pari: branch asterisknow r842 - in /branches: aadk/config/setup/
asterisk-gui-commits at
asterisk-gui-commits at
Wed May 2 10:27:39 MST 2007
Author: pari
Date: Wed May 2 12:27:38 2007
New Revision: 842
Merging 841
branches/asterisknow/ (props changed)
Modified: branches/aadk/config/setup/4.html
--- branches/aadk/config/setup/4.html (original)
+++ branches/aadk/config/setup/4.html Wed May 2 12:27:38 2007
@@ -26,19 +26,19 @@
<script src="../scripts/prototype.js"></script>
<script src="../scripts/astman.js"></script>
-var rawman_url;
var origwidth;
-var widgets = {} ;
-var provwidgets = {} ;
+var widgets = {};
+var provwidgets = {};
var callbacks = new Object;
var phonecallbacks = new Object;
var providercallbacks = new Object;
var globalvars = new Object;
-var fieldnames = ['callerid', 'cancel', 'context', 'delete', 'dialformat', 'fromdomain', 'fromuser', 'group', 'hasexten', 'hasiax', 'hassip', 'host', 'host', 'insecure', 'name', 'new', 'provider', 'registeriax', 'registersip', 'save', 'secret', 'trunkname', 'trunkstyleanalog', 'trunkstylecustomvoip', 'trunkstylevoip', 'username', 'zapchan'];
-var provfieldnames = new Array('providerdesc', 'providerlogo');
+var fieldnames = ['disallow','allow','callerid','cancel','contact','context','delete','dialformat','fromdomain','fromuser','group','hasexten','hasiax','hassip',
+var provfieldnames = ['providerdesc', 'providerlogo'];
var isnewtrunk;
var dids_array = [];
var old_trunkname;
@@ -52,12 +52,11 @@
asynchronous: true,
onSuccess: function(t) { },
onFailure: function(t) {
- alert("Config Error: " + t.status + ": " + t.statusText);
- alert("Failed to create a DID context for " + trunk);
+ gui_alert("Config Error: " + t.status + ": " + t.statusText + "<BR><BR>"+ "Failed to create a DID context for " + trunk );
opt.parameters= "action=updateconfig&srcfilename=" + encodeURIComponent("extensions.conf") + "&dstfilename=" + encodeURIComponent("extensions.conf") + uri;
- var tmp = new Ajax.Request(rawman_url, opt);
+ var tmp = new Ajax.Request(asterisk_rawmanPath, opt);
function update_didcontext(old_trunk, new_trunk){
@@ -67,15 +66,16 @@
var opt = {
method: 'get',
asynchronous: true,
- onSuccess: function(t) { },
+ onSuccess: function(t) { callbacks_savechanges_step2(); },
onFailure: function(t) {
- alert("Config Error: " + t.status + ": " + t.statusText);
- alert("Failed to Rename the DID context for " + old_didcontext );
+ gui_alert("Config Error: " + t.status + ": " + t.statusText);
+ gui_alert("Failed to Rename the DID context for " + old_didcontext );
opt.parameters= "action=updateconfig&srcfilename=" + encodeURIComponent("extensions.conf") + "&dstfilename=" + encodeURIComponent("extensions.conf") + uri;
- var tmp = new Ajax.Request(rawman_url, opt);
+ var tmp = new Ajax.Request(asterisk_rawmanPath, opt);
function delete_didcontext(trunk){
var didcontext = asterisk_guiTDPrefix + trunk ;
@@ -85,44 +85,23 @@
asynchronous: true,
onSuccess: function(t) { },
onFailure: function(t) {
- alert("Config Error: " + t.status + ": " + t.statusText);
- alert("Failed to delete DID context for " + trunk);
+ gui_alert("Config Error: " + t.status + ": " + t.statusText + "<BR> Failed to delete DID context for " + trunk);
opt.parameters= "action=updateconfig&srcfilename=" + encodeURIComponent("extensions.conf") + "&dstfilename=" + encodeURIComponent("extensions.conf") + uri;
- var tmp = new Ajax.Request(rawman_url, opt);
-function localinit(){
- var focus_fields = [ 'username','secret','provider','customvoip_name','customvoip_protocol','customvoip_host','customvoip_username','customvoip_secret' ];
- for( var r =0; r < focus_fields.length ; r++ ){
- var d = _$(focus_fields[r]);
- d.onfocus = function(){ this.className = 'input9_hilight'; }
- d.onblur = function(){ this.className = 'input9'; }
- }
- parent._$('back').onclick = function(){ window.location.href="3.html"; };
- parent._$('next').onclick = function(){ window.location.href="5.html"; };
- //parent.$('next').disabled = true;
- parent._$('back').disabled = false;
- rawman_url = parent.rawman_url ;
- parent.astmanEngine.setURL(rawman_url);
- ping();
-function ping(){
- var opt = {method: 'get',asynchronous: true,onComplete: isloggedin };
- opt.parameters="action=ping" ;
- var tmp = new Ajax.Request(rawman_url , opt);
-function isloggedin(originalRequest){
- if ( originalRequest.responseText.match("Error") ) {
- parent.window.location.href = parent.window.location.href ;
- return;
- }
- if (originalRequest.responseText.match("Pong") ) {
- localajaxinit();
+ var tmp = new Ajax.Request(asterisk_rawmanPath, opt);
+providercallbacks.postselect = function() {
+ var _pl = _$('providerlink') ;
