_form : function(a){ // MANAGE_ACCOUNTS.edit_Account_form()
+ if(!a) return;
+ ASTGUI.updateFieldToValue( 'edit_account_text', JABBER_CNF[EDIT_ACCOUNT].username );
+ ASTGUI.updateFieldToValue( 'edit_account_secret', JABBER_CNF[EDIT_ACCOUNT].secret );
+ ASTGUI.updateFieldToValue( 'edit_account_status', JABBER_CNF[EDIT_ACCOUNT].statusmessage );
+ $('#account_editdiv .dialog_title > span').html('Edit Account ' + EDIT_ACCOUNT );
+ $('#account_editdiv').showWithBg();
+ }
+var localajaxinit = function(){
+ top.document.title = 'Google Talk Preferences' ;
+ GTALK_CNF = config2json({ filename:'gtalk.conf', usf:1 }); // buddies
+ JABBER_CNF = config2json({ filename:'jabber.conf', usf:1 }); // accounts
+ MANAGE_ACCOUNTS.listAccounts();
+ MANAGE_BUDDIES.listBuddies();
+<body bgcolor="EFEFEF">
+ <div class="iframeTitleBar">
+ Google Talk Settings
+ <span class='refresh_icon' onclick="window.location.reload();" > <img src="images/refresh.png" title=" Refresh " border=0 > </span>
+ </div>
+ <div class='top_buttons'>
+ <span class='guiButtonNew' onclick='MANAGE_BUDDIES.new_buddy_form();'>New Peer</span>
+ <span class='guiButtonNew' onclick='MANAGE_ACCOUNTS.new_Account_form();'>New gtalk Account</span>
+ <span class='lite_Heading' style='margin-left: 80px'> Google Talk Settings </span>
+ </div>
+ <!--<center>
+ <div style='text-align:center; background-color : #FFFFFF; width: 95%; padding: 5px; margin-left: 1px; margin-top:14px; margin-bottom:20px; border:1px solid #CDCDCD; color: #575757 ' class='lite'>
+ send or receive calls to your buddies on Google Talk network
+ </div>
+ </center>-->
+ <div>
+ <div style='float:left; margin:20px'>
+ <table id='table_BuddiesList' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 align=center></table>
+ </div>
+ <div style='float:right; margin:20px'>
+ <table id='table_AccountsList' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 align=center></table>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+<div id="buddy_editdiv" STYLE="width:500px; display:none;" class='dialog'>
+ <TABLE width="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
+ <TR class="dialog_title_tr">
+ <TD class="dialog_title" onmousedown="ASTGUI.startDrag(event);"><span></span></TD>
+ <TD class="dialog_title_X" onclick="ASTGUI.hideDrag(event);"> X </TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ <table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0 width="100%" align="center">
+ <tr> <td align="right" colspan=2 height=10></td></tr>
+ <tr> <td align=right>Username: </td>
+ <td colspan=2><input id="edit_buddyName_text" size=25></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr> <td align=right>Connection: </td>
+ <td colspan=2><select id="edit_buddyConnection_select"></select></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr> <td align="right" colspan=2 height=10></td></tr>
+ <tr> <td align=center colspan=3>
+ <span class='guiButtonCancel' onclick='ASTGUI.hideDrag(event);'>Cancel</span>
+ <span class='guiButtonEdit' onclick='MANAGE_BUDDIES.addBuddy();'>Save</span>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr> <td align="right" colspan=2 height=10></td></tr>
+ </table>
+<div id="account_editdiv" STYLE="width:500px; display:none;" class='dialog'>
+ <TABLE width="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
+ <TR class="dialog_title_tr">
+ <TD class="dialog_title" onmousedown="ASTGUI.startDrag(event);"><span></span></TD>
+ <TD class="dialog_title_X" onclick="ASTGUI.hideDrag(event);"> X </TD>
+ </TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ <table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0 width="100%" align="center">
+ <tr> <td align="right" colspan=2 height=10></td></tr>
+ <tr> <td align=right>Username: </td>
+ <td colspan=2><input id="edit_account_text" size=25></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr> <td align=right>Password: </td>
+ <td colspan=2><input id="edit_account_secret" size=16></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr> <td align=right>Status Message: </td>
+ <td colspan=2><input id="edit_account_status" size=25></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr> <td align="right" colspan=2 height=10></td></tr>
+ <tr> <td align=center colspan=3>
+ <span class='guiButtonCancel' onclick='ASTGUI.hideDrag(event);'>Cancel</span>
+ <span class='guiButtonEdit' onclick='MANAGE_ACCOUNTS.saveAccount();'>Save</span>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr> <td align="right" colspan=2 height=10></td></tr>
+ </table>
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