[Asterisk-doc] docs building-modules.xml,NONE,1.1 other-hardware.xml,NONE,1.1 hgta.xml,1.24,1.25 installation.xml,1.15,1.16 introduction.xml,1.8,1.9

blitzrage asterisk-doc@lists.digium.com
Thu, 10 Jun 2004 01:55:03 +0000

Update of /cvsroot/asterisk/docs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv19783/docs

Modified Files:
	hgta.xml installation.xml introduction.xml 
Added Files:
	building-modules.xml other-hardware.xml 
Log Message:
- mostly moving stuff around.  Moved hardware stuff out of introduction and
installation to appendicies 8 and 9 (other-hardware and building-modules)
- added files building-modules.xml and other-hardware.xml
--- NEW FILE: building-modules.xml ---
(This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)
--- NEW FILE: other-hardware.xml ---
(This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)
Index: hgta.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/asterisk/docs/hgta.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -C2 -d -r1.24 -r1.25
*** hgta.xml	11 Jan 2004 08:01:14 -0000	1.24
--- hgta.xml	10 Jun 2004 01:54:58 -0000	1.25
*** 22,25 ****
--- 22,27 ----
  <!ENTITY appendix06  SYSTEM "api-ref.xml">		<!-- The Asterisk C API Reference -->
  <!ENTITY appendix07  SYSTEM "other-systems.xml">	<!-- Other Open Source Telephony Systems -->
+ <!ENTITY appendix08  SYSTEM "other-hardware.xml">  <!-- Other Hardware - non-Digium -->
+ <!ENTITY appendix09  SYSTEM "building-modules.xml">  <!-- Building Non-Standard Modules -->
  <!ENTITY glossary    SYSTEM "glossary.xml">		<!-- Glossary of Terms -->
  <!ENTITY colophon    SYSTEM "colophon.xml">		<!-- Colophon / Why we are doing this -->
*** 46,49 ****
--- 48,53 ----
+ &appendix08;
+ &appendix09;
Index: installation.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/asterisk/docs/installation.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.15
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -C2 -d -r1.15 -r1.16
*** installation.xml	2 Jun 2004 02:24:55 -0000	1.15
--- installation.xml	10 Jun 2004 01:54:58 -0000	1.16
*** 171,271 ****
- 		<sect2>
- 			<title>ISDN Cards</title>
- 			<para>[This should probably be moved somewhere else.]</para>
- 			<para>
- 				ISDN hardware in most parts of the world are not very expensive. A basic AVM card
- 				that comes with CAPI compatible kernel modules is available for about $40US. 
- 				Sometimes there are several differences between the capacity of the cards such as
- 				having more than 2 B-channels and supporting different ISDN standards.
- 				</para>
- 			<sect3>
- 				<title>chan_capi</title>
- 				<para>
- 					This channel driver is programmed to work even with multiple ISDN cards.
- 					To use chan_capi you must have support for CAPI and your ISDN card in your
- 					kernel configuration. You will have to check with your vendor to see if your
- 					particular card is supported, but Linux has good support for ISDN cards, so
- 					most likely it will.  Cards such as Eicon and AVM are known to work with
- 					Asterisk. However it can be a bit tricky to get CAPI support working for
- 					different ISDN cards. Be also aware, that chan_capi only provides TE mode,
- 					you can only use it for connecting your asterisk box to a ISDN line, not connect
- 					phones internally to the ISDN card. The following links have good descriptions
- 					on how to get CAPI support for several cards.