+ try{
+ var f = _$('provider');
+ var g = f.stored_config.catbyname[f.value].fieldbyname['regurl'] ;
+ _pl.href= ( g ) ? g :'#' ;
+ = ( g ) ? '_blank' : '';
+ }catch(e){
+ _pl.href= "#";
+ = "";
@@ -134,8 +113,7 @@
if (,asterisk_guiTDPrefix.length) == asterisk_guiTDPrefix ){
dids_array.push( asterisk_guiTDPrefix.length ) );
- if ( == "globals")
- return
+ if ( == "globals"){ return ; }
return null;
@@ -144,35 +122,19 @@
providercallbacks.loaded = function() {
- _$('provider').altonchange = _$('provider').onchange;
- _$('provider').onchange = null;
+ var p = _$('provider');
parent.astmanEngine.config2list("extensions.conf", _$('hiddenglobals'), new Array, globalvars);
-providercallbacks.postselect = function(){
- if (_$('provider').selectIndex == -1 || _$('provider').selectIndex == ""){
- return true;
- }else{
- var element = document.getElementById("providerlogo_image");
- while (element.firstChild) {
- element.removeChild(element.firstChild);
- }
- var sp1 = document.createElement("img");
- sp1.src = "../" + _$('providerlogo').value ;
- //sp1.width="214";
- //sp1.height="46";
- _$('providerlogo_image').appendChild(sp1);
- }
callbacks.format = function(t) {
- if( InArray(dids_array, ){
- return t.fieldbyname['trunkname'];
- }
+ if( InArray(dids_array, ){ return t.fieldbyname['trunkname']; }
return null;
callbacks.cancelnewcategory = function(){
+ remove_event( _$('trunkstyleanalog') , 'click' , activateanalogvoip );
+ remove_event( _$('trunkstylevoip') , 'click' , activateanalogvoip );
+ remove_event( _$('trunkstylecustomvoip') , 'click' , activateanalogvoip );
@@ -181,34 +143,26 @@
callbacks.loaded = function() {
+ var _devices = _$('devices');
+ _devices.contentEditable = 'true';
+ _devices.disabled = 0;
+ add_event( _$('new') , "click", showSPdetails ) ;
+ loadServiceProvidersintotable();
+ //preparemenus();
+ //parent.loadscreen(this);
- _$('devices').contentEditable = 'true';
- _$('devices').disabled = 0;
- //_$('new').addEventListener("click", showSPdetails, false);
- add_event( _$('new') , "click", showSPdetails );
- loadServiceProvidersintotable();
callbacks.postselect = function(){
if( _$('trunkstylecustomvoip').checked ){
// Custom VOIP
- var tmp = _$('trunkname').value.split("Custom - ") ;
+ var tmp = $('trunkname').value.split("Custom - ") ;
_$('customvoip_name').value = tmp[1];
_$('customvoip_username').value = _$('username').value;
_$('customvoip_secret').value = _$('secret').value;
- if ( _$('hassip').value == "yes" ){
- _$('customvoip_protocol').selectedIndex = 1;
- }else {
- _$('customvoip_protocol').selectedIndex = 0;
- }
+ _$('customvoip_protocol').selectedIndex = ( _$('hassip').value == "yes" ) ? 1 : 0;
_$('customvoip_host').value = _$('host').value;
- if(_$('registeriax').value == "yes" || _$('registersip').value == "yes"){
- _$('customvoip_register').checked = true;
- }else{
- _$('customvoip_register').checked = false;
- }
+ _$('customvoip_register').checked = ( _$('registeriax').value == "yes" || _$('registersip').value == "yes") ? true : false ;
}else if ( _$('trunkstylevoip').checked ){
_$('customvoip_name').value = "";
@@ -217,191 +171,195 @@
_$('customvoip_protocol').selectedIndex = 0;
_$('customvoip_host').value ="";
callbacks.delchanges = function(box, value) {
- var oldvalue = _$('hiddenglobals').stored_config.catbyname['globals'].fieldbyname[value];
+ var _hglobals = _$('hiddenglobals');
+ var oldvalue = _hglobals.stored_config.catbyname['globals'].fieldbyname[value];
if (oldvalue) {
uri = build_action('delete', 0, 'globals', value, "");
- apply_uri(_$('hiddenglobals'), uri);
- _$('hiddenglobals').stored_config.catbyname['globals'].fieldbyname[value] = null;
+ apply_uri( _hglobals, uri);
+ _hglobals.stored_config.catbyname['globals'].fieldbyname[value] = null;
return true;
callbacks.beforeSaving = function(){
- if (_$('trunkstylevoip').checked && !_$('provider').value) {
- alert("Please select a service provider!");
- return false;
- }
- if (_$('trunkstylevoip').checked && !_$('username').value.length ) {
- alert("When using VoIP, the username must not be empty!");
- return false;
- }
- if (_$('trunkstyleanalog').checked ) {
- if( _$('zapchan').options.length == 0 ){
- alert("No analog line hardware installed on the system");
- return false;
- }
- if (!_$('zapchan').value) {
- alert("When using Analog, at least one port must be selected.");
- return false;
- }
- }
- if ( _$('trunkstylecustomvoip').checked ) {
- if( _$('customvoip_name').value.length == 0 ){
- alert("Please enter a Comment for this Service Provider");
- _$('customvoip_name').focus();
- return false;
- }
- if ( !_$('customvoip_host').value ) {
