[Asterisk-doc] docs appendix03.xml,1.9,1.10

websmith asterisk-doc@lists.digium.com
Thu, 18 Dec 2003 00:34:22 +0000

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I worked more on the formatting... man, some of this stuff needs to be
taken out and shot several times.
Index: appendix03.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/asterisk/docs/appendix03.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -C2 -d -r1.9 -r1.10
*** appendix03.xml	17 Dec 2003 20:00:13 -0000	1.9
--- appendix03.xml	18 Dec 2003 00:34:17 -0000	1.10
*** 582,612 ****
- <!-- Continue the work here! -->
  <formalpara><title>GotoIfTime: Conditional goto on current time</title>
! 	GotoIfTime(&lt;times&gt;|&lt;weekdays&gt;|&lt;mdays&gt;|&lt;months&gt;?[[context|]extension|]pri):
  	If the current time matches the specified time, then branch to the specified
  	extension.  Each of the elements may be specified either as '*' (for always)
  	or as a range.  See the include syntax.
- </formalpara>
  <formalpara><title>Hangup: Unconditional hangup</title>
! 	Hangup(): Unconditionally hangs up a given channel by returning -1 always.
! <formalpara><title>HasNewVoicemail: Conditionally branches to priority + 101</title>
! 	HasNewVoicemail(vmbox[@context][|varname])
! 	Branches to priority + 101, if there is new voicemail  Optionally sets 
! 	&lt;varname&gt; to the number of new messages.
  <formalpara><title>LookupBlacklist: Look up Caller*ID name/number from blacklist database</title>
! 	LookupBlacklist: Looks up the Caller*ID number on the active
  	channel in the Asterisk database (family 'blacklist').  If the
  	number is found, and if there exists a priority n + 101,
--- 582,626 ----
  <formalpara><title>GotoIfTime: Conditional goto on current time</title>
! <!-- Do we really need the angle brackets around the variables below? -->
! 	<function>GotoIfTime(<replaceable>&lt;times&gt;</replaceable>|<replaceable>&lt;weekdays&gt;</replaceable>|<replaceable>&lt;mdays&gt;</replaceable>|<replaceable>&lt;months&gt;</replaceable>?[[<replaceable>context</replaceable>|]<replaceable>extension</replaceable>|]<replaceable>priority</replaceable>)</function>
! </para>
! </formalpara>
! <para>
  	If the current time matches the specified time, then branch to the specified
  	extension.  Each of the elements may be specified either as '*' (for always)
  	or as a range.  See the include syntax.
  <formalpara><title>Hangup: Unconditional hangup</title>
! 	Hangup()
+ <para>
+ 	Unconditionally hangs up a given channel. 
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ 	Always returns -1.
+ </para>
! <formalpara><title>HasNewVoicemail: Check to see if a voicemail box contains new messages</title>
! 	<function>HasNewVoicemail(<replaceable>vmbox</replaceable>[@<replaceable>context</replaceable>][|<replaceable>varname</replaceable>])</function>
+ <para>
+ 	Branches to priority + 101, if there is new voicemail  Optionally sets 
+ 	<emphasis>varname</emphasis> to the number of new messages.
+ </para>
  <formalpara><title>LookupBlacklist: Look up Caller*ID name/number from blacklist database</title>
! 	<function>LookupBlacklist()</function>
! </para>
! </formalpara>
! <para>
! 	Looks up the Caller*ID number on the active
  	channel in the Asterisk database (family 'blacklist').  If the
  	number is found, and if there exists a priority n + 101,
*** 615,641 ****
  	Otherwise, it returns 0.  Does nothing if no Caller*ID was received on the
- 	Example: database put blacklist &lt;name/number&gt; 1
! </formalpara>
  <formalpara><title>LookupCIDName: Look up CallerID Name from local database</title>
! 	LookupCIDName: Looks up the Caller*ID number on the active
  	channel in the Asterisk database (family 'cidname') and sets the
  	Caller*ID name.  Does nothing if no Caller*ID was received on the
  	channel.  This is useful if you do not subscribe to Caller*ID
  	name delivery, or if you want to change the names on some incoming
! 	calls.  Always returns 0.