- 					</para>
- 				<para>
- 					chan_capi is a third party channel driver, that can be downloaded at <ulink url="http://www.junghanns.net/asterisk/" type="http">http://www.junghanns.net/asterisk/</ulink>
- 					</para>
- 				<para>
- 					For a "Eicon Diva" visit:
- 					</para>
- 				<para>
- 					<simplelist>
- 						<member><ulink url="http://www.melware.de/de/index.html" type="http">http://www.melware.de/de/index.html</ulink></member>
- 						<member><ulink url="http://isdn4linux.org/~armin/divas/" type="http">http://isdn4linux.org/~armin/divas/</ulink></member>
- 						<member><ulink url="http://www.eicon.com/worldwide/products/WAN/cn4linux.htm" type="http">http://www.eicon.com/worldwide/products/WAN/cn4linux.htm</ulink></member>
- 						</simplelist>
- 					</para>
- 				<para>
- 					For AVM cards visit:
- 					</para>
- 				<para>
- 					<ulink url="http://www.avm.de" type="http">http://www.avm.de</ulink>
- 					</para>
- 				<para>
- 					For AVM-Fritz! cards: 
- 					</para>
- 				<para>
- 					<ulink url="ftp://ftp.avm.de/cardware/fritzcrd.pci/linux/suse.82/" type="http">ftp://ftp.avm.de/cardware/fritzcrd.pci/linux/suse.82/</ulink> (not only for SuSE)
- 					<ulink url="http://www.linux-magazin.de/Artikel/ausgabe/2000/10/Capi/capi.html" type="http">http://www.linux-magazin.de/Artikel/ausgabe/2000/10/Capi/capi.html</ulink> (German article on getting capi to work with AVM Fritz!)
- 					</para>
- 				</sect3>
- 			<sect3>
- 				<title>zapbri, qozap</title>
- 				<para>
- 					The zapbri and qozap drivers take a bit different approach than chan_capi: they implement a full zaptel driver
- 					for asterisk on ISDN cards based on the HFC chipset and can provide either TE and NT mode on a per port basis.
- 					As with all zaptel drivers you can have any amount of these cards in your asterisk box.
- 					</para>
- 				<para>
- 					The qozap driver is for 4 port (quadBRI) and 8 port (octoBRI) ISDN cards that also are designed and sold by it's
- 					developer. These cards can provide power and termination on the port for NT mode and do offer an internal PCM bus,
- 					that connects all quadBRI or octoBRI cards together to interconnect up to 64 full duplex connections at 64 kbit/s each
- 					without using that bandwidth on the PCI bus or the host CPU.
- 					</para>
- 				<para>
- 					The zaphfc driver is basically the same driver just for a single port ISDN card available at about 30$ in most hardware
- 					stores. TE mode, hooking it up against your ISDN line, is trivial and works as good as with the capi based cards,
- 					however to get NT mode to work with this card you will need to build yourself an ISDN crossover cable and provide power
- 					and termination on the ISDN bus. This can be done by taking an old NT1 that not is in use anymore and modify it a little.
- 					</para>
- 				<para>
- 					These drivers are quite new and require to patch both asterisk, libpri and build the kernel module (zapbri/qozap) to
- 					get them working, but once this is done you have full featured zap channels on these cards, which makes them really interesting.
- 					</para>
- 				<para>
- 					zapbri and qozap are third party modules for asterisk and can be downloaded at:
- 					<ulink url="http://www.junghanns.net/asterisk/" type="http">http://www.junghanns.net/asterisk/</ulink>. The package to download
- 					there is called "bristuff".
- 					</para>
- 				</sect3>
- 		</sect2>
- 		<sect2>
- 			<title>Other Cards (LineJack/PhoneJack/VoiceTronix/Dialogic)</title>
- 			<para/>
- 		</sect2>
--- 171,174 ----
*** 413,417 ****
! 				<title>Updating asterisk with make update</title>
  				Updating Asterisk is actually very simple.  All you need to do is a <command>make update</command>
--- 316,320 ----
! 				<title>Updating Asterisk with make update</title>
  				Updating Asterisk is actually very simple.  All you need to do is a <command>make update</command>
*** 548,668 ****
- 			<title>Building additional modules</title>
- 			<para>
- 			Beyond the base install and drivers, Asterisk contains many additional
- 			modules which are not compiled by default.  This is to help simplify the
- 			installation of Asterisk and not to cause the system to be bloated with
- 			extra code that a user may not have a use for.
- 			</para>
- 			<para>
- 			[This is just a rough introduction, however we should expand upon it.