- alert("Please enter a host name");
- _$('customvoip_host').focus();
- return false;
- }
- if ( !_$('customvoip_username').value ) {
- alert("Please enter a Username");
- _$('customvoip_username').focus();
- return false;
- }
- }
- if(!$('trunkstylevoip').checked && !$('trunkstyleanalog').checked && !$('trunkstylecustomvoip').checked ){
- alert("A trunk must be Analog or VoIP or Custom VOIP");
- return false;
- }
+ var _tsv = _$('trunkstylevoip');
+ var _tsa = _$('trunkstyleanalog');
+ var _tscv = _$('trunkstylecustomvoip');
+ var _cv_un = _$('customvoip_username');
+ var _name = _$('name') ;
+ var _dvcs_v = _$('devices').value ;
+ var _msg1 = "When using VoIP, the username must not be empty!" ;
+ var _msg2 = "No analog line hardware installed on the system";
+ var _msg3 = "When using Analog, at least one port must be selected.";
+ var _msg4 = "Please enter a Comment for this Service Provider";
+ if ( _tsv.checked && !_$('username').value.length ) { gui_alert(_msg1); return false; }
+ if ( _tsa.checked ) {
+ var _zapchan = _$('zapchan');
+ if( _zapchan.options.length == 0 ){ gui_alert(_msg2); return false; }
+ if (!_zapchan.value) { gui_alert( _msg3); return false; }
+ }
+ if ( _tscv.checked ) {
+ var _csv_n = _$('customvoip_name');
+ if( _csv_n.value.length == 0 ){ gui_alert( _msg4); _csv_n.focus(); return false; }
+ var _cv_h = _$('customvoip_host') ;
+ if ( !_cv_h.value ) { gui_alert("Please enter a host name"); _cv_h.focus(); return false; }
+ if ( !_cv_un.value ) { gui_alert("Please enter a Username"); _cv_un.focus(); return false; }
+ }
+ if( !_tsv.checked && !_tsa.checked && !_tscv.checked ){ gui_alert("A trunk must be Analog or VoIP or Custom VOIP"); return false; }
+ if(_dvcs_v.length ==0 ){
+ ifnewtrunk();
+ }else{
+ ifedit_existing();
+ }
if(isnewtrunk ==1){
- provider = _$('provider').stored_config.catbyname[_$('provider').value];
- if( typeof provider.fieldbyname['trunk_username'] != "undefined" && _$('trunkstylevoip').checked ){
- _$('name').value = provider.fieldbyname['trunk_username'];
- }
+ var _pvdr = _$('provider');
+ provider = _pvdr.stored_config.catbyname[_pvdr.value];
+ if( typeof provider.fieldbyname['trunk_username'] != "undefined" && _tsv.checked ){
+ _name.value = provider.fieldbyname['trunk_username'];
+ }
- dids_array.push(_$('name').value );
+ dids_array.push( _name.value );
- old_trunkname = _$('devices').value ;
- if( _$('devices').value != _$('name').value){ // if the trunk name is changed , change the name in dids_array
- for( var i=0 ; i < dids_array.length; i ++ ){
- if( dids_array[i] == _$('devices').value) { dids_array[i] = _$('name').value;}
+ if( _$('trunkstyleanalog').checked ){
+ _$('context').value = asterisk_guiTDPrefix + _$('name').value ;
+ var needcomma = 0 ;
+ var count = 0 ;
+ _$('trunkname').value = "" ;
+ for (var x=0;x< _$('zapchan').options.length;x++) {
+ if (_$('zapchan').options[x].selected) {
+ if(needcomma){ _$('trunkname').value += "," }
+ needcomma = 1 ;
+ _$('trunkname').value += _$('zapchan').options[x].value ;
+ count++ ;
+ }
+ _$('trunkname').value = ((count > 1) ? "Ports ":"Port ") + _$('trunkname').value ;
+ }
+ old_trunkname = _dvcs_v ;
+ if( _dvcs_v != _name.value ){ // if the trunk name is changed , change the name in dids_array
+ for( var i=0 ; i < dids_array.length; i ++){ if( dids_array[i] == _dvcs_v ) { dids_array[i] = _name.value ; break; } }
callbacks.savechanges = function() {
if(isnewtrunk == 1){ //New Trunk created , add [DID_trunk_x] in extensions.conf
- add_didcontext( _$('name').value );
+ add_didcontext(_$('name').value);
+ if (_$('trunkstylevoip').checked) {
+ _$('dialformat').value = (provider.fieldbyname['dialformat']) ? provider.fieldbyname['dialformat'] : '${EXTEN:1}';
+ _$('callerid').value = '';
+ _$('insecure').value = (provider.fieldbyname['insecure']) ? provider.fieldbyname['insecure'] : '' ;
+ _$('port').value = (provider.fieldbyname['port']) ? provider.fieldbyname['port'] : '' ;
+ _$('fromuser').value = (provider.fieldbyname['fromuser']) ? provider.fieldbyname['fromuser'] : '' ;
+ if (_$('fromuser').value == '<DID>') { _$('fromuser').value = _$('username').value; }
+ _$('fromdomain').value = (provider.fieldbyname['fromdomain']) ? provider.fieldbyname['fromdomain'] : '' ;
+ }
+ callbacks_savechanges_step2();
- if(old_trunkname != _$('name').value ){ // rename DID if needed
- update_didcontext(old_trunkname, _$('name').value );
- }
- }
- saveSPdetails();
+ if(old_trunkname != _$('name').value ){ update_didcontext(old_trunkname, _$('name').value); } // rename DID if needed
+ }
+ return true;
+function callbacks_savechanges_step2(){
+ hideSPdetails();