- </formalpara>
  <formalpara><title>Macro: Macro Implementation</title>
! 	Macro(macroname|arg1|arg2...): Executes a macro using the context
! 	'macro-&lt;macroname&gt;', jumping to the 's' extension of that context and
  	executing each step, then returning when the steps end.  The calling
  	extension, context, and priority are stored in ${MACRO_EXTEN},
  	${MACRO_CONTEXT} and ${MACRO_PRIORITY} respectively.  Arguments become
! 	${ARG1}, ${ARG2}, etc in the macro context.  Macro returns -1 if
  	any step in the macro returns -1, and 0 otherwise.  If you Goto out
  	of the Macro context, the Macro will terminate and control will be return
--- 629,670 ----
  	Otherwise, it returns 0.  Does nothing if no Caller*ID was received on the
! <informalexample>
! <para>
! 	<!-- Does this example make *any* sense at all? -->
! 	database put blacklist &lt;name/number&gt; 1
! </para>
! </informalexample>
  <formalpara><title>LookupCIDName: Look up CallerID Name from local database</title>
! 	<function>LookupCIDName()</function>
! </para>
! </formalpara>
! <para>
! 	Looks up the Caller*ID number on the active
  	channel in the Asterisk database (family 'cidname') and sets the
  	Caller*ID name.  Does nothing if no Caller*ID was received on the
  	channel.  This is useful if you do not subscribe to Caller*ID
  	name delivery, or if you want to change the names on some incoming
! 	calls.  
! </para>
! <para>
! 	Always returns 0.
  <formalpara><title>Macro: Macro Implementation</title>
! 	<function>Macro(<replaceable>macroname</replaceable>[[|<replaceable>arg1</replaceable>]|<replaceable>arg2</replaceable>...])</function>
! </para>
! </formalpara>
! <para>
! 	Executes a macro using the context
! 	'macro-<emphasis>macroname</emphasis>', jumping to the 's' extension of that context and
  	executing each step, then returning when the steps end.  The calling
  	extension, context, and priority are stored in ${MACRO_EXTEN},
  	${MACRO_CONTEXT} and ${MACRO_PRIORITY} respectively.  Arguments become
! 	${ARG1}, ${ARG2}, etc in the macro context.  i
! </para>
! <para>
! 	Macro returns -1 if
  	any step in the macro returns -1, and 0 otherwise.  If you Goto out
  	of the Macro context, the Macro will terminate and control will be return
*** 644,743 ****
  	MACRO_OFFSET + N + 1 if such a step exists, and N + 1 otherwise.
- </formalpara>
  <formalpara><title>MeetMe: Simple MeetMe conference bridge</title>
! 	<literallayout>
! 	 MeetMe(confno[|options]): Enters the user into a specified MeetMe conference.
  	If the conference number is omitted, the user will be prompted to enter
! 	one.  This application always returns -1. A ZAPTEL INTERFACE MUST BE
  	The option string may contain zero or more of the following characters:
! 	      'a' -- set admin mode
! 	      'm' -- set monitor only mode
! 	      'p' -- allow user to exit the conference by pressing '#'
! 	      's' -- send user to admin/user menu if '*' is received
! 	      't' -- set talk only mode
! 	      'd' -- dynamically add conference
! 	      'v' -- video mode
! 	      'q' -- quiet mode (don't play enter/leave sounds)
! 	      'M' -- enable music on hold when the conference has a single caller
! 	      'b' -- run AGI script specified in ${MEETME_AGI_BACKGROUND} (Zap channels only)
!              (does not work with non-Zap channels in the same conference)
! 	</literallayout>
! </formalpara>
  <formalpara><title>MeetMeCount: MeetMe participant count</title>
! 	MeetMeCount(confno[|var]): Plays back the number of users in the specifiedi
! 	MeetMe conference. If var is specified, playback will be skipped and the value
! 	will be returned in the variable. Returns 0 on success or -1 on a hangup.
