[Asterisk-doc] Changes

Jared Smith asterisk-doc@lists.digium.com
Sun, 11 Jan 2004 16:55:43 -0700

I made some pretty invasive changes to the docs in CVS yesterday...
mostly renaming files to make it easier to add/move/rearrange chapters
easier.  Feel free to comment on the current chapter layout, and let me
know what you think.

I also added (most of) Steven Critchfield's writing on
extensions.conf...  I did reorganize it a little bit, and left out the
parts I think should be in a different chapter.  I've also got a bunch
of things I'd like to add to that chapter, as soon as I get some free
time.  (If you feel like writing more about extensions.conf, feel free
to.  You'll probably beat me to it anyway.)

Have a good weekend...