+ loadServiceProvidersintotable();
var uri;
var newvalue;
- var tmp = _$('devices').value.split('_');
- var oldvalue = _$('hiddenglobals').stored_config.catbyname['globals'].fieldbyname[_$('devices').value];
+ var _devices = _$('devices') ;
+ var tmp = _devices.value.split('_');
+ var _hiddenglobals = _$('hiddenglobals') ;
+ var oldvalue = _hiddenglobals.stored_config.catbyname['globals'].fieldbyname[_devices.value];
if (_$('trunkstylevoip').checked || _$('trunkstylecustomvoip').checked) {
- if (_$('devices').stored_config.catbyname[_$('devices').value].fieldbyname['hasiax'] == 'yes')
- newvalue = "IAX2/" + _$('devices').value;
+ if (_devices.stored_config.catbyname[_devices.value].fieldbyname['hasiax'] == 'yes')
+ newvalue = "IAX2/" + _devices.value;
- newvalue = "SIP/" + _$('devices').value;
+ newvalue = "SIP/" + _devices.value;
} else {
newvalue = "Zap/g"+tmp[1];
if (newvalue != oldvalue) {
- if(old_trunkname == _$('name').value ){
- uri = build_action('update', 0, 'globals', _$('devices').value, newvalue);
- apply_uri(_$('hiddenglobals'), uri);
- _$('hiddenglobals').stored_config.catbyname['globals'].fieldbyname[_$('devices').value] = newvalue;
+ var _name = _$('name') ;
+ if(old_trunkname == _name.value ){
+ uri = build_action('update', 0, 'globals', _devices.value, newvalue);
+ apply_uri(_hiddenglobals, uri);
+ _hiddenglobals.stored_config.catbyname['globals'].fieldbyname[_devices.value] = newvalue;
return true;
- uri = build_action('delete', 0, 'globals', old_trunkname, "","" );
- uri += build_action('update', 1, 'globals', _$('name').value, newvalue);
- apply_uri(_$('hiddenglobals'), uri);
- _$('hiddenglobals').stored_config.catbyname['globals'].fieldbyname[_$('name').value] = newvalue;
+ uri = "";
+ var u =0;
+ if(old_trunkname){ uri = build_action('delete', u, 'globals', old_trunkname, "","" ); u++; }
+ uri += build_action('update', u , 'globals', _name.value, newvalue); u++;
+ apply_uri(_hiddenglobals, uri);
+ _hiddenglobals.stored_config.catbyname['globals'].fieldbyname[ _name.value ] = newvalue;
return true;
- return false;
-callbacks.checkparams = function(box) {
+function ifedit_existing(){
+ _$('context').value = asterisk_guiTDPrefix + _$('custom_trunkname').value ;
+function ifnewtrunk(){
var needcomma = 0;
var provider;
var count = 0;
+ var _provider = _$('provider');
+ var _zapchan = _$('zapchan');
+ var _trunkname = _$('trunkname');
_$('hasexten').value = 'no';
_$('context').value = asterisk_guiTDPrefix + _$('name').value ;
if (_$('trunkstylevoip').checked) {
- provider = _$('provider').stored_config.catbyname[_$('provider').value];
- _$('trunkname').value = _$('provider').options[_$('provider').selectedIndex].innerHTML + " - " + _$('username').value;
+ provider = _provider.stored_config.catbyname[_provider.value];
+ _trunkname.value = _provider.options[_provider.selectedIndex].innerHTML + " - " + _$('username').value;
_$('hassip').value = provider.fieldbyname['hassip'];
_$('hasiax').value = provider.fieldbyname['hasiax'];
_$('registeriax').value = provider.fieldbyname['registeriax'];
_$('registersip').value = provider.fieldbyname['registersip'];
_$('host').value = provider.fieldbyname['host'];
- if (provider.fieldbyname['dialformat'])
- _$('dialformat').value = provider.fieldbyname['dialformat'];
- else
- _$('dialformat').value = '${EXTEN:1}';
- _$('callerid').value = '';
- if (provider.fieldbyname['insecure'])
- _$('insecure').value = provider.fieldbyname['insecure'];
- else
- _$('insecure').value = '';
- if (provider.fieldbyname['port'])
- _$('port').value = provider.fieldbyname['port'];
- else
- _$('port').value = '';
- //if (provider.fieldbyname['context'])
- // $('context').value = provider.fieldbyname['context'];
- //else
- // $('context').value = 'default';
- if (provider.fieldbyname['fromuser'])
- _$('fromuser').value = provider.fieldbyname['fromuser'];
- else
- _$('fromuser').value = '';
- if (_$('fromuser').value == '<DID>') {
- _$('fromuser').value = _$('username').value;
- }
- if (provider.fieldbyname['fromdomain'])
- _$('fromdomain').value = provider.fieldbyname['fromdomain'];
- else
- _$('fromdomain').value = '';
- for (var x=0;x<_$('zapchan').options.length;x++)
- _$('zapchan').options[x].selected = false;
- _$('zapchan').value = '';
+ for (var x=0;x<_zapchan.options.length;x++){ _zapchan.options[x].selected = false; }
+ _zapchan.value = '';
_$('group').value = '';
+ _$('disallow').value= "";
+ _$('allow').value = "all";
} else if (_$('trunkstyleanalog').checked) {
// Analog
- _$('provider').selectedIndex = -1;
+ _provider.selectedIndex = -1;
count = 0;
- _$('trunkname').value = "";
- for (var x=0;x<_$('zapchan').options.length;x++) {