  <formalpara><title>Milliwatt: Generate a Constant 1000Hz tone at 0dbm (mu-law)</title>
! 	Milliwatt(): Generate a Constant 1000Hz tone at 0dbm (mu-law)
  <formalpara><title>Monitor: Monitor a channel</title>
! 	Monitor
  	Used to start monitoring a channel. The channel's input and output
  	voice packets are logged to files until the channel hangs up or
  	monitoring is stopped by the StopMonitor application.
- 	<literallayout>
- 	The option string may contain the following arguments: [file_format|[fname_base]]
- 	        file_format -- optional, if not set, defaults to "wav"
- 	        fname_base -- if set, changes the filename used to the one specified.
- 	</literallayout>
! </formalpara>
  <formalpara><title>MP3Player: Play an MP3 file or stream</title>
! 	MP3Player(location) Executes mpg123 to play the given location
! 	which typically would be a  filename  or  a URL. Returns  -1  on
! 	hangup or 0 otherwise. User can exit by pressing any key
  <formalpara><title>MusicOnHold: Play Music On Hold indefinitely</title>
! 	MusicOnHold(class): Plays hold music specified by class.  If omitted, the default
! 	music source for the channel will be used.  Returns -1 on hangup.
! 	Never returns otherwise.
  <formalpara><title>NoCDR: Make sure asterisk doesn't save CDR for a certain call</title>
! 	NoCDR(): makes sure there won't be any CDR written for a certain call
  <formalpara><title>NoOp: No operation</title>
! 	NoOp(): No-operation; Does nothing.
  <formalpara><title>ParkAndAnnounce: Park and Announce</title>
! 	ParkAndAnnounce(announce:template|timeout|dial|[return_context]):
! 	Park a call into the parkinglot and announce the call over the console.
! 	announce template: colon seperated list of files to announce, the word PARKED 
! 	will be replaced by a say_digits of the ext the call is parked in
! 	timeout: time in seconds before the call returns into the return context.
! 	dial: The app_dial style resource to call to make the announcement. Console/dsp 
! 	calls the console. 
! 	return_context: the goto style label to jump the call back into after 
! 	timeout. default=prio+1
  <formalpara><title>ParkedCall: Answer a parked call</title>
--- 673,850 ----
  	MACRO_OFFSET + N + 1 if such a step exists, and N + 1 otherwise.
  <formalpara><title>MeetMe: Simple MeetMe conference bridge</title>
! 	<function>MeetMe(<replaceable>confno</replaceable>[|<replaceable>options</replaceable>])</function>
! </para>
! </formalpara>
! <para>
! 	Enters the user into a specified MeetMe conference.
  	If the conference number is omitted, the user will be prompted to enter
! 	one.  This application always returns -1. 
! </para>
! <warning>
! 	<para>
! 	See the chapter on timing interfaces for more information.
! 	</para>
! </warning>
! <para>
  	The option string may contain zero or more of the following characters:
! 	<simplelist>
! 	      <member>'a' -- set admin mode</member>
! 	      <member>'m' -- set monitor only mode</member>
! 	      <member>'p' -- allow user to exit the conference by pressing '#'</member>
! 	      <member>'s' -- send user to admin/user menu if '*' is received</member>
! 	      <member>'t' -- set talk only mode</member>
! 	      <member>'d' -- dynamically add conference</member>
! 	      <member>'v' -- video mode</member>
! 	      <member>'q' -- quiet mode (don't play enter/leave sounds)</member>
! 	      <member>'M' -- enable music on hold when the conference has a single caller</member>
! 	      <member>'b' -- run AGI script specified in ${MEETME_AGI_BACKGROUND} (Zap channels only)
!              (does not work with non-Zap channels in the same conference)</member>
! 	</simplelist>
! <!-- What does MeetMe return? Does it return? -->
  <formalpara><title>MeetMeCount: MeetMe participant count</title>
! 	<function>MeetMeCount(<replaceable>confno</replaceable>[|<replaceable>var</replaceable>])</function>
+ <para>
+ 	Plays back the number of users in the specified
+ 	MeetMe conference. If <emphasis>var</emphasis> is specified, playback will be skipped and the value
+ 	will be returned in the variable. 
+ </para>
+ <warning>
+ 	<para>
+ 	See the chapter on timing interfaces for more information.
