[Asterisk-doc] docs other-hardware.xml,1.2,1.3

blitzrage asterisk-doc@lists.digium.com
Fri, 11 Jun 2004 16:08:19 +0000

Update of /cvsroot/asterisk/docs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv9161/docs

Modified Files:
Log Message:
- added information regarding mISDN and changed a couple of * to Asterisk

NOTE TO SELF: perform 'cvs update docs' before 'cvs ci docs'... sheesh :)
Index: other-hardware.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/asterisk/docs/other-hardware.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.3
*** other-hardware.xml	11 Jun 2004 03:43:09 -0000	1.2
--- other-hardware.xml	11 Jun 2004 16:08:13 -0000	1.3
*** 30,34 ****
! 				There are several ways of integrating ISDN channels in *. Out of the box *
  				only supports isdn4linux (chan_modem_i4l), but there are 2 more powerful
  				3rd party channel modules available: chan_capi utilizes capi supported ISDN
--- 30,34 ----
! 				There are several ways of integrating ISDN channels in Asterisk. Out of the box Asterisk
  				only supports isdn4linux (chan_modem_i4l), but there are 2 more powerful
  				3rd party channel modules available: chan_capi utilizes capi supported ISDN
*** 56,60 ****
  					to the ISDN card. 
  					This is a list of those implemented in chan_capi: 
--- 56,70 ----
  					to the ISDN card. 
! 				<para>
! 					In the past it was not possible to have a passive AVM Fritz card on a PTP
! 					mode ISDN line. You can now use the AVM Fritz card in P2P mode if you use
! 					the mISDN capi layer with chan_capi.  You don't have to rely on a
! 					kernel-tainting module anymore.  Of     course it makes sense to use an HFC-PCI
! 					card instead since it will provide your box with zaptel timing and echo
! 					cancelation.  The driver can be found at <ulink url="http://www.beronet.com/?PageID=3017"
! 					type="http">http://www.beronet.com/?PageID=3017</ulink>.
! 					</para>		
  					This is a list of those implemented in chan_capi: 
*** 125,134 ****
  					The zapbri and qozap drivers take a bit different approach than chan_capi: they implement a full zaptel driver
! 					for asterisk on ISDN cards based on the HFC chipset and can provide either TE and NT mode on a per port basis.
! 					As with all zaptel drivers you can have any amount of these cards in your asterisk box.
! 					The qozap driver is for 4 port (quadBRI) and 8 port (octoBRI) ISDN cards that also are designed and sold by it's
  					developer. These cards can provide power and termination on the port for NT mode and do offer an internal PCM bus,
  					that connects all quadBRI or octoBRI cards together to interconnect up to 64 full duplex connections at 64 kbit/s each
--- 135,144 ----
  					The zapbri and qozap drivers take a bit different approach than chan_capi: they implement a full zaptel driver
! 					for Asterisk on ISDN cards based on the HFC chipset and can provide either TE and NT mode on a per port basis.
! 					As with all zaptel drivers you can have any amount of these cards in your Asterisk box.
! 					The qozap driver is for 4 port (quadBRI) and 8 port (octoBRI) ISDN cards that are also designed and sold by it's
  					developer. These cards can provide power and termination on the port for NT mode and do offer an internal PCM bus,
  					that connects all quadBRI or octoBRI cards together to interconnect up to 64 full duplex connections at 64 kbit/s each
*** 137,141 ****
! 					The zaphfc driver is basically the same driver just for a single port ISDN card available at about 30$ in most hardware
  					stores. TE mode, hooking it up against your ISDN line, is trivial and works as good as with the capi based cards,
  					however to get NT mode to work with this card you will need to build yourself an ISDN crossover cable and provide power
--- 147,151 ----
! 					The zaphfc driver is basically the same driver just for a single port ISDN card available for about $30US in most hardware
  					stores. TE mode, hooking it up against your ISDN line, is trivial and works as good as with the capi based cards,
  					however to get NT mode to work with this card you will need to build yourself an ISDN crossover cable and provide power
*** 144,148 ****
! 					These drivers are quite new and require to patch both asterisk, libpri and build the kernel module (zapbri/qozap) to
  					get them working, but once this is done you have full featured zap channels on these cards, which makes them really interesting.
--- 154,158 ----
! 					These drivers are quite new and require to patch both Asterisk &amp; libpri and build the kernel module (zapbri/qozap) to
  					get them working, but once this is done you have full featured zap channels on these cards, which makes them really interesting.