- if (_$('zapchan').options[x].selected) {
- if (needcomma)
- _$('trunkname').value += ","
- needcomma = 1;
- _$('trunkname').value += _$('zapchan').options[x].value;
+ _trunkname.value = "";
+ for (var x=0;x<_zapchan.options.length;x++) {
+ if (_zapchan.options[x].selected) {
+ if (needcomma){ _trunkname.value += "," }
+ needcomma = 1 ;
+ _trunkname.value += _zapchan.options[x].value;
- if (count > 1)
- _$('trunkname').value = "Ports " + _$('trunkname').value;
- else
- _$('trunkname').value = "Port " + _$('trunkname').value;
+ _trunkname.value = ((count > 1) ? "Ports ":"Port ") + _trunkname.value;
_$('callerid').value = 'asreceived';
_$('hassip').value = 'no';
_$('hasiax').value = 'no';
@@ -409,58 +367,56 @@
_$('group').value = _$('name').value.split('_')[1];
} else if( _$('trunkstylecustomvoip').checked ){
// Custom VOIP Provider
- _$('trunkname').value = "Custom - " + _$('customvoip_name').value;
+ _trunkname.value = "Custom - " + _$('customvoip_name').value;
provider = _$('customvoip_name').value;
- _$('provider').selectedIndex = -1;
+ _provider.selectedIndex = -1;
_$('username').value = _$('customvoip_username').value;
_$('secret').value = _$('customvoip_secret').value;
- if( _$('customvoip_protocol').value == "iax" ){
- _$('hassip').value = "no";
- _$('hasiax').value = "yes";
+ var _cv_p = $('customvoip_protocol').value ;
+ _$('hassip').value = ( _cv_p == "iax" ) ? "no" : "yes" ;
+ _$('hasiax').value = ( _cv_p == "iax" ) ? "yes" : "no";
+ var _cv_r = _$('customvoip_register') ;
+ var _registeriax = _$('registeriax') ;
+ var _registersip = _$('registersip');
+ if( !_cv_r.checked ){
+ _registeriax.value = 'no';
+ _registersip.value = 'no';
- _$('hassip').value = "yes";
- _$('hasiax').value = "no";
- }
- if( _$('customvoip_register').checked && _$('customvoip_protocol').value == "iax"){
- _$('registeriax').value = 'yes';
- _$('registersip').value = 'no';
- }
- if( _$('customvoip_register').checked && _$('customvoip_protocol').value == "sip"){
- _$('registeriax').value = 'no';
- _$('registersip').value = 'yes';
- }
- if( !_$('customvoip_register').checked ){
- _$('registeriax').value = 'no';
- _$('registersip').value = 'no';
- }
- _$('host').value = $('customvoip_host').value ;
+ _registeriax.value = ( _cv_p == "iax") ?'yes' : 'no';
+ _registersip.value = ( _cv_p == "sip") ?'yes' : 'no';
+ }
+ _$('host').value = _$('customvoip_host').value ;
_$('dialformat').value = '${EXTEN:1}';
_$('callerid').value = '';
_$('insecure').value = '';
- _$('port').value = '';
+ _$('port').value = ( _cv_p == "iax" ) ? "4569" : "5060";
//$('context').value = 'default';
_$('fromuser').value = '';
_$('fromdomain').value = '';
- for (var x=0;x<_$('zapchan').options.length;x++)
- _$('zapchan').options[x].selected = false;
- _$('zapchan').value = '';
+ for (var x=0;x<_zapchan.options.length;x++)
+ _zapchan.options[x].selected = false;
+ _zapchan.value = '';
_$('group').value = '';
- }
- return false;
+ _$('disallow').value= "";
+ _$('allow').value = "all";
+ }
callbacks.newcategory = function() {
var tmp = null;
var x;
- if (_$('devices').stored_config.catbyname['general'])
- tmp = objcopy(_$('devices').stored_config.catbyname['general']);
+ var _devices = _$('devices');
+ if ( _devices.stored_config.catbyname['general'])
+ tmp = objcopy( _devices.stored_config.catbyname['general']);
if (tmp) {
x = 1;
- while(_$('devices').stored_config.catbyname['trunk_' + x]) x++;
+ while( _devices.stored_config.catbyname['trunk_' + x]) x++; = 'trunk_' + x;
tmp.fieldbyname['hasexten'] = 'no';
- tmp.fieldbyname['context'] = asterisk_guiTDPrefix +;
+ tmp.fieldbyname['context'] = asterisk_guiTDPrefix +;
_$('customvoip_name').value = "";
_$('customvoip_username').value = "";
_$('customvoip_secret').value = "";
@@ -477,8 +433,8 @@
add_event( _$('trunkstylecustomvoip') , 'click' , activateanalogvoip );
return tmp;
callbacks.identifier = "extension";
phonecallbacks.format = function(t) {
@@ -490,106 +446,114 @@
phonecallbacks.loaded = function() {
parent.astmanEngine.config2list("providers.conf", _$('provider'), provwidgets, providercallbacks);
function update_zapchan(){
_$('save').disabled = false;
_$('cancel').disabled = false;
- for (k=0;k< _$('zapchan').length ;k++ ){
- var selectedline = "selectedline" + k;
- if( _$(selectedline).checked ){
- _$('zapchan').options[k].selected = true;
- }else{
- _$('zapchan').options[k].selected = false;
- }
- }
+ var _zapchan = _$('zapchan');
+ for (k=0;k< _zapchan.length ;k++ ){
+ _zapchan.options[k].selected = ( _$("selectedline" + k).checked ) ?true:false;
+ }
function activateanalogvoip() {
_$('analog').style.display = "none";