+ 	</para>
+ </warning>
+ <para>
+ Returns 0 on success or -1 on a hangup.
+ </para>
  <formalpara><title>Milliwatt: Generate a Constant 1000Hz tone at 0dbm (mu-law)</title>
! 	<function>Milliwatt()</function>
+ <para>
+ 	Generate a Constant 1000Hz tone at 0dbm (mu-law)
+ </para>
  <formalpara><title>Monitor: Monitor a channel</title>
! 	<function>Monitor([<replaceable>file_format</replaceable>|[<replaceable>fname_basei</replaceable>]])</function>
! </para>
! </formalpara>
! <para>
  	Used to start monitoring a channel. The channel's input and output
  	voice packets are logged to files until the channel hangs up or
  	monitoring is stopped by the StopMonitor application.
! <para>
! 	Monitor takes the following arguments:	
! 	<!-- TODO: This really ought to be a variablelist, not a simplelist -->
! 	<simplelist>
! 		<member>file_format -- optional, if not set, defaults to "wav"</member>
! 		<member>fname_base -- if set, changes the filename used to the one specified</member>
! 	</simplelist>
! </para>
  <formalpara><title>MP3Player: Play an MP3 file or stream</title>
! 	<function>MP3Player(<replaceable>location</replaceable>)</function>
+ <para>
+ 	Executes <application>mpg123</application> to play the given location
+ 	which typically would be a filename or a URL. User can exit by pressing
+ 	any key.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ 	Returns -1 on hangup or 0 otherwise.
+ </para>
  <formalpara><title>MusicOnHold: Play Music On Hold indefinitely</title>
! 	<function>MusicOnHold(class)</function>
+ <para>
+ 	Plays hold music specified by class.  If omitted, the default
+ 	music source for the channel will be used.  
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ 	Returns -1 on hangup.
+ 	Never returns otherwise.
+ </para>
  <formalpara><title>NoCDR: Make sure asterisk doesn't save CDR for a certain call</title>
! 	<function>NoCDR()</function>
+ <para>
+ 	Calling this application makes sure there won't be any CDR written for the current call.
+ </para>
  <formalpara><title>NoOp: No operation</title>
! 	<function>NoOp()</function>
+ <para>
+ 	No-operation; Does nothing.
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+ 	Actually, <function>NoOp()</function> has one very useful side-effect.  It prints the argument
+ 	to the Asterisk console.  This can be very helpful when debugging.
+ </para>
+ </note>
  <formalpara><title>ParkAndAnnounce: Park and Announce</title>
! 	<function>ParkAndAnnounce(<replaceable>announce_template</replaceable>|<replaceable>timeout</replaceable>|<replaceable>dial</replaceable>|[<replaceable>return_context</replaceable>])</function>
+ <para>
+ 	Park a call into the parking lot and announce the call over the console.
+ 	<variablelist>
+ 	<varlistentry><term><emphasis>announce_template</emphasis></term>
+ 		<listitem>
+ 		<para>
+ 		colon seperated list of files to announce, the word PARKED 
+ 		will be replaced by a say_digits of the ext the call is parked in
+ 		</para>
+ 		</listitem>
+ 	</varlistentry>
+ 	<varlistentry><term><emphasis>timeout</emphasis></term>
+ 		<listitem>
+ 		<para>time in seconds before the call returns into the return context.</para>
+ 		</listitem>
+ 	</varlistentry>
+ 	<varlistentry><term><emphasis>dial</emphasis></term>
+ 		<listitem>
+ 		<para>
+ 		the app_dial style resource to call to make the announcement. Console/dsp 
+ 		calls the console. 
+ 		</para>
+ 		</listitem>
+ 	</varlistentry>
+ 	<varlistentry><term><emphasis>return_context</emphasis></term>
+ 		<listitem>
+ 		<para>
+ 		the goto style label to jump the call back into after 
+ 		timeout. Defaults to current priority + 1
+ 		</para>
+ 		</listitem>
+ 	</varlistentry>
+ 	</variablelist>
+ </para>
+ <!-- Continue the work here! -->
  <formalpara><title>ParkedCall: Answer a parked call</title>