- 			Mention things that your system already needs to have running, what
- 			extra software or hardware you need for this to work, and any other
- 			issues that should be mentioned briefly before we get in too deep]
- 			</para>
- 			<sect3>
- 				<title>H323 - McNamara</title>
- 				<para>
- 				[Not sure what the difference is between McNamara and Manousos, but either
- 				way lets try and be as detailed as possible]
- 				</para>
- 			</sect3>
- 			<sect3>
- 				<title>H323 - Manousos</title>
- 				<para/>
- 			</sect3>
- 			<sect3>
- 				<title>MySQL CDR</title>
- 				<para>
- 				[Lets explain that MySQL support has not been removed from Asterisk but
- 				that it has been moved to a different section of CVS due to licensing
- 				issues.  This might be a good section to explain them a little bit.
- 				Instructions should include how to get MySQL support put back into Asterisk
- 				plus how to setup any CDR recording as opposed to simply using CSV.  Tell
- 				them how to compile, what they will need, and common problems people face
- 				when trying to get this to work.  We may be able to mention about adding
- 				extensions and dialplans and other configuration files into MySQL, but
- 				maybe that should be a little bit later on, either in the cookbook, or
- 				in some advanced configuration sections.  This chapter is for installation,
- 				and not configuration.]
- 				</para>
- 			</sect3>
- 			<sect3>
- 				<title>CAPI/ISDN</title>
- 				<para>
- 				[We should give some introduction and clean this up a bit so it flows
- 				better in our book here]
- 				</para>
- 				<para>
- 					The complete source code is available from Kapejod's website
- 				</para>
- 				<para>
- 					<ulink url="http://www.junghanns.net/asterisk/downloads/chan_capi.0.3.0.tar.gz" type="http">
- 					http://www.junghanns.net/asterisk/downloads/chan_capi.0.3.0.tar.gz</ulink>
- 				</para>
- 				<para>
- 					Copy the sources to a folder of your choice and type the following 
- 					commands to untar the source and change into its directory tree.
- 				</para>
- 					<literallayout>
- 					<command>tar zxf chan_capi.0.3.0.tar.gz</command>
- 					<command>cd chan_capi-0.3.0/</command>						
- 					</literallayout>
- 				<para>
- 					Now edit the file Makefile with your favorite editor to set it to your needs. 
- 					First set the path to your asterisk include files.
- 				</para>
- 					<literallayout>
- 					"ASTERISK_HEADER_DIR=/usr/include/asterisk		# standard path"
- 					</literallayout>
- 				<para>
- 					Then you can set some build time configuration parameters like early B3 
- 					connects, DEFLECT_ON_CIRCUITBUSY or software DTMF detection/generation. 
- 					If everything is done simply save the file.
- 				</para>
- 					<literallayout>
- 					To compile and install the driver type:
- 					<command>make &amp;&amp; make install</command>
- 					To install a sample capi.conf in asterisks conf dir:
- 					<command>make config</command>
- 					</literallayout>
- 				<para>
- 					After this setup add in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
- 				</para>
- 					<literallayout>
- 					<command>load =&gt; chan_ca-pi.so</command>
- 					</literallayout>
- 				<para>
- 					and in the [global] section:
- 				</para>
- 					<literallayout>
- 					<command>"chan_capi.so=yes"</command>
- 					</literallayout>
- 				<para>
- 					After these steps your channel module is available in Asterisk but it has to be 
- 					configured. This is done in the main CAPI configuration file <filename>capi.conf</filename>.
- 				</para>
- 			</sect3>
- 		</sect2>
- 		<sect2>
  			<title>Common Build Errors / Warnings</title>
--- 451,454 ----
Index: introduction.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/asterisk/docs/introduction.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -C2 -d -r1.8 -r1.9
*** introduction.xml	2 Jun 2004 01:20:50 -0000	1.8
--- introduction.xml	10 Jun 2004 01:54:58 -0000	1.9
*** 349,353 ****
! 			<sect3>
  				<title>Dial and Other Basics</title>
--- 349,372 ----
! 				<para>
! 				Asterisk comes with many applications built into it.  These applications are
! 				used for manipulating calls and giving the user an interactive system.  These
! 				applications are then used to build a custom dialplan.  You will be learning
! 				how applications like Dial and other basics work in a dialplan, plus the actual
! 				dialplan scripting.
! 				</para>
! 				<para>
! 				The voicemail system, called Comedian, will be extensibly covered.  This will
! 				include the backend configuration of the voicemail system for use within Asterisk
! 				as well as the actual use of the Comedian mail system.