- _$('zapchan').style.display = "none";
- _$('zapchan_analoglines').style.display = "none";
- _$('zapchan_analoglines').innerHTML ="";
+ var _zapchan = _$('zapchan');
+ = "none";
+ var _zcal = _$('zapchan_analoglines');
+ = "none";
+ _zcal.innerHTML ="";
_$('customvoip').style.display = "none" ;
_$('voip').style.display= "none";
if (_$('trunkstyleanalog').checked) {
- _$('analog').style.display = "";
- _$('zapchan_analoglines').style.display = "";
- if(_$('zapchan').options.length ==0){
- _$('zapchan_analoglines').innerHTML = "No analog line hardware installed on the system";
+ _$('analog').style.display = "block";
+ = "";
+ if(_zapchan.options.length ==0){
+ _zcal.innerHTML = "No analog line hardware installed on the system";
- for (k=0;k< _$('zapchan').length ;k++ ){
+ for (k=0;k< _zapchan.length ;k++ ){
var selectedline = "selectedline" + k;
- if(_$('zapchan').options[k].selected){
- _$('zapchan_analoglines').innerHTML += '<LABEL FOR="' + selectedline + '"><INPUT id="' + selectedline + '" TYPE="CHECKBOX" VALUE="'+ _$('zapchan').options[k].value+ '" checked onclick="update_zapchan()">' + _$('zapchan').options[k].text + '</LABEL><BR>';
+ if(_zapchan.options[k].selected){
+ _zcal.innerHTML += '<LABEL FOR="' + selectedline + '"><INPUT id="' + selectedline + '" TYPE="CHECKBOX" VALUE="'+ _zapchan.options[k].value+ '" checked onclick="update_zapchan()">' + _zapchan.options[k].text + '</LABEL><BR>';
- _$('zapchan_analoglines').innerHTML += '<LABEL FOR="'+ selectedline+'"><INPUT id="' + selectedline + '" TYPE="CHECKBOX" VALUE="'+ _$('zapchan').options[k].value+ '" onclick="update_zapchan()">' + _$('zapchan').options[k].text + '</LABEL><BR>';
+ _zcal.innerHTML += '<LABEL FOR="'+ selectedline+'"><INPUT id="' + selectedline + '" TYPE="CHECKBOX" VALUE="'+ _zapchan.options[k].value+ '" onclick="update_zapchan()">' + _zapchan.options[k].text + '</LABEL><BR>';
}else if (_$('trunkstylevoip').checked) {
- _$('voip').style.display = "block";
- _$('voip').style.height =350;
+ _$('voip').style.display = "";
}else if (_$('trunkstylecustomvoip').checked) {
- _$('customvoip').style.display = "block" ;
- }
+ _$('customvoip').style.display = "" ;
+ }
function localajaxinit() {
+ setWindowTitle("Service Providers");
_$('devices').contentEditable = 'false';
- _$('trunkstyleanalog').altonclick = _$('trunkstyleanalog').onclick;
- _$('trunkstyleanalog').onclick = null;
- _$('trunkstylevoip').altonclick = _$('trunkstylevoip').onclick;
- _$('trunkstylevoip').onclick = null;
- _$('trunkstylecustomvoip').altonclick = _$('trunkstylecustomvoip').onclick;
- _$('trunkstylecustomvoip').onclick = null;
+ var _trunkstyleanalog = _$('trunkstyleanalog') ;
+ _trunkstyleanalog.onclick = null;
+ parent._$('back').onclick = function(){ window.location.href="3.html"; };
+ parent._$('next').onclick = function(){ window.location.href="5.html"; };
+ asterisk_rawmanPath = parent.rawman_url ;
+ var _trunkstylevoip = _$('trunkstylevoip');
+ _trunkstylevoip.onclick = null;
+ var _trunkstylecustomvoip = _$('trunkstylecustomvoip');
+ _trunkstylecustomvoip.onclick = null;
+ add_event( _$('custom_trunkname') , 'change' , function(){
+ _$('name').value = _$('custom_trunkname').value;
+ _$('save').disabled = false;
+ }
+ ) ;
for (var x =0; x< fieldnames.length; x++) {
- widgets[fieldnames[x]] = $(fieldnames[x]);
+ widgets[fieldnames[x]] = _$(fieldnames[x]);
widgets[fieldnames[x]].disabled = true;
for (var x =0; x < provfieldnames.length ; x++) {
- provwidgets[provfieldnames[x]] = $(provfieldnames[x]);
+ provwidgets[provfieldnames[x]] = _$(provfieldnames[x]);
provwidgets[provfieldnames[x]].disabled = true;
parent.astmanEngine.config2list("zapscan.conf", _$('zapchan'), new Array(), phonecallbacks);
function loadServiceProvidersintotable(){
- for( var i=0; i < _$('serviceproviderstable').rows.length; ){
- _$('serviceproviderstable').deleteRow(i);
- }
- if(_$('devices').length == "0" ){
+ var _spt = _$('serviceproviderstable');
+ for( var i=0; i < _spt.rows.length; ){
+ _spt.deleteRow(i);
+ }
+ var _devices = _$('devices');
+ if( _devices.length == "0" ){
- var newRow = _$('serviceproviderstable').insertRow(-1);
+ var newRow = _spt.insertRow(-1);
var newCell0 = newRow.insertCell(0);
newCell0 .align = "center";
- _$('new').style.display= "none";
- newCell0 .innerHTML = "<BR>You do not have any <I>Service Providers</I> defined<BR><BR> <Input type=button onclick=\"$('new').click()\" value=\"Add Service Provider\"><BR><BR>" ;
+ newCell0 .innerHTML = "<BR>A <I>Service Provider</I> is not defined<BR><BR> Please click on the 'Add Service Provider' button<BR> to add a service provider<BR><BR>" ;
return true;
- }else{
- _$('new').style.display= "";
