[Asterisk-doc] docs bookinfo.xml,1.8,1.9 voip-providers.xml,1.3,1.4

blitzrage asterisk-doc@lists.digium.com
Wed, 2 Jun 2004 22:36:22 +0000

Update of /cvsroot/asterisk/docs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv9489/docs

Modified Files:
	bookinfo.xml voip-providers.xml 
Log Message:
Martin List-Petersen
- submit changes to bookinfo.xml and voip-providers.xml contributed on
June 2, 2004
Index: bookinfo.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/asterisk/docs/bookinfo.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -C2 -d -r1.8 -r1.9
*** bookinfo.xml	31 May 2004 02:06:33 -0000	1.8
--- bookinfo.xml	2 Jun 2004 22:36:16 -0000	1.9
*** 37,40 ****
--- 37,44 ----
+ 		<author>
+ 			<firstname>Martin</firstname>
+ 			<surname>List-Petersen</surname>
+ 		</author>
Index: voip-providers.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/asterisk/docs/voip-providers.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** voip-providers.xml	2 Jun 2004 00:24:43 -0000	1.3
--- voip-providers.xml	2 Jun 2004 22:36:16 -0000	1.4
*** 31,35 ****
! 							<para>Free subscription to a direct phoneno. in the US (Washington, IPKall) and UK (CallUK)</para>
--- 31,35 ----
! 							<para>Free subscription to a direct phoneno. in the US (Washington, IPKall) and UK (National rate, CallUK)</para>
*** 279,282 ****
--- 279,367 ----
+ 			<title><ulink url="http://www.gossiptel.com/" type="url">Gossiptel</ulink></title>
+ 			<para/>
+ 			<sect3>
+ 				<title>Description</title>
+ 				<para>
+ 					Gossiptel is a commercial SIP Directory provider based in the UK, that gives
+ 					you a free national phoneno.
+ 					</para>
+ 			</sect3>
+ 			<sect3>
+ 				<title>Services</title>
+ 				<para>
+ 					<orderedlist>
+ 						<listitem>
+ 							<para>Direct phone number that can be called at national rate (0870).</para>
+ 							</listitem>
+ 						<listitem>
+ 							<para>Online Call details of any incoming, outgoing or missed calls.</para>
+ 							</listitem>
+ 						<listitem>
+ 							<para>
+ 								Prepaid purchase of outgoing calls to any PSTN number.
+ 								</para>
+ 							</listitem>
+ 						<listitem>
+ 							<para>
+ 								Advanced Voicemail.
+ 								</para>
+ 							</listitem>
+ 						</orderedlist>
+ 					</para>
+ 			</sect3>
+ 			<sect3>
+ 				<title>Setup Examples</title>
+ 				<para>
+ 					<example>
+ 						<title>sip.conf</title>
+ 						<programlisting>
+ 							register => 1234567:password@sip.gossiptel.com
+ 							[gossiptel]
+ 								type=peer
+ 								secret=password
+ 								username=1234567
+ 								host=sip.gossiptel.com
+ 							</programlisting>
+ 						</example>
+ 					<example>
+ 						<title>extensions.conf</title>
+ 						<programlisting>
+ 								;
+ 								; 0 is needed in front of the area code 
+ 								;
+ 								exten => _44ZX.,1,SetCallerID(Your Name <1234567>)
+ 								exten => _44ZX.,2,Dial(SIP/0${EXTEN:2}@gossiptel)
+ 								exten => _44ZX.,3,Hangup
+ 								;
+ 								; 00 is the international dial code used in Europe.
+ 								;
+ 								exten => _XXXX.,1,SetCallerID(Your Name <1234567>)
+ 								exten => _XXXX.,2,Dial(SIP/00${EXTEN}@gossiptel)
+ 								exten => _XXXX.,3,Hangup
+ 							</programlisting>
+ 						</example>
+ 					</para>
+ 			</sect3>
+ 			<sect3>
+ 				<title>Technical Setup</title>
+ 				<para/>
+ 				<sect4>
+ 					<title>Protocols</title>
+ 					<para>
+ 						Gossiptel only supports SIP.
+ 						</para>
+ 				</sect4>
+ 				<sect4>
+ 					<title>Help</title>
+ 					<para>
+ 						Telephone support available from 9am to 9pm UK time.
+ 					</para>
+ 				</sect4>
+ 			</sect3>
+ 		</sect2>
+ 		<sect2>
  			<title><ulink url="http://www.sipgate.de/" type="url">SipGate</ulink></title>
*** 320,324 ****
  				<title>What to Expect</title>
! 					SIPGate is a German commercial provider, so their website is completely in German. If you can life with that,
  					you get a great service. They have been rated as one of the best VoIP providers available in Germany by most magazines.
--- 405,409 ----
  				<title>What to Expect</title>
! 					SIPGate is a German commercial provider, so their website is completely in German. If you can live with that,
  					you get a great service. They have been rated as one of the best VoIP providers available in Germany by most magazines.