! 				</para>
! 				<para>
! 				You can extend the capabilities of Asterisk through the AGI scripting interface.
! 				This allows you to create custom applications in virtually any language and
! 				tie them into your Asterisk PBX system.
! 				</para>
! 			</sect2>
! <!--			<sect3>
  				<title>Dial and Other Basics</title>
*** 375,380 ****
  				<title>Custom Applications</title>
!   			</sect3>
! 		</sect2>
--- 394,398 ----
  				<title>Custom Applications</title>
!   			</sect3> -->
*** 385,391 ****
  				<title>Soft Phones</title>
! 				[blitzrage - removed the specific names of phones.  This should be on the
! 				http://www.asteriskdocs.org website.  Lets be more general here and explain
! 				what a softphone is and advantages and disadvantages of them]
  <!--			<sect4>
--- 403,415 ----
  				<title>Soft Phones</title>
! 				Softphones are software based interfaces on a modern PC.  These softphones
! 				allow you to place and receive calls at your computer using a headset and
! 				microphone.  Softphones have the advantage of being extremely portable,
! 				especially with a laptop.  There are several freely available softphones
! 				working with a variety of protocols.  Because of the number of softphones
! 				available and their configurations, they will not be covered extensively
! 				so you should consult the documentation of any softphone which you wish
! 				to use.  We will however deal with the configuration of Asterisk for use
! 				with softphones.
  <!--			<sect4>
*** 409,413 ****
  				<title>Management Tools</title>
! 					<title>Astman/Gastman</title>
--- 433,437 ----
  				<title>Management Tools</title>
! 				<title>Astman/Gastman</title>
*** 457,514 ****
- 			<sect3>
- 				<title>Other hardware options</title>
- 				<para>
- 				[blitzrage - probably going to move this stuff to an appendix]
- 				</para>
- 				<sect4>
- 					<title>VoiceTronix OpenLine and OpenSwitch Cards</title>
- 					<para/>
-   				</sect4>
- 				<sect4>
- 					<title>QuickNet Cards</title>
- 					<para/>
-   				</sect4>
- 				<sect4>
- 					<title>ISDN/CAPI Cards (Eicon, etc.)</title>
- 					<para>Integrating ISDN channels to * can be done by several ways.
- 					Basically isdn4linux support is implemented in Asterisk.
- 					So called chan_modem_i4l. Another way is trough the powerful CAPI
- 					interface. chan_capi is developed under the terms of the GPL an maintained
- 					by "Sir Kapejod". It is highly recommended to use chan_capi if your card
- 					is supported, because chan_capi supports even more functions than
- 					chan_modem_i4l. Because of this, this documentation is currently only
- 					written for chan_capi.
- 					All cards are welcome which come with native LINUX CAPI drivers.
- 					</para>
- 					<para>
- 					With its features you are able to build your own ISDN-Box.
- 					This is a list of those implemented in chan_capi: 
- 					</para>
- 					<para>
- 					<itemizedlist>
- 					<listitem><para>ISDN connection handling (CID,DNID)</para></listitem>
- 					<listitem><para>multiple Controller support</para></listitem>
- 					<listitem><para>digital audio support</para></listitem>
- 					<listitem><para>DTMF detection/generation</para></listitem>
- 					<listitem><para>incoming/outgoing calls</para></listitem>
- 					<listitem><para>CLIP/CLIR</para></listitem>
- 					<listitem><para>early B3 connects</para></listitem>
- 					<listitem><para>native ISDN indications</para></listitem>
- 					<listitem><para>CD, HOLD, RETRIEVE, etc.</para></listitem>
- 					<listitem><para>overlap sending (dialtone)</para></listitem>
- 					<listitem><para>DID on P2P</para></listitem>
- 					<listitem><para>call progress (INFO_IND)</para></listitem>
- 					<listitem><para>RX/TX gains</para></listitem>
- 					<listitem><para>call deflection on circuit busy</para></listitem>
- 					</itemizedlist>
- 					</para>
-   				</sect4>
- 				<sect4>
- 					<title>Dialogic Cards (and Proprietary Drivers)</title>
- 					<para/>
-   				</sect4>
-   			</sect3>
  <!-- This stuff can probably go on the website, or pointed at the wiki -->		
--- 481,484 ----