- for(i=0; i< _$('devices').length; i++){
- if(_$('devices').options[i].text != "New Entry")
- addrow_totable(_$('devices').options[i].text, _$('devices').options[i].value);
+ for(i=0; i< _devices.length; i++){
+ if( _devices.options[i].text != "New Entry")
+ addrow_totable(_devices.options[i].text, _devices.options[i].value);
function addrow_totable(sp_text, sp_value){
- var sno = _$('serviceproviderstable').rows.length + 1;
- var newRow = _$('serviceproviderstable').insertRow(-1);
- = "row" + sp_value;
+ var _spt = _$('serviceproviderstable') ;
+ var sno = _spt.rows.length + 1;
+ var newRow = _spt.insertRow(-1);
+ ="row" + sp_value ;
+ newRow["sp_value"] = sp_value ;
var newCell0 = newRow.insertCell(0);
newCell0 .innerHTML = sno ;
@@ -602,36 +566,302 @@
var newCell2 = newRow.insertCell(2);
switch ( _$('devices').stored_config.catbyname[sp_value].fieldbyname['trunkstyle'] ){
case "customvoip":
- newCell2 .innerHTML = "Custom Voip";
+ newCell2.innerHTML = "Custom Voip";
case "analog":
- newCell2 .innerHTML = "Analog";
+ newCell2.innerHTML = "Analog";
case "voip":
- newCell2 .innerHTML = "Voip";
+ newCell2.innerHTML = "Voip";
default :
- newCell2 .innerHTML = "?";
+ newCell2.innerHTML = "?";
var newCell3 = newRow.insertCell(3);
- newCell3 .innerHTML = "<A href=\"#\" onclick=\"editSP('"+ sp_value +"');\" class=\"field_text9\">Edit</A> <A href=\"#\" onclick=\"deleteSP('"+ sp_value +"');\" class=\"field_text9\">Delete</A>" ;
- newCell3 .style.width = 120;
+ var _span_menu = "span" + sp_value;
+ //newCell3 .innerHTML = "<span class=\"downmenubutton\" id='" + "span_" + sp_value + "' onclick=\"show_downmenu( '"+ sp_value + "');\">Options <img src=images/1.gif></span>" ;
+ newCell3 .innerHTML = " <A href='#' onclick=\"editSP('"+ sp_value + "')\">Edit</A>" + " "
+ + "<A href='#' onclick=\"deleteSP('"+ sp_value + "')\">Delete</A> ";
+ newCell3 .style.width = 90;
newCell3 .align = "center";
+function show_downmenu( a ) {
+ var menu = document.getElementById('mymenu');
+ menu.sp_value = "";
+ menu.sp_value = a ;
+ var tmp_left = _$("span_"+a).offsetLeft;
+ var tmp_top = _$("span_"+a).offsetTop + _$("span_"+a).offsetHeight;
+ var tmp_parent = _$("span_"+a);
+ while(tmp_parent.offsetParent != document.body){
+ tmp_parent = tmp_parent.offsetParent;
+ tmp_left += tmp_parent.offsetLeft;
+ tmp_top += tmp_parent.offsetTop;
+ }
+ =tmp_top ;
+ = tmp_left ;
+ setTimeout( function(){ _$('mymenu').style.display=""; } , 100 );
+function hide_mymenu( ) {
+ document.getElementById('mymenu').style.display="none";
+function preparemenus(){
+ var menu_div = document.getElementById('mymenu') ;
+ = "#eee #bbb #bbb #ddd";
+ add_event( document.body , "click", function(){ _$('mymenu').style.display="none"; } );
+ var menuitem1 = document.createElement('div');
+ menuitem1.innerHTML = "Edit" ;
+ menuitem1.onclick = function(){ hide_mymenu( ); editSP( this.parentNode.sp_value) };
+ menuitem1.onmouseover= function(){
+ document.getElementById('row'+this.parentNode.sp_value ).style.backgroundColor='#F6E7B6';
+ };
+ menuitem1.onmouseout=function(){
+ document.getElementById('row'+this.parentNode.sp_value ).style.backgroundColor='#FFFFFF';
+ };
+ menu_div.appendChild(menuitem1);
+ var menuitem2 = document.createElement('div');
+ menuitem2.innerHTML = "Codecs" ;
+ menuitem2.onclick = function(){
+ if( _$('devices').stored_config.catbyname[this.parentNode.sp_value].fieldbyname['trunkstyle'] == 'analog'){
+ hide_mymenu();
+ gui_feedback("You can not edit codecs for an analog trunk ");
+ return true;
+ }
+ var _devices = _$('devices');
+ for(var i=0; i< _devices.length; i++){
+ if( this.parentNode.sp_value == _devices.options[i].value ){
+ _devices.selectitem(i);
+ showCodec_details();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ menuitem2.onmouseover= function(){
+ document.getElementById('row'+this.parentNode.sp_value ).style.backgroundColor='#F6E7B6';
+ };
+ menuitem2.onmouseout=function(){
+ document.getElementById('row'+this.parentNode.sp_value ).style.backgroundColor='#FFFFFF';
+ };
+ menu_div.appendChild(menuitem2);
+ var menuitem4 = document.createElement('div');
+ menuitem4.innerHTML = "Advanced" ;
+ menuitem4.onclick = function(){
+ hide_mymenu( );
+ if( _$('devices').stored_config.catbyname[this.parentNode.sp_value].fieldbyname['trunkstyle'] == 'analog'){
+ gui_feedback("No Advanced settings for analog trunks ");
+ return true;
+ }
+ var _devices = _$('devices');
+ for(var i=0; i< _devices.length; i++){
+ if( this.parentNode.sp_value == _devices.options[i].value ){
+ _devices.selectitem(i);
+ _$('bg_transparent').style.display = "";
+ _$('custom_trunkname').value = _$('name').value ;
