[Asterisk-doc] docs introduction.xml,1.13,1.14

websmith asterisk-doc@lists.digium.com
Sun, 27 Jun 2004 15:12:10 +0000

Update of /cvsroot/asterisk/docs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv9956

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Made a few grammatical changes, and tried to make the introduction sound less
Index: introduction.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/asterisk/docs/introduction.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.13
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -C2 -d -r1.13 -r1.14
*** introduction.xml	11 Jun 2004 19:46:49 -0000	1.13
--- introduction.xml	27 Jun 2004 15:12:04 -0000	1.14
*** 6,23 ****
  			<title>Asterisk: The Swiss Army Knife of Telephony</title>
! 			Welcome to the wonderful world of Asterisk.  You have discovered the most powerful, open software PBX system.  
! 			Asterisk essentially allows you to connect any number of telephony devices together in one complete package.  
! 			Many common PBX features such as voicemail, call queuing, conferences, music on hold and others are included.  
! 			Because of the open nature of the system you can modify and code scripts to further customize it for any job.  
! 			Asterisk includes many professionally recorded sound clips by Allison Smith.  
! 			These can be combined with scripting to create almost any dialplan.
! 			Since Asterisk can do so many things it is not possible to cover them all in this book.  
  			We will attempt to cover the most commonly used features of the system and attempt to answer many of the 
! 			commonly asked questions.  This book contains quite a few appendices which became a bit of a necessity as 
! 			there was so much to material cover.  As you follow through some of the syntax in this book, you may find 
! 			them useful to clear up any questions such as how a command is used, or what a specific acronym means.
--- 6,20 ----
  			<title>Asterisk: The Swiss Army Knife of Telephony</title>
! 			Welcome to the wonderful world of Asterisk.  You have discovered, in our opinion, the most powerful open source PBX system.  
! 			Asterisk essentially allows you to create a telephony system that is customized for your exact needs.  
! 			Many common PBX features such as voicemail, call queuing, conferencing, music on hold and others are included.  
! 			Because of the open nature of the system, you can modify and code scripts to further customize Asterisk.  If needed, you can even modify the source code to fit your particular needs.
! 			Since Asterisk is so powerful yet flexible, it will be impossible to cover all the possible uses and configurations in this book.
  			We will attempt to cover the most commonly used features of the system and attempt to answer many of the 
! 			frequently asked questions.  We have also included several appendices that we feel make good reference material, and cover subjects such as application programming in C, configuring varios types of hardware, and sample configuration files.  
! 			We've also included a glossary to help you find definitions for terms and acronyms used in this book.
*** 25,30 ****
  			<title>Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills</title>
  			This book assumes the reader has knowledge of both telephony and 
! 			Linux system administration. 
--- 22,28 ----
  			<title>Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills</title>
+ 			Asterisk has a steep learning curve, and some skills are required before beginning to set up and Asterisk System.
  			This book assumes the reader has knowledge of both telephony and 
! 			Linux system administration.  
*** 40,46 ****
  				For the novice, a good introductory work is Noll's 
  				<citetitle pubwork="book">Introduction to Telephones and
! 				Telephone Systems</citetitle>. Another indispensable 
  				resource for all skill levels is <citetitle pubwork="book">
! 				Newton's Telecom Dictionary</citetitle>.
--- 38,44 ----
  				For the novice, a good introductory work is Noll's 
  				<citetitle pubwork="book">Introduction to Telephones and
! 				Telephone Systems</citetitle>, published by Artech House Publishers. Another indispensable 
  				resource for all skill levels is <citetitle pubwork="book">
! 				Newton's Telecom Dictionary</citetitle>, published by CMP Books.
*** 60,67 ****
  				<citetitle pubwork="book"> Linux Administration Handbook
  				</citetitle> and <citetitle pubwork="book">Unix System
! 				Administration Handbook</citetitle> are the best. Buying
  				one or two of these books can save a lot of headaches down
  				the road.
--- 58,71 ----
  				<citetitle pubwork="book"> Linux Administration Handbook
  				</citetitle> and <citetitle pubwork="book">Unix System
! 				Administration Handbook</citetitle> are recommended. Buying
  				one or two of these books can save a lot of headaches down
  				the road.
+ 				<note>
+ 				<title>Other Systems</title>
+ 				<para>
+ 					While Asterisk has been known to work on other hardware platforms (such as x86_64) and other operating systems (such as FreeBSD), we recommend you use Asterisk under Linux on an i386, especially while you are first starting out.  Getting Asterisk up and running on other platforms or operating systems is not for the faint of heart!
+ 				</para>
+ 				</note>