+ _$('advanced_content').style.display = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ menuitem4.onmouseover= function(){
+ document.getElementById('row'+this.parentNode.sp_value ).style.backgroundColor='#F6E7B6';
+ };
+ menuitem4.onmouseout=function(){
+ document.getElementById('row'+this.parentNode.sp_value ).style.backgroundColor='#FFFFFF';
+ };
+ menu_div.appendChild(menuitem4);
+ var menuitem3 = document.createElement('div');
+ menuitem3.innerHTML = "Delete" ;
+ menuitem3.onclick = function(){ hide_mymenu( ); deleteSP( this.parentNode.sp_value ); };
+ menuitem3.onmouseover= function(){
+ document.getElementById('row'+this.parentNode.sp_value ).style.backgroundColor='#F6E7B6';
+ };
+ menuitem3.onmouseout=function(){
+ document.getElementById('row'+this.parentNode.sp_value ).style.backgroundColor='#FFFFFF';
+ };
+ menu_div.appendChild(menuitem3);
+function codecs_save(){
+ _$('save').click( );
+ _$('codecs_content').style.display = 'none';
+ _$('bg_transparent').style.display ='none';
+function showCodec_details(){
+ update_div_setordercodecs();
+ _$('codecs_content').style.display = "";
+ _$('bg_transparent').style.display ='';
+function hide_codecs(){
+ _$('cancel').click( );
+ _$('codecs_content').style.display = 'none';
+ _$('bg_transparent').style.display ='none';
function editSP(sp_value){
isnewtrunk = 0;
- _$('userscontent_title').innerHTML = "Edit Service Provider";
- for(var i=0; i< _$('devices').length; i++){
- if(sp_value == _$('devices').options[i].value ){
- _$('devices').selectitem(i);
+ $('userscontent_title').innerHTML = "Edit Service Provider";
+ var _devices = _$('devices');
+ for(var i=0; i< _devices.length; i++){
+ if(sp_value == _devices.options[i].value ){
+ _devices.selectitem(i);
+ activateanalogvoip();
+// Allowed/Disallowed codescs related functions
+function enable_selectedcodec(){
+ // add to allowed
+ selectbox_add("allowed" , _$('disallowed').value );
+ // remove selected from disallowed
+ selectbox_remove("disallowed", _$('disallowed').value );
+ update_ordercodecs();
+function disable_selectedcodec(){
+ // add to disallowed
+ selectbox_add("disallowed" , _$('allowed').value );
+ // remove selected from allowed
+ selectbox_remove("allowed", _$('allowed').value );
+ update_ordercodecs();
+function selectbox_add(selectbox_id, codec){
+ switch(codec) {
+ case 'ulaw': addtosel("u-law","ulaw",selectbox_id) ; break;
+ case 'alaw': addtosel("a-law","alaw",selectbox_id) ; break;
+ case 'gsm': addtosel("GSM","gsm",selectbox_id) ; break ;
+ case 'ilbc': addtosel("ILBC","ilbc",selectbox_id) ; break ;
+ case 'speex': addtosel("SPEEX","speex",selectbox_id) ; break ;
+ case 'g726': addtosel("G.726","g726",selectbox_id) ; break ;
+ case 'adpcm': addtosel("ADPCM","adpcm",selectbox_id) ; break ;
+ case 'lpc10': addtosel("LPC10","lpc10",selectbox_id) ; break ;
+ case 'g729': addtosel("G.729","g729",selectbox_id) ; break ;
+ default: break
+ }
+ function addtosel(a,b,c){ // a is text, b is value, c is the select box id
+ var newoption = document.createElement('option');
+ newoption.text = a ;
+ newoption.value = b ;
+ var selectbox = document.getElementById( c );
+ try {
+ selectbox.add(newoption, null); // standards compliant; doesn't work in IE
+ }catch(ex) {
+ selectbox.add(newoption); // IE only
+ }
+ }
+function selectbox_remove(selectbox_id,codec){
+ for (var x=0; x < $(selectbox_id).length; x++){
+ if( $(selectbox_id).options[x].value==codec ){ $(selectbox_id).remove(x); return true;}
+ }
+function update_ordercodecs(){
+ var _allow = _$('allow') ;
+ var _allowed = _$('allowed') ;
+ var _disallow = _$('disallow');
+ var _disallowed = _$('disallowed');
+ _disallow.value = "";
+ _allow.value = "";
+ if(_$('disallow_all').checked){
+ _disallow.value = "all";
+ }else{
+ for (var x=0; x < _disallowed.length ; x++){
+ if(x==0){
+ _disallow.value = _disallowed.options[x].value ;
+ }else{
+ _disallow.value = _disallow.value + "," + _disallowed.options[x].value ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (var x=0; x < _allowed.length ; x++){
+ if(x==0){
+ _allow.value = _allowed.options[x].value ;
+ }else{
+ _allow.value = _allow.value + "," + _allowed.options[x].value ;
+ }
+ }
+ _$('save').disabled = false;
+ _$('cancel').disabled = false;
+function update_div_setordercodecs(){
+ _$('disallowed').innerHTML=""; _$('allowed').innerHTML="";
+ if( _$('disallow').value == "all" ){
+ _$('disallow_all').checked = true;
+ selectbox_add("disallowed", "ulaw");
+ selectbox_add("disallowed", "alaw");
+ selectbox_add("disallowed", "gsm");
[... 2029 lines stripped